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Entry point not found (api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll)



About a month ago my computer started to have some problems. Every time i turn my computer on/off, open programs (skype, ccleaner, opera, google chrome, etc.) or try to download something, the same error occurs: ''The procedure entry point CreateEventW could not be located in the dynamic library api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.dll.". For some time i was only able to use internet explorer, but managed to fix this problem for Mozilla Firefox by updating it. I tried several different methods, but nothing helped.

Any help would be great, thank you.

impossibile utilizzare bluetooth


Ciao a tutti,

ho un Compaq 610 in prestito a cui è stato fatto un aggiornamento da Windows 7 a Windows10; non so come fosse prima dell'aggiornamento, ma adesso non mi è possibile utilizzare il bluetooth.

La voce non esiste in Gestione Dispositivi, nè sulla barra delle applicazioni c'è il simbolo

però in Impostazioni la voce esiste!

se provo ad aggiungere un dispositivo il messaggio è:

Il bluetooth non lo posso attivare.

Ho aggiornato il pc ma non è servito a niente.

Quale potrebbe essere il problema?



Windows su C:

Backup su E:

Backup di E:\FILM non eseguito perché esiste nella destinazione di backup.

Non è vero. E:\FILM non esiste più ne su C: (eliminato) ne su E: Formattato

Volendo invece usare cronologia file al posto del Backup di Win 7, pur formattando l'unità E: non me la riconosce valida per la cronologia file pur avendo cancellato il backup win7.

Come risolvere?

Edge vanished after resetting in build 16215


Insider Preview on 32 bit Home. In build 16215 Edge kept crashing so I went to Settings/Apps and first clicked on Repair and when that didn't resolve the problem I clicked on Reset, This removed it from the Start Screen, Taskbar and Start menu. Looking at Settings/Apps it has also vanished from there too. I am writing this from within Internet Explorer.

How do I get Edge back?

Todo mi correo electronico fue eliminado sin mi consentimiento

Todo mi correo electrónico fue eliminado sin explicación alguna y sin mi consentimiento. He realizado todas las acciones recomendadas  por  la comunidad y demás para recuperarlo pero ha sido imposible. Había correos muy importantes relacionados con mi trabajo y otros de tipo personal. He tratado de chatear con microsoft support pero siempre aparece fuera de servicio. No se que mas puedo hacer para solucionar esta situación, aparte de que estoy sorprendido por el mal servicio que presta una empresa tan grande. 

Prevent someone requesting a "chat" in outlook

Every day when I open up Outlook mail, I am notified via a new window that someone wants to "chat" with me.  I have the option buttons to accept or ignore.  I do not ever chat with anyone via Outlook so I am not sure if this is another way to Hack into my computer or a new option in Outlook.  Please advise.

Optymalizacja dostarczania



Mam problem z optymalizacją dostarczania. Bardzo nie podoba mi się zachowanie tego elementu systemu. Od razu po uruchomieniu komputera strasznie zżera zasoby (dysk i sieć 100% użycia), przez co nie mogę 2-3 min korzystać z komputera. Oczywiście mogę, ale sami wiecie jak to korzystanie wygląda.

Sprawdziłem ustawienie z artykułu: https://privacy.microsoft.com/pl-PL/windows-10-windows-update-delivery-optimization. Nie było i nie jest włączone.

Mam pytanie jak inaczej to wyłączyć? Zmienić żeby nie blokowało mi komputera? Mam świadomość, że to w zasadzie Windows Update za tym się kryje i to jest ten proces, który aktualizuje mi komputer. Jednak czemu zżera przez tyle czasu zasoby (wtedy kiedy nie dokonuje aktualizacji) utrudniając pracę? Microsoft się chwalił że system szybko wstaje, a tu widać że niekoniecznie?

Uprzedzając pytanie, tak, aktualizuję system na bieżąco, nie odwlekam update i kiedy system chce to instaluje. Ale niech da korzystać z komputera.

Unaccounted Download



I have disabled updates in windows 10 Build 10240. Have installed Visual Studio Community edition. After few months logged in to the system and after an hour noticed that around 5.9 GB bandwidth was consumed. I have no clue what caused the download. Its a Virtual machine. No other software is installed. Please help me plug the leak.


Paquete de idioma para Office 2016 Version: 16.0.4498.1000 de x86


Buenos días, tardes o noches

Tengo un problema, quiero instalar el paquete de idioma de ingles para Office 2016 En la Version: 16.0.4498.1000 de x86 sin embargo he intentando convarios Updates Independientes y me arroja un mensaje diciendo: "No hay productos afectados por este paquete de instalación en su sistema"

Y también intente con la herramienta "setuplanguagepack.x86.en-us_" sin embargo al ejecutarla me arroja un Error code: 30029-1011.

Alguien por favor podría apoyarme. 

Vol de compte hotmail


J'utilise cette seconde adresse hotmail ma 1ere ne m’étant plus accessible ...

Je n'ai tout d'abord pas pu me connecter comme a mon habitude sur mon adresse électronique en tapant mon mot de passe, j'ai donc engagé un recouvrement de mot de passe mais l'adresse de secours a été changé ( par le présume hacker). 

J'ai donc rempli le formulaire de recouvrement de mot de passe avec tout les details à ma connaissance ce qui m'a permis de recevoir un lien de reset mot de passe. Mon mot de passe changé, je tente de me connecter et je me heurte cette fois ci a une page me disant que mon compte va être clôturer le 08/08/2017 et que si je veux annuler cette démarche je dois rentrer un code qui s’envoie toujours sur l'adresse du hacker ...

Je me retrouve donc bloqué, cette adresse mail est vitale pour moi, je demande votre aide.

How to determine file system block size?


How can I determine the block size of a file system?

My external hard disk is formatted with NTFS.  I want to know the block size:  512, 1024, 2048, 4096, etc.

I tried looking at the Properties (right-click device in Computer control panel).  I cannot seem to find it there.

I also tried looking with diskmgmt.msc.  I cannot seem to find it there.

I would appreciate click-by-click navigation instructions to find it.

Sincronização de Fotografias de Contactos


Estou a usar a app do outlook num dispositivo android 6.0, para uma conta empresarial office365. Os contactos sincronizam corretamente, mas as fotografias não. 

As fotografias aparecem usando o office 365 web, tanto no PC, como no browser do android, só não passam realmente para a app do Outlook. Podem ajudar?


Microsoft Sculpt Mouse Replacement Issues


Dear all,

I acquired last year a Sculpt Comfort Mouse and Keyboard set, which uses a Microsoft USB Transceiver to work. However, the left button of the mouse stopped work, and I acquired a new mouse (another Sculpt Comfort Mouse) to replace the defective one.

For my surprise, the new one is the Bluetooth version, unlike the original one. I did not know there were two versions of the same mouse. It looks like the transceiver version is only available if you acquire the whole set.

My main issue is because I used to use the sculpt set on two computers. The transceiver is plugged on a SIIG Device Sharing, which allows me to use the same transceiver in both computers. It is just a button click to change from one computer to another. However, it looks like the Sculpt Comfort Mouse Bluetooth version is not compatible with Microsoft USB Transceiver, and I lost the feature to share the mouse with both computers in that way.

Do you know any way to make the Bluetooth mouse pair with the Microsoft USB transceiver instead of the Bluetooth (if possible?)

windows defender占内存很多,QQ等无法正常打开


Windows defender在开机后占用了近一半内存。QQ打开后自动卡死,任务管理器显示未响应。火狐浏览器等不能打开。甚至无法正常关机必须强制关机。



Синий экран смерти Windows 10


Доброго вечера!

Товарищи, помогите с такой вот бедой... Синий экран смерти появляется при работе компьютера. Обновление драйверов, системы, прогон антивирусом нод32, проверку системы на ошибки - делала - ничего не помогает :( Даже пишу это сообщение и боюсь опять она скрашится :( есть лог файл с ошибками, может объясните, в чём проблема и какие ещё танцы с бубном надо исполнить, чтобы мой компьютер начал нормально работать :( 

https://yadi.sk/d/oDdP0nUL3JyjvP все логи залила сюда. Началось только сегодня.

error code 80070436 when updating


Split from this thread.

running the troubleshooter, still does not eliminate the error code 80070436 from this Hp 17-e019dx laptop.  It is running windows 8.  I've tried every solution that I've found on the internet.  I"m beginning to think this error will never go away.

*** Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category. ***

Can't get Mom's museum piece Dell Studio back to windows seven


I upgraded my Mom's 12 year old Dell Studio to ''window's 10. It couldn't handle it and would like to go back to windows 7 but I can't find any where it was backed up ever!  Please Help me get it back to 7 then I can scrape and buy her a new computer with windows 7 on it already.  Thanks for your time and effort

How do I turn off recurring "set up Office" pop up message?

I keep getting a pop up message that I need to set up office on my laptop.  How do I make it stop?  I use office all the time.  I don't need to set it up.  I have Office 365 and Windows 10 Home.

Primera actividad reciente outlook.com


Buenas, qué tal? Quería pediros ayuda (quizá sea una nimiedad) pero tengo una duda. En la primera actividad reciente me aparece SIEMPRE repetido en dos ocasiones el esloga "Inicio de sesión correcto", cosa que no ocurre en el resto de inicios (a partir del segundo hacia atrás en el tiempo).

Os dejo una captura de pantalla, para ver si es normal. 


Math type 6.9 convert to equation word2013

Hello, it is possible to convert formulas from Mathtype 6.9 to native equations of microsoft office 2013.
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