Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Is it possible in Excel that 3 paragraphs are wrapped in one cell?


Because I’ve merely transformed my Word file to Excel so that I can easily sort the files, with the paragraphs I’ve made as wrap text. However, it cannot combine more than one paragraph, but instead saved it to another cell. So is there a way for this?

Like in this attached screenshot, the wrapped 3 paragraphs are in separate cells, and not all lumped in a single cell.



So is there any way I can have them in one cell, or I have no choice but to just combine them in one paragraph?

Thanks in advance.


virus and malware

I dont have admin rights to my computer


Someine deleted my admin accounts on my computer and i tried everything to get them back but everyting i try it says i need admin rights to continue. So somehow i dont have aess to my computer and i cant do the things i need to do on it.  Such as installing,updating ect. If anyone can help please do!

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Xbox Live account has been subject to enforcement action due to a violation of the Microsoft Services Agreement


Ok, well I joined a server and this guy gave me a mod menu his GT was DogzModz or something but I used it I admit I used it but I'm innocent I did not tamper with anything I just recivied a mod menu for 1 game the other games I didn't have it cuz I don't mod also look at his YT page its DogzModzFTW I know you were just doing your job and trying to get rid of the modders and hackers but in reality they just mod or hack with a new account. But thanks anyway for all the stuff u have protected us again and thank you for this time

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удаление своей учетной записи

пыталась создать на телефоне доступ к работе с документами оффис, но у меня и на телефоне и на ноутбуке система iOs, но работаю я с программами винды. ничего не получается, теперь хочу снести учетку вообще, потом что засветила рабочий адрес. который принадлежит не только мне. выяснилось, что снести учетку не так-то просто, ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!!!

Windows Defender


O Windows Defender informa, em um item, "ameaças em quarentena".

Porém, ao acessar, nunca é encontrado qualquer item em quarentena.

Alguém poderia dizer se tem a mesma curiosidade?

Depois de usar o comando " chkdsk /f /b X: ", o Windows impedirá escrita nos setores danificados ?


Até que enfim, descobri o comando certo (creio eu) para que o Windows corrija setores danificados (" chkdsk /f /b X: ", onde "X" é a letra da partição). Parece que,na verdade, ele simplesmente desloca os dados desses setores danificados e os aloja em setores bons, não é ?

1) Depois de usar o comando " chkdsk /f /b X: ", o Windows impedirá escrita nos setores danificados (até que eu formate o HD novamente, provavelmente) ? 

2) Esse é o mesmo comando usado quando executamos "clic. do l. esqu. do mouse sobre "Propriedades" na partição C: (p.ex.)/ Ferramentas/ Ver. agora (marcando os 2 ítens) ?

3) Se eu usar esse comando nas outras partições (lógicas), também terei o mesmo efeito (corrigir) ?

4) Adiantaria usar esse comando, quando o setor esta vazio ou só adianta depois que o setor tiver dados ?

5) Se esse comando copia o conteúdo dos setores defeituosos e transfere para outro bom, quer dizer que ao salvarmos dados nesse setor danificado, ele é gravado intacto ?


OBS.: eu fiz essa pergunta nesse endereço " https://social.microsoft.com/Forums/pt-BR/aa3d4f96-88bd-41ff-93cb-641a310800ee/depois-de-usar-o-comando-chkdsk-f-b-x-o-windows-impedir-escrita-nos-setores-danificados-?forum=2182 ", mas, como eles estão demorando um pouco para responder e não sei se eu entrei num site original da microsoft, pois o endereço é diferente ao daqui, resolvi postar aqui também. Tentei excluir a pergunta de lá, mas não vi a opção.

Quando si spegne il cellulare per batteria scarica?


Ciao a tutti.

Ho un Lumia 550.

Vorrei sapere a quale livello della batteria il telefono si spegne automaticamente.


Transferring OEM Windows 10

So about a year ago I bought a PC pre-built. It came with Windows 10 Home Edition, and it's an OEM copy. I did not upgrade from Windows 7 or 8.1 or anything like that. I am now building a new computer, which will have new hardware, including a new motherboard. If I transfer just the hard drive to the new PC I am building, will it still be activated? I am really short for money, and I most likely will not have enough to buy a new Windows 10 copy or a new hard drive. So, will everything work out and stay activated, or do I have to buy a new copy or do some other activation method?

Anomalia na tela do Lumia 930


Olá amigos da comunidade Microsoft! Bom, o meu Lumia 930 parece está com um problema na tela, ocorre que a parte de baixo da tela é mais escura que a parte de cima, e isso ocorre em todas as partes do sistema e em aplicativos. Felizmente isso não atrapalha o meu uso, ou qualquer outra funcionalidade, é apenas como se fosse uma mancha. ISSO É NORMAL? todos os Lumias 930 são assim?

E também existe uma falha no alto falante, as vezes ele zune em notificações e alarmes, como se estivesse querendo queimar. É normal também? (ambos os problemas ocorrem no Windows Phone 8.1 como no Windows 10)

issues when inserting pdf file and alignment


pdf inserted does not align properly on one note page

не заходит в учетную запись

то выдает ошибку 0*8007040CF помогите 

Проблемы с обновлением

Win 10 Pro insider preview Build 16199 - при попытке обновления до build 16215.1000 выдаёт ошибку Failed to install on ‎10.‎06.‎2017 - 0x80070643 

Très grande lenteur du PC



Hier j'ai voulu enregistrer une partie d'une vidéo enregistrée avec Captvty (journal de 20h sur la 2 départ de David Pujadas). Cette vidéo en ts a été convertie en Avi. Ne sachant pas comment faire j'ai interrogé Internet qui m'a indiqué la facilité d'utiliser VLC. Ce que j'ai fait. Je n'ai pas réussi ou pas su obtenir ce que je voulais mais j'ai trouvé après tentatives nombreuses des tas de fichiers enregistrés que j'ai effacés. Mais l'un d'eux (signalé 13,5 Go) ne veut pas s'effacer. Un clic droit dessus et je n'obtiens indéfiniment que le cercle de recherche. Depuis cet instant mon PC est devenu très lent, très très lent. J'ai redémarré, j'ai utilisé Ccleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, AdwCleaner, Analyse complète avec Windows Defender, rien n'y fait. Le redémarrage du PC est très lent, un clic droit sur n'importe quel fichier met longtemps à ouvrir le fenêtre de renseignements, ouverture de Edge longue etc...

Merci de vos conseils. Cordialement



I'm able to sign in to Skype.  When i go to test my Audio by making a test call, it dials but does not ring or connect.  Also, I have no control over the volume.  The mic is working since I get a moving green line but not the speakers.  I've tried calling my home number with the same response, dials, no ring or connect.

I have used Skype for many years calling to other countries with no problem.  I have a balance in my account.  Have no idea why it has stopped working properly.  Any suggestions???

Deaktivierung der Sicherheitsrichtlinien für mobile Nutzer



ich bin gerade dabei eine Office 365 Enterprise E1 Instanz für eine gemeinnützige Organisation aufzusetzen. Bei der Einrichtung des Exchange Kontos auf meinem Android Smartphone ist mir aufgefallen, dass dies nur möglich ist, wenn dem Konto Administratorrechte auf dem Endgerät eingeräumt werden. Dies ist für Unternehmen sicher sehr sinnvoll (auf meinem Geschäfts-Smartphone wird das genauso gehandhabt), aber für uns ein no go. Unsere Mitarbeiter arbeiten fast alle ehrenamtlich und alle verwenden ihre privaten Smartphones.

Ich habe schon versucht über die Gerätesicherheitsrichtlinien (https://protection.office.com/#/device) entgegenzuwirken, aber bisher erfolglos.

Daher die Frage: Lassen sich die Sicherheitsrichtlinien überhaupt dahingehend ändern, dass gar keine Administratorrechte auf dem Endgerät nötig sind? Und wenn ja: Wie?

Vielen Dank schon mal im voraus!

Movie Maker Split Glitch


When I try to split a clip on movie maker, most of the clips get removed. It can be seen here: https://youtu.be/M4kN4ULA6bQ

Office 2013

A couple of years back, I was given an introductory offer to Office 2013 and the installation process was online. I lost all the documentation and references and is there any way to recover and do another installation. It was not a trial version and the offer included a valid installation key

요즘 net Framework 3.5 설치시 에러가 발생 하네요 0x800f081f


인터넷에는 전혀 문제가 없고요.. 이게 왜 이런지 모르겠네요.. 물론 수동으로 설치 하면 되긴 하지만 좀 그렇네요 ㅎㅎ;;

W10 famille -1703/15063.332


Bonsoir à tous,

Comment réactiver le Centre de notification ?

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