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I've had my computer for over a year now. and recently got a warning that my free 25 GB dropbox has expired. and yet it's still working. Should I be concerned? can I still use it free?

Skype for Windows Phone 8について


Skype for Windows Phone 8がこの6月いっぱいで使えなくなる(7月1日からサインインできなくなる)というのは本当ですか?


上記リンク先によるとWindows Phoneユーザの大多数がWindows 10 mobileへのアップグレードは行わず、8か8.1で使用しているようですが、だとすれば一体なぜそのような無慈悲ともいうべき切り捨てを行うのでしょうか? 納得いきません。

skype video not working close other programs which are using webcam


Hello All,

My skype is not working. Its showing as skype video is not working close other programs which are using webcam. other person cannot see my video.  Please help!!!

Windows 10 creator share problem


I host a Quickbooks company file on my computer and a second user accesses it from a different computer. Once I updated to creator, the other computer cannot access the company file. Similar problem with a printer that the second computer can't even find since the update. Everything worked great before the update. 

I've checked my share settings and they are the same as they were before.  Also tried the troubleshooter with no luck. Any suggestions are appreciated. 

Using MSN to Open Outlook

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but when I use MSN to open Outlook I noticed that my computer run much slower and pages disconnect frequently.  So, I stopped using MSN altogether and my computer runs much faster and smoother.  Thought I'd put this out there just in case others want to try it.  Do we really need MSN now that we have Edge?

Skype for Windows Phone 8について


Skype for Windows Phone 8がこの6月いっぱいで使えなくなる(7月1日からサインインできなくなる)というのは本当ですか?


上記リンク先によるとWindows Phoneユーザの大多数がWindows 10 mobileへのアップグレードは行わず、8か8.1で使用しているようですが、だとすれば一体なぜそのような切り捨てを行うのか全く不可解です。納得のいく説明をお願いします。

My audio doesn't work at all!

I had an incident a while back with my laptop. I was working on a small desk and my dog got tangled in the wires pulling the desk and knocking it down along with my laptop. My headphones were in the laptop as well at the time, and when it fell, the headphone jack got shoved inside the input. The computer was fine and all except for the sound. The only time the sound would work is when I used headphones. I've also tried all the other methods like going to device manager looking at my "Realtek High Definition Sound Device" and seeing if it is up to date. I've tried uninstalling and restarting, but its never done the trick. If anyone could help me out with this, that would be GREAT!

Windows 10 is preventing me from activating my Norton Antivirus subscription


Windows 10 will not allow me to access the Norton Server so I can activate my Norton Antivirus subscription.  I was on a chat session for 3 1/2 hours with three different Norton service reps who repeated uninstalled and reinstalled my Norton Antivirus software.  After each reboot, I attempted to complete the activation process and kept receiving an error message about not being able to access the Norton Server.  The Norton Techs said it is a Windows 10 access connection issue.

How can this be fixed?

Outlook Web For Mobile


I have seen a few post where people had asked how do you get a more mobile friendly view when using the outlook website on a mobile phone. Many of the posts claimed to be resolved with answers that consisted of clearing cache or cookies which was not true in my case so I continued investigating and found there is a string you can add to the url to force a mobile friendly view. In fact there are 2! I thought I would share.

Phone Friendly view:

If you want to view a phone friendly version of outlook via the browser on your phone simply type in your web address but add "/?layout=tnarrow" (without the quotes).

It should look like this (fake url of course) www.[outlookaddressgoeshere].com/owa/?layout=tnarrow

Tablet Friendly view:

If you want to view a tablet friendly version of outlook via the browser on your phone simply type in your web address but add "/?layout=twide" (without the quotes).

It should look like this (fake url of course) www.[outlookaddressgoeshere].com/owa/?layout=twide

From there just favorite the URL and if an android device (maybe other devices do this too) you can even add it as an icon to you home screen from your mobile browser settings (which is awesome).

I hope someone else finds this helpful.

Windows phone alarm sound not working

So i have here my lumia 535 windows 10. Only the alarm sound is not working. I turn on the sound notification from settings, turn on the ringer, change the alarm sound with a loud sound. But it only notifies the alarm, what should i do? This happened just now. I dont know what to do

12HR vs 24HR(Military Time) Timestamps in chats on Skype for Windows 10.

Where is the setting to change from 24 HR format to 12 HR format? i've searched the settings and haven't found anything. 

VBA to Calculate Difference Between Two Cells



I am trying to get a formula to works as follows.  Calculate the difference between two cells using VBA.  Sometimes the value in Cell E90 is higher, and sometimes the value in C90 is higher so the results needs to be a positive or a negative number.

In my vba, I am using the following...

        strPercent1 = Format(.Range("E90").Value / .Range("C90").Value, "##.##%")
        strComment = "Same month Year Over Year, Net Sales Change " & strPercent1 & "."
        Call AddComment(.Range("C90"), strComment)

In regular excel, the formula would be (C90/M90-1)*100

I need to change that first line to be work the same as a regular excel formula... 

thank you,


windows 10 no reconoce windows phone


tengo un problema con mi PC con windows 10, desde la ultima actualizacion no detecta mas mi celular un ms lumia 640

antes de actualizar la pc funcionaba perfecto todo, en una laptop con windows 7 funciona, probe varios cables y obviamente ese no es el problema, incluso reinicie el celular a los ajustes de fabrica, reinstale windows desde cero usando el dvd en la pc y sigue igual

probe todos los puertos de la pc, nada

fui al administrador de dispositivos y desinstale el driver, nada

lo desinstale desde dispositivos e impresoras, nada

reinstale los drivers usb que trae el motherboard, nada

puse la pc en modo para instalar controladores no firmados, nada

baje mtp kit, nada

al tratar de actualizar controlador desde el administrador sale un error

Windows encontró controladores para el dispositivo, pero se produjo un error al intentar instalarlos

Dispositivo MTP USB

No hay controlador seleccionado para el conjunto o elemento de información de dispositivos.

reitero que windows 7 lo reconoce perfectamente al celular, voy a tener que hacer el downgrade solamente por eso? necesito transferir archivos por el usb, que de yapa como es mtp y no reconoce el celular como dispositivo de almacenamiento masivo es lento pero por lo menos es mas rapido que el bluetooth que pasa un archivo cada muerte de obispo... ayuda


Hello I try to download but it take time for one week now and I have WiFi iwant to istore but I can't please help please because it one week to download

Index in Word ohne Endnoten


Hallo zusammen,

ich möchte bei einem Word-Dokument mit Endnoten mithilfe der "Alle-festlegen"-Funktion einen Personenindex erstellen. Ist es möglich, dies auf den Text an sich zu beschränken und die Endnoten dabei unberücksichtigt (also indexlos) zu lassen?

Wäre schön, wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen könnte - vielen Dank!

"Você precisa de permissão para executar esta ação", "Acesso negado" ao Windows.old


Bom dia, tudo bem com vocês?

Então, eu tô com uma pasta windows.old aqui que não consigo deletar de forma alguma.

Eu tenho só um cartão SDD, não tenho HD, acho que precisa do HD pra deletar daquela forma em que clica em Propriedades e tem como "excluir versões anteriores do windows" na pasta C:.

Eu já tentei ir em Propriedades > Segurança > Avançadas, e permitir tudo para o Usuário-PC (que é o que o erro quando eu tento deletar diz, que o Usuário-PC não tem permissão) de todas as formas disponíveis lá, mas não adianta.

Já tentei deletar com prompt de comando como administrador, já reiniciei o pc no Modo de segurança e deu o mesmo erro.

Já tentei no Gerenciador de tarefas executar o Explorer.exe com previlégios administrativos.

Já segui esses passos que a Valeria_GC da Microsoft postou aqui:

  1. Na Área de Trabalho pressione simultaneamente as teclas Windows + R para abrir o Executar;
  2. No Executar digite control userpasswords2 e clique em OK;
  3. Na aba Usuários selecione seu usuário e clique em Propriedades;
  4. Na aba Associação de Grupo marque a opção Administrador, clique em Aplicar e em OK;
  5. Reinicie o computador para validar a nova configuração.

E mesmo assim não adianta. Alguém sabe como deletar? Obrigada!

Problema de Red


Necesito su ayuda, tengo un problema de red despues de una actualización de windows, tengo una laptop Asus con windows 10 que no me dio ni un problema hasta que lo actualize, busque en muchos lugares pero son post antiguos, el problema no es que no tenga internet si no que se corta de a ratos o rinde muy poco y busque y averigue sobre el reporte de conexion de windows y me sale que tengo algunos problemas, y en especifico uno que se llama The network is disconnected by the driver.

Les adjunto la foto:

Gracias de antemano por su respuesta 

Virus Trojan:Win32/Fuery.Alcl



Windows Defender m'indique qu'il a détecté le virus Trojan:Win32/Fuery.Alcl

celui ci réapparait régulièrement, et je demande à Windows Defender de le supprimer à chaque fois

j'ai les messages suivants :

- file:C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\gcB0D.tmp.exe



MAISON est le nom de mon ordinateur, et je suis sous Windows 10

comment faire pour éradiquer définitivement ce virus ?

je vous remercie d'avance

SUMPRODUCT ? compare multiple levels


hi,  i thought i had seen examples for comparing multiple levels of numbers.  the following does not seem to work.

if more information is needed?  but think this enough?  (as an array?)


still looking, thanks

Update:  i think i have it working..  just did not have all the brackets correctly placed in my original example.

Call Failed, Internal Failure


I posted this to the Skype group 3 weeks ago and got zero help:




I have been unable to make phone calls to mobiles that I used to be able to make for 2 weeks now.  I Skype church services to a quad who cannot make it to church and this has been problematic.  I am very technically inclined yet can't get anywhere with the vague message I am getting.  Please Help!

FYI  Incoming works fine.  My Skype version is 11.15.597.0 and last successful call was 4-20-17, I am doing this on a Windows 10 phone (Lumia 950).

Thank you!

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