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Kan geen andere account toevoegen in Outlook.com

Ostaminen kaupasta


Ostaminen ei onnistu. Tulee herja: Järjestelmissämme ilmeni virhe. Pieni odottelu voi auttaa.

Käytössa Lumia 930/Win10

Windows 10 - KB3197954 (More details?)



The most recent Cumulative update for Windows 10 KB3197954 includes this in the description:

  • Addressed additional issues with USB, Wi-Fi, clustering, setup, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, licensing, PowerShell, Component Object Model (COM), Windows kernel, graphics, and Bluetooth.

Where can I get more details on what was fixed? We are having a lot of issues in our corporate environment with Windows 10 devices and Wi-Fi. How do I know if this fix addresses our particular issues?

Error Code 30180-26

I am trying to update Outlook, and keep getting this error code. When I click on the links to help resolve it, nothing happens. Anyone know what this is?

How to add clickable links in the video description?

Just created a video channel and added some video. How to add clickable links in each video description?

Ενεργοποιηση windows 10 μετα απο αναβαθμιση


Εχω στο εργαστήριο μου εναν υπολογιστή ενος πελάτη μου με εγκατεστημένα τα Windows 10 64bit.

Η αδεια χρήσης των Windows 10 στον Πίνακα Ελέχγου/Σύστημα ειναι ενεργοποιημένα για πανω απο 1 χρόνο.

Μετα την μεγάλη αναβάθμιση Anniversity, περασαν και κάποιες ημερες, βγαζει μετα απο εκκινηση του υπολογιστή, ενα μεγάλο μηνυμα στην επιφάνεια εργασίας οτι τα Windows 10 θα λήξουν σύντομα, ενω στον Πίνακα Ελέχγου/Σύστημα εξακολουθεί να δείχνει οτι ειναι ενεργοποιημένα.

Εχετε αλλη φορα αντιμετωπίσει τέτοιο πρόβλημα και πως μπορω να το ξεπεράσω ;


Non riesco a configurare il mio account hotmail.com che ho sul PC(Outlook.com) su dispositivo apple iphone


salve a tutta la comunità,

da poco ho acquistato un iphone, e ho subito provato a configurare le mie caselle di posta già esistenti sul PC tra le quali quella di outlook . com,purtroppo scaricata l'app outlook.com su questo dispositivo inserito il mio indirizzo hotmail, e la password, pensavo fosse tutto a posto, ma evidentemente ho commesso qualche errore, poiché non mi si apre il programma così come lo vedo sul PC, e non ricevo ne posso inviare alcun messaggio, insomma non esiste schermata outlook. com facendo pensare ad un errore di configurazione, anche perchè non c'è possibilità di accedere alle opzioni avanzate per modificare server in entrata e uscita ed altro.... qualcuno può aiutarmi?

grazie in anticipo.


분당휴게텔 ▷ØpØpgirl01 CΦm◁ 분당오피 분당키스방

분당휴게텔 ▷ØpØpgirl01 CΦm◁ 분당오피 분당키스방
분당휴게텔 ▷ØpØpgirl01 CΦm◁ 분당오피 분당키스방
분당휴게텔 ▷ØpØpgirl01 CΦm◁ 분당오피 분당키스방
분당휴게텔 ▷ØpØpgirl01 CΦm◁ 분당오피 분당키스방

Buggy Calendar App


Hi , I am really upset with the current bug which makes me unable to use windows calendar app properly

For Example

I set an appointment from 4 - 5 pm

it shows at the calendar app from 5 - 6 pm

some appointment show up at midnight or early morning which is different from what I have set

I have tried many method to work around this issue like restart my pc and calendar app

Adjust my appointment or re-edit my appointment , but its seems doesn't solve all the issue .

I don't have this issue until the recent update

is there any way to solve this issue


Windows 10 desk top won't get to sign in stage

Hi, Please can someone help me. My sons new desktop did an update last night and, when it was turned it on this morning, a box pops up in the middle of the screen stating that the sign in initialisaiton process has failed. But there is no pointer for the mouse so you can't click on ok. It shows this box and then it goes off then the box comes back and so on. Please can someone help us!!! Thanks in advance.

Problema estranho na build 14936


Olá, depois que fui para build 14936 ocorreu esse problema aqui no menu Iniciar e em qualquer tela do Windows 10. Para piorar, meu Windows não atualiza mais. Fiquei preciso nessa Build e não consigo fazer a restauração do Windows.

Hyper-V Platform Feature


Unable to find Hyper-V Platform feature.


Outlook Connector syncronisiert seit gestern keine Kalendereinträge - Keine Verbindung?


Folgendes Problem

Office 2007 und Win10 64 Bit.

Der Kalender, Mail und Kontakte wurden die letzten Monate einwandfrei syncronisiert.

Nun kommt aber folgende Fehlermeldung.

Bei Mail bleibt das rote X stundenlang, es tut sich nichts weiter, ebenso bei Kalender. Da bleibt der Status unverändert, wie oben zu sehen.

Einzig die Kontakte werden verbunden und syncronisiert.

Den Connector habe ich schon deinstalliert und wieder neu installiert. Keine Ändernung.

Mein Outlook.com Konto möchte ich ungern in Outlook2007 löschen. Denn wenn die erneute Installation fehl schlägt, fehlt mir ja mein Kalender!

Was kann ich tun?

Upgrade key


Where can I find my Windows10  upgrade key as I have put a new drive into a laptop computer that was upgraded to Window10 from Windows7?

Błąd połączenia z usługą Kalendarz usługi Windows Live (dla Windows 7)


Przeczytałem dotychczasowe rady, naprawiłem Podstawowe Programy Windows 2012, uaktualnienie mam najnowsze 16.4.3528.331, zrobiłem przywracanie systemu i nic. Podczas przedwczorajszej zmiany czasu (z 29 na 30.X.2016) wszystko się naprawiło po godzinie 03.00 nad ranem i było OK przez cały 30 października a nawet do godziny 01 dziś, czyli 31 października. Natomiast już dziś o godzinie 11.00 błąd pojawił się znowu. Gdzieś w google przeczytałem o poprawce KB3093594, nie wiem czy ją mam (ale instalowałem chyba wszystko i czy nie było o niej jakiegoś dwuznacznego wpisu - czytałem nad ranem). "Co robić Towarzysze"? - pytał Lenin. Też nie wiem co robić :-)

와이파이가 갑자기 끊기는 현상


처음 윈도우10을 사용할때는 그러지 않았는데 갑자기 어느순간부터

와이파이를 사용하다 접속이 끊기고 다시 연결하려 해도 연결이 안되는 현상이 발생하네요

다시 와이파이를 연결하려면 컴퓨터를 아예 재시작해야합니다.

이것좀 해결할 방법이 없을까요???

Não consigo instalar o mozila firefox no windows 10

Não consigo instalar o Mozila Firefox no meu pc que possui o windows 10,pois na hora de instalar fica pedindo o nome do administrador e a senha,e eu não sei,ja olhei em vários tutoriais tentando encontrar os mesmos mas minha busca foi inútil, desde ja agradeço quem puder me ajudar a solucionar esse problema.

Windows Media Player.

Windows Media Player fungerar inte längre på min dator när jag ska spela upp musik. System, Windows 10. Det står, "Det går inte att hitta filen. Om du försöker spela upp, bränna eller synkronisera ett objekt som finns i biblioteket kanske det pekar på en fil som tagits bort, bytt namn eller flyttats".

windows media player

Παω να γραψω ενα δισκο,και οταν παει να τελειωσει βγαζει ενα μηνυμα : Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify that the burner is connected properly and that you have installed the latest device driver. ενω παλαιοτερα μπορουσα να το κανω με το ιδιο ακριβωσ cd τωρα δεν γινετε το οποιο ειναι CD-R
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