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OneNote beim Starten am Desktop anheften


Hallo Zusammen,

gibt es eine Möglichkeit OneNote beim Starten gleich am Desktop anzuheften? Ich benutze es immer in dieser Form und habe es zudem im Autostart.

Viele Grüße & Danke für Antworten


Versleutelde bestanden openen, HELP!


Beste iedereen,

Ik liet laatst mijn Windows 10 laptop vallen, welke ik nog wel aankreeg en de bestanden af kon halen, maar welke wel voor reparatie opgestuurd moest worden.

Ik heb op bestanden van mijn laptop automatisch met rechtermuisknop op de map > Eigenschappen > Geavanceerd > Inhoud Versleutelen om bestanden te beveiligen ingeschakeld staan. Bij het leeghalen van mijn kapotte laptop was ik dit vergeten, en heb ik de bestanden versleuteld naar een externe harde schijf overgezet. Daarna heb ik mijn laptop gewist zodat reparateurs mijn bestanden niet zouden stelen. 

Nu is mijn vraag, hoe kom ik weer in die versleutelde bestanden op de externe harde schrijf?

Ik heb het al geprobeerd met een andere laptop waarop ik met mijn Microsoft-account een account heb aangemaakt, maar nog steeds krijg ik een melding dat als ik bijvoorbeeld een Word 2016 bestand wil openen dat ik rechten daarvoor nodig heb.

Ben ik deze bestanden nu voor altijd kwijt, of kan ik nog op een andere manier toegang krijgen?

Ik hoor graag van iemand.


Elco Messelink

RDS CALs license code for Microsoft Server 2016 to be applied on Microsoft Server 2012 R2

We have received RDS CALs license code for Microsoft Server 2016 however, we need to use it in a Microsoft Server 2012 R2 installation. Is there a way to use the RDS CALs 2016 license code to Microsoft Server 2012 R2?

Music files corrupted numerous numbers of antivirus.


Hello guys,

I currently use windows 10 pro 32-bit.

I am seeing that the the newly downloaded music files are getting corrupted which were good before.

And that too I've numerous viruses such as Yeadesktop shows up on start page of chrome. The google chrome target changes without informing. What the ..... , and windows defender does nothing.

Whats this..

It was the other anti-virus that showed me some viruses after scanning,

And yes they too didn't remove all of the viruses, still my chrome's target gets changed.

And all this started when I by mistake installed KMSAuto something something software and gave it administrator access.

And windows defender didn't even show up.

And the songs issue is maybe not because of the virus its an issue much longer. 

Pls, help me ASAP.

May god punish those who created this virus..

where to find failed/missed updates windows 10

Hi-I received Window 10- an update failed. I updated the next day and thinking it would there and be a successful update, but not there and now I can't find it. Where to look?? Thanks, Albert

I did not like the Skype Preview



I am using Skype on may laptop on Windows 10.

I did not like the new interface.

How can I get rid of the offer to upgrade to Skype Preview ?

THank you very much.

Malfunzionamento app Facebook

Salve. Il mio problema riguarda l'app facebook rilasciata da microsoft. L'app non si avviava più per cui ho cercato di disinstallarla ma nel momento in cui sono andata nello store mi compare l'avviso per cui possiedo già l'app e quindi non posso scaricarla. Come dovrei fare? Ho Windows 10

一打开“开始” 就显示COM Surrogate已停止工作

请问如何解决?每次打开开始菜单,都会有COM Surrogate已停止工作弹窗!

Can't login to chat with support. Keeps looping to virtual agent

Could someone please tell me how to connect to the Microsoft Tech Support Chat.  When I click on the chat/talk to a person option it keeps looping right back to the virtual agent making me ask to talk to a live person over and over.  I am on the West coast/on Pacific Time.  Is that the issue?  Is there a tech support phone number I can call?  Thank you, Frustrated Office 365 user.

Vínculo entre Word e Excel


Bom dia;


Estou tentando colar uma informação de uma célula do Excel em um relatório no Word estabelecendo um vínculo entre estas informações, porém, toda vez que o vínculo é atualizado é inserido uma nova linha antes e depois do dado vinculado.

O procedimento feito foi colar a informação com vínculo.

Call to UK mobile has been blocked by Skype


My calls to UK mobile (my mobile number) has been blocked by Skype. I should acknowledge that there isn't any problem in calling US, Canada, Greece and Turkey mobile numbers and UK landline call is also going well.

My balance is enough for call and I also have monthly subscription.

Is there any restriction to call UK mobile number?

Read-only files

I work in Windows 10, Office 365.  My Word files lately are all converting to read-only.  I have checked my settings and do not have this marked; can anyone help explain why this is happening?  Thanks. 

윈도우10 업그레이드 후 fpp 확인방법


지금 사용하는 컴퓨터의 윈도우가

fpp가 맞는지 확인하고 싶습니다.

제품 키 채널은 retail 로 나오는데

이게 윈도우7을 10으로 업그레이드 한 뒤라 잘 모르겠어서요

Browser offline


I have Windows 2007 and I cannot open any templates.  The error message is Template download error.  I'm connected to the internet so that's not it.

Another suggestion is the browser if offline.  How do I check that and/or fix it?  I've googled it and tried the suggested fix but it still does not work.

como pagar minha assinatura com outro cartão


Estou tentando fazer o pagamento da minha assinatura mensal do Skype, com outro cartão de credito, mas não consigo achar onde faço a troca pelo site e muito menos a minha assinatura mensal no site em Minha Conta, e o skype  só tem contato por e-mail, e complicado não ter um telefone p/ contato.

Problema arresti in modo anomalo

Salve a tutti avrei il seguente problema e non so come risolvere!
Servizi di sistema arrestati in modo anomalo    
Codice di errore imprevisto segnalato in un servizio

Si sono verificati errori in uno o più servizi. Il servizio non è stato arrestato normalmente. È pertanto possibile che il servizio sia stato arrestati in modo anomalo o che uno dei relativi componenti si sia arrestato in un modo non supportato.

Servizio chiuso con codice non corrispondente a 0 o 1077

Riavvia il servizio
Alto: di  2 
Nome visualizzato:             Gruppi reti peer
Codice di uscita:           1068
Nome del servizio:           p2psvc
Percorso:C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServicePeerNet
Codice servizio:       0
Nome visualizzato:          Protocollo PNRP
Codice di uscita:-     2140993535
Nome del servizio:         PNRPsvc
Percorso:C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe -k LocalServicePeerNet
Codice servizio:    0

failing to install usb com port

I have Win10 Pro installed on my laptop. i would like to use one of my usb port as my com port.  I have tried to add it using ADD LEGACY HARDWARE in Device Manger. But I have failed. I keep getting code 34. Please Help.

Social Engagement


Hi guys,

I am not able to establish connection between dynamics 365 and Social Engagement. Is it a possibility that it can be due to user roles. How should i move forward?

Microsoft Edge wont open

Currently I am having problems trying to use Microsoft Edge. Every time I try and launch the browser it opens, and then 5 or so seconds later it closes back down having only displayed a blank screen during that time. It was working fine for quite a while but it seems like something happened a couple days ago and all of a sudden it wont work. I have tried some of the trouble shooting I have been able to find online, but none of it has helped.

Como recuperar a senha p/quem não cadastrou um e-mail alternativo, uma vez que a Microsoft não se adaptou incluindo o digito 9 automaticamente como fez o Google


Como recuperar a senha p/quem não cadastrou um e-mail alternativo, uma vez que a Microsoft uma empresa que se diz de ponta em tecnologia e não se adaptou incluindo o digito 9 automaticamente para atualizar as contas dos clientes e evitar sofrimentos e perda de tempo como o meu, ora uma empresa deste porte deixar este pepino para os utilizadores???? Porque não fizeram como o Google que automaticamente se adaptou e incluiu o digito nove e ainda permite editar o numero do telefone caso tenha sido roubado ou perdido... e agora ... qual a solução?

Por favor não me respondam que tem que preencher um formulário informando os e-mails cadastrados, acessos de IP, que fiz tudo isso mais de 5 vezes e não funciona é balela, vai para um pessoal despreparado que respondem que não é possível, blá blá, blá, que precisam preservar a minha identidade.... 

Giovani M S

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