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不是升级的win10,买回来就是win10的系统,今年六月之前虽然也会有蓝屏但不会那么频繁,也知道可能是自己使用一些很烧电脑的软件烧的(因为课程需要经常会使用Adobe Pr,Ae之类比较大的软件),但自从六月开始蓝屏越来越频繁甚至会开机都没开完就忽然蓝屏了,就算开机了什么操作都没有过几分钟就蓝屏了,偶尔能开能操作一两个小时,然后又不行了........


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Font size

Font size in new skype is too big. Add option to decrease the font size. 

Windows 10 Updated problems

Since my last Windows 10 updated that automatically took place on the 8th of June 2017 I have not been able to point and click using my mouse, touch pad or touch screen various parts of apps and Microsoft products making it close to impossible to use my Microsoft surface pro. Help! How can this be? How do I get myself out of this mess

На вашем пк возникла проблема!

Здраствуйте! У меня возникла проблема: На вашем пк возникла проблема его необходимо перезагрузить!
Уже неделю ищу информацию в интернете, так нечего и не нашел!
Раньше была Windows 7 решил переустановить на Windows 10! Прошел месяц, 2 месяца и тут бац и ошибка! Она начала появляться все чаще и чаще! Теперь только сидеть в интернете! Немогу даже зайти в игру тут появляется ошибка! Заранее блогадорю! С уваженим Михаил.

Lumia640 LTE bricked after downgraded from windows mobile 10 to windows 8.1 through WPRT


Dear Team,

I bought lumia 640 lte a year back and was working like a charm. I upgraded to windows 10 thorugh upgrade advisor and was using the phone for a week. All of sudden some applications were not opening and was in the mode of "loading". I thought of downgrading from windows 10 to windows8 through WPRT. I just plugged in the USB and within seconds phone gone to black mode. Once again connected through WPRT and the device is failed after emerging flashing.That was the end of my phone. I am windows phone lover and never used other than windows phone. I am totally handicapped without phone. Pl help in resolving the issue.. Taken to microsoft office at Chennai, Tamil nadu, India they also returned the phone stating that phone is not responding.Requesting somebody to help on this.

Untitled Exclamation Icon


Every time i play games, it appear exclamation on notifications area icon and disappear when click it.

It's not like this when i'm using windows 7.

This is the pict : http://imgur.com/w6e3zdX

any idea how to fix it ?

(sorry for my bad english)

Where to find settings and how to delete messagers

Can someone please tell my how to find settings on Skype android and how do I delete messages from a chat

Bluescreen error



I have a lenovo flex 2, after a first bluescreen error that say's CRItICAL PROCESS DIED and then he starts normal but then he say's CRITICAL SERVICE FAILED 

help pleasse !!

Word 2013 编辑时字出来的比较慢 光标有卡顿现象

系统是Windows7 Office2013标准版,其他组件不会有问题,但使用Word打字的时候字显示的比较慢,光标有卡顿,有几台电脑有类似情况,这个是和系统有关还是Office问题呢?

passaggi non voluti da app a schermata start, ogni ora


Da alcuni giorni, accade un fenomeno strano sul mio Surface Pro 4 con Windows 10 Pro (versione 1703, build 15063.296

Allo scoccare del quinto minuto di ogni ora (per es.: 7.05, 8.05, eccetera) ,qualsiasi sia l'app in esecuzione (un gioco, il pannello di controllo, un documento pdf, eccetera), Windows 10torna alla schermata Start (esattamente come accade quando si preme il pulsante Start sulla barra delle applicazioni) e devo ritornare manualmente all'app che stavo usando.

Non c'è alcun messaggio di sistema, nessuna notifica (che io sappia). Ho eliminato, per prova, tutte le notifiche. Ho cercato di analizzare il registro degli eventi, e l'elenco dei servizi, per scoprire quale componente lavora in quel limitato lasso di tempo, ogni ora.

Vorrei sapere cosa e come indagare, per venirne a capo.

(questo comportamento anomalo è difficile da inserire correttamente in una categoria. Ho scelto 'Prestazioni' perché mi sembra il più adatto, ma se i moderatori spostano il quesito in altra categoria va benissimo)


我已有一後段時間沒有登入hotmail , 但近日再次登入發現以前舊有的hotmail信件都不見了,請求技術人員協助回復遺失的信件! 感謝

Connectivité sur Pc portable



Je vient vers vous car j ai actuellement mon pc portable ou je n arrive pas à me connecter. Habituellement j'utilise la reconnaissance faciale, mais celle ci ne fonctionne plus, il me demande egalement d etre connecté à un reseau.

Donc je me connecte tape le mot de passe mais celui ci ne marche pas et me dit de me rendre sur "account.live.com".

Je pense du coup que mon compte microsoft a du fusionner avec le compte du pc mais malheureusement l email presente que je ne peux changer est different de mon gmail.

J ai bien entendue réinitialisé le mdp mais rien y fait..

Que faire apart tout reset !!!



skype non è al momento disponibile


Da ieri non riesco ad accedere dal mio MacBook Air all' account Skype. Il messaggio è "Skype non è al momento disponibile". Però accedo senza problemi dall' Iphone. Ho provato a mettere in modalità aereo il cell, ma niente. Cosa posso fare?


Skype changes

Split from this thread.

Skype become very bad and unuseful, and help and support are too bad, not helpful at all, why no live chat provided to solve problems???? why you cancelled my skype account and replaced it by microsoft account? why you force me to use same password to microsoft and skype???? why you keep changing my login information to microsoft without my permission???? SKYPE BECOME VERY BAD AND HACK MY PRIVACY, it become worst and worst each new look you do, members privacy should be kept, you don't have the right to change or to merge 2 accounts in 1, this is bad and inprofessional, will force lots of users to cancel their accounts and uninstal skype of their pcs and mobiles, u have lots of competitive software, you will loose easy

Windows 10 won't boot



I am using windows 10 for the last 6 months, and the error occured in the last week.

My PC just won't boot. I tried to enter recovery enviroment but it get stuck on a black screen with a cursor. I restared the PC and a windows logo with dots appered but it got stuck on that.. After that i reinstalled windows 10 and the installation was succeful, but all my files were deleted. I thought the installation of new windows 10 will fix the problem, but it doesn't. Again I restared the PC and the error happens again. Still can't access the recovery enviroment. I am at that point to smash that PC with a baseball bat. Please help me... I searched all forums and I can't find any solutions... I need this PC repaired. Thanks for your respondes in advance.

New "Updated" Skype

I find the new version of Skype confusing and annoying. I like to have the ability to make myself invisible or to sign off/log out but it would seem Microsoft in their wisdom have decided to either remove or hide the means for users to do this in the recent Android release. Can anyone help because I don't think, as usual, Microsoft are interested.

Regarding Skype Number


Dear Sir/ Mam,

I had a Australian Skype number. But when ever I was calling to any cell with this Skype number, the other party were unable to see my number. May I know the reason, why its happening.

 Now I want to buy a new Skype Number.

Windows Recovery Mode: Restoring while keeping your "personal files". What is considered part of the "personal files".

So I'm having some hardware issues with my PC and need to restore it. I have the option of restoring Windows while still saving my personal files but deleting my apps. I'm wanting to know what it will save and what it won't save. Will it save my files on my desktop? All the non app files in my drive? Will it save my chrome bookmarks?

Tabella excel aggiornamento banca

Salve a tutti, vorrei creare una tabella Excel formata da 5 colonne che mi permetta di tenere sempre aggiornata la banca, nella prima colonna la data nella seconda la descrizione, nella terza l'importo positivo e nella quarta quello negativo, e fino qui ci sono, nella quinta colonna vorrei l'importo disponibile in banca sempre aggiornato, che formula debbo utilizzare? Grazie mille per chi mi darà una mano.

在Surface 3上的OneNote 2016无法正常使用“文本墨迹”功能


在Surface 3上一直没办法正常使用OneNote的文本墨迹功能:

写完字之后框选点“文本墨迹”按钮后墨迹闪一下之后就没反应了,墨迹保持原样,没有识别出文字;或者弹出一个带进度条的小窗口,过一会OneNote显示未响应;偶尔写完字很久之后才能转换墨迹。这个现象持续非常久了,从win8.1使用OneNote 2013到现在win10使用OneNote 2016都是这样。尝试重装系统和Office均无法解决。

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