Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Very slow w10

My W10 laptop has got slower and slower. What to do?

system error 0x80070057

Everytime I try to open any of my Office 2016 products like Word or Excel, it says problem installing product key system error: 0x80070057. I have tried updating and it says it is already updated and I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. It still does not work. Can anyone help me with this issue?

Windows zurücksetzen


Kann meinen Laptop (Vajo) verkaufen. Habe meine Daten gesichert und dann das komplette Zurücksetzen gestartet. Bei "Windows installieren - 10%" ist er hängen geblieben. Nun kann ich ihn nicht mehr starten. Nach kurzer Zeit erscheint die Meldung:
"Der Computer  wurde unerwartet neu gestartet oder ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten. Die Windows-Installation kann nicht fortgesetzt werden. Klicken sie auf "OK" um den Computer neu zu starten und führen sie die Installation dann neu aus."

Das habe ich mehrmals erfolglos versucht.

MSN NEWS widget rebroadcasting on periscope


Is doing so a violation of copyright or DCMA or....

I want to rebroadcast to my followers, new stories i find interesting and informative, is this allowed ??



Доброго времени суток! Пару дней назад мой экран стал розоветь через некоторое время работы.
Началось все с того, что после того, как ноутбук работал некоторое время, затем был оставлен сам себе, его экран погас, как и положено, но когда я провела мышью, экран загорелся, но был с розовым оттенком.
В ременной службе сказали, что могли драйвера не пойти, обновили до новых, но это повторилось и после

Экран розовый не полностью, точнее степень розоватости растет снизу вверх, и розовый не очень интенсивный, чуть-чуть буквально, как фильтр для фото надели на него
Включение-выключение решает проблему на пару минут

HP Pavilion
Какие идеи?

default app in win 10

Iam unable to make word (from office2016 home) the default application in Windows 10. The program does not show in the apps.Help?

Perdida de cuenta hotmail

Hola Buen dia,la semana pasada cambie mi contraseña en facebook y se me olvido, para reestablecerla tengo la opcion de que me envien un codigo a outlook, pero tampoco me acuerdo de la contrseña, ya intente con todas las posibilidads que me ofrece la plataforma hasta llenar el formulario de datos pero me dice que los datos son insuficientes... el correo es *** Email address is removed for privacy *** y es el que utilizo para abrir todos los sitios web....

Share outlook.com synced in Outlook (desktop) with colleagues/editors

Hi, my boss uses 2 calendars in its desktop version of Outlook - the Exchange one (pro) and the outlook.com one (personal). She would like to share both of them to colleagues, so they can know if she is available or not, but I can't find a way to share the outlook.com calendar, I always have an error message. Is there a way to combine them for editors ?

Possible refund?

I had recently gone on the microsoft store, searched for battlefield 4 and i bought it. It had no marking on it saying for what device it was for. Because it was on PC that i was searching for, and without markings, i assumed it was for PC. When i bought it it then said download on an Xbox 1 console. I would like a refund.


Não consigo instalar o Google Chrome no meu Windows 7 Professional. O que faço?

Contact Online Or Not?

In the NEW Skype, I cannot seem to find a way to know if a contact is online or not.  In the previous version I could sort by who is online or not, that way I knew who I could communicate with and expect a response from.  How is that viewed in the new Skype Android app?

Today my phone updated and soon as it update finished Skype sent out a bunch of links to my contacts

I tried to change skype password but can only change my microsoft password. How do i change old Skype login? The thing is i can still login to skype with my old skype username and password which is  a weak password.



Bonjour,mon pc n'a plus de son quand je vais dans les panneaux de configuration et dans son sa marque "aucun périphérique audio n'est installé." dans lecture et dans enregistrement !

Merci de votre réponce.

Opening a Word document causes it t0 configure it (again and again) before it atucally opens.


In the past few days Microsoft updated my Windows 10 and Office Professional 12 (2007). The update process screwed up my computer files. I have managed to correct most of the defects but there is a problem starting a Word application for the first time when booted up.

When I click on the Word icon to open it, it goes through a process they call "configuration". This takes a few minutes and the app is ready to use. When the computer is shut down and later restarted - the same thing happens again and every time. This is a time using nuisance and did not do it before the latest back of updates.

How do I fix this? Or can I?


Add Ons in IE11

what are the 'run without permission' microsoft add ons in IE11 windows 10 and do I need them all enabled?

Me hicieron un cobro de 39 dolares y no me dieron servicio


El servico al cliente no existe, me enviaron una notificacion que no habian podido hacer cargo a mi tarjeta de credito y no tenia ya servicio.   Pero aparecio un cobro de 39 dolares...y no me enviaron factura y por supuesto, no me dieron servicio.

Mi banco y yo decidimos que era una estafa y se hizo la devolucion.  Pero ahora si apararece que me cancelaron el servicio de llamadas ilimitadas por 12 meses a USA.

Pague el servicio directamente con otra tarjeta y costaba menos $30.50 lo mismo por 12 meses.......y ahora si recibi confirmación del pago....pero para sorpresa mia, tienen mi dinero pero yo recibo nada a cambio porque me cancelaron mi cuenta.

Hay alguien que tenga idea a que numero se puede marcar? o a que email se puede uno contactar?

Me estan estafando y no tengo ni email ni adonde contactarme!



MS Access - # of days calculation.

In MS Access, I am trying to get a column to automatically calculate the number of days between a date from a different column and today. From my research, this should work: DateDiff("d",[NEXT PAYMENT DUE DATE],Day()) - but it isn't working b/c Access then brings up a dialog box asking for the "d" parameter. I can't find how to fill out the parameter. HELP! Getting frustrated with alot of codespeak but no clear answer or direction.

windows 10 start menu werkt niet meer


Op mijn pc staan er 3 gebruikers en bij 1 daarvan werkt het start menu plots niet meer.  Er verschijnt geen overzicht van alle apps, ik kan de instellingen niet aanpassen.  ik heb geprobeerd om deze gebruiker te verwijderen en er opnieuw op te zetten, maar steeds heb ik hetzelfde resultaat.

Kan er mij iemand helpen aub?

Surface Pro 3 y 4


Actualmente cuento con surface RT y estoy mirando los surface pro 3 o 4, pero me interesa saber si es posible instalar programas del mismo modo que se instalaría en mi computador portatil

Por ejemplo software tipo autocad, que requieren de una buena resolución gráfica.

O solo funciona con las aplicaciones de la tienda de windows como el surface RT

Windows Boot Screen starts up with cursor


I  have Windows 10 installed on my laptop, it shows cursor duringboot.

Please someone help me with this issue.

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