Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Can i get some help please

I was hacked and i changed my password. I am able to send emails but i cannot receive any. I dont know what to do... Can anyone help me please... 

Xbox app not working - we can't sign you in right now. Try again later (0x406)

Im having an issue signing in on Xbox app, I can't even sign in using my account because of the error message

Con Windows 10 Creators Update no puedo imprimir desde el móvil y la red domestica no se ven los pc's bien entre ellos


Hola, con ultima actualización de Windows 10 Creators Update no puedo imprimir desde el móvil y algunos ordenadores de la red no se encuentran entre ellos, es aleatorio, algunas veces si y otras no. Pero si pones en el explorador la dirección de ese pc de red si que lo encuentra.

Llevo años imprimido con 3 aplicaciones distintas para imprimir con el móvil android en red y ningún problema. Ahora ninguna encuentra la impresora  y ningún ordenador de la red. Así que seguro que el problema es cosa de Windows 10 Creators Update.

He probado lo que he visto del foro del PowerShell, sc config fdphost type=own, pero directamente me mando un error diciendo que type=own no es un argumento valido.

He actualizado el antivirus a la ultima versión, desactivado, he comprobado que sea una red privada en windows y en el antivirus, comprobado que la impresora sea compartida y la Configuración de uso compartido avanzado, pero nada ha dado resultado.

Alguna solución?

media player

I attempted to reinstall windows media player. Now every program I try to open, open windows media. How do I get back.

Scam or legitament?

Originally I opened an email informing me of a cancellation which I had not purchased. When I clicked on it I received a big Red notice that I had a trojan horse and my computer was infected to call Microsoft at 1-888-484-4930, which I did because no matter what I did, my computer was frozen. He wanted to take over my computer, which I allowed, thinking that it was Microsoft. He found all kinds of things wrong. Mind you I am elderly and not computer savvy.  He found a lot of infected material, and said my computer needed all these things done and that it would cost me a good deal of money (or at least to an elderly on a fixed income). He said he had to have my Bank info and a check # to finish the procedure. I agreed  if he would not cash the check before my husband (who was not here at the time), and I could talk it over and call him back. He agreed, but when I talked to my husband, he suggested we find out if it was a scam. The company that he went through to have a professional clean up was logmein Rescue, but when the gentleman called me a moment ago he said he was through Anti Install Inc. Does anyone know anything about this, or have had the same experience?

View across monitors?

Is there a way to view Project across multiple monitors? I need to compare 2 plans and split view works but being able to view one on my laptop and the other on a 2nd monitor would really help. I can do this in Excel and Word. Thanks. 

Exel 2007 한글 깨짐 현상 .csv파일



엑셀 2007을 사용하는데요

.csv 파일을 여니까 한글이 모두 깨져서 나옵니다.

메모장으로 열어서 인코딩을 UTF-8로 바꾼 후 .csv파일로 다시 저장하면 정상적으로 출력이 되나,

이런 번거로운 방식말고 엑셀파일을 바로 눌렀을때 정상적으로 출력되게 나올 방법이 없을까요 ??

참고로 제가 여는 엑셀파일은 euckr인코딩 형식으로 나온다고 합니다

Outlook.com has blocked your message



seit ein paar Tagen bekomme ich im Abstand von zwei bis drei Tagen eine automatische Email vom AbsenderOutlook.com Team <*** Email address is removed for privacy ***>

In der Email steht:

The daily message limit helps us free the world from spammers--we're sorry that it's getting in your way.

The Outlook.com Team

Handelt es sich hierbei um eine Art Spamfilter? Wie kann ich denn sicherstellen, dass der Empfang von richtigen Emails durch das message limit nicht verhindert wird?

Ich habe die @Outlook.de Adresse noch nicht häufig verwendet. Nur ein paar mal für Kommunikation mit Kollegen, jedoch kein Onlineshopping oder ähnliches, wo ich mir hätte Spams einfangen können.

Kann ich irgendwie einsehen um was für Emails es sich dabei handelt? Bei GMX gibt es den Spamverdachtsordner. Hat Outlook etwas ähnliches oder gibt es keine Möglichkeit zu überprüfen, ob nicht auch wichtige Emails unterdrückt wurden?

Vielen Dank

Forza Horizon 3 crash au demarrage...



Je viens d'acheter FH3 et étant tout content, je m'empresse de l'installer (54GB~) Et tout se passe normalement.

Une fois l'installation terminée, je redémarre mon ordinateur puis lance le jeu.

Une fenêtre s'affiche avec le logo de FH3, reste une dizaine de secondes, puis se ferme.
Surpris, je relance le jeu : même chose...
Donc je commence à me renseigner sur quelques forums. Ces personnes avaient le même type de problème que moi (crash au démarrage, ou alors dans les menus du jeu).

Ils conseillaient de désinstaller notre anti-virus (ce que j'ai fait) et de bien vérifier les MaJ de windows 10 et de la carte graphique (ce que j'ai fait également). Mais le problème persiste. J'ai également supprimer entièrement le jeu, et réinstallé.

Je précise aussi qu'aucun message d'erreur ne s'affiche quand le jeu se ferme.

Étant un peu perdu, je sollicite votre aide afin de m'éclairer...

Merci d'avance !

PS: Ma config : GTX 970 ; i5-4690k ; 8Gb RAM.

Spacing between tab leader and page number in automatic table of contents



I am using Word 2016 on a Windows 7 machine.

I am using the automatic table of contents feature. 

I need to insert a space between the tab leader ........ and the page number. 

When I add a tab to change the spacing, the page number always comes at the immediate end of the tab leader. It looks like this;

Heading 1 content from text ............................................. 6

I want it to look like this;

Heading 1 content from text ..............................................      6

Can someone help me with my TOC styles and tab settings to get this spacing between my tab leaders and page numbers? No matter what I do the page number follows the first tab in the list.



error code 80070057

please help me solve this error message

phone lockscreen

I just removed my phone from charger and tried to unlock it.I showed resuming and then after 5 seconds my phone unlocked and the screen was just blank for that 5 sec.Please help .e what to do.I restarted also but te problem is still same.

Shared Mailbox - Office 365 Message cannot be Delivered Bounce back reply


Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.


      Subject:    xyz

      Sent: 01/06/2017 12:24


The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:


      xyz.com on xyz time

            This message could not be sent. Try sending the message again later, or contact your network administrator. You do not have the permission to send the message on behalf of the specified user. Error is [0x80070005-0x0004dc-0x000524].


Watchdog_Violation when entering Wifi password


So I have been having this issue all day long. Initially, I had some Expool Corrupt Driver errors that I fixed by unistalling the faulty drivers. However, everytime I try to connect to my wireless network I immidiately freeze. I type in the security key, hit Enter, the network appears to accept the password I gave, but then I either freeze completely and have to manually close the PC with the power button, or I freeze and I get a bluescreen saying that  got an error named WATCHDOG_VIOLATION. I have tried uninstalling the wireless network drivers through Safe Mode, but nothing is happening. The driver comes back, as expected, but the problem persists. 

Could this be a combination  of the Expool Corrupt driver errors and something else ? Sorry for the unorganised post. Iam writing from a tablet because as you can tell, I cant even connect to the Internet without crashing on my PC.

Please help, :)

my account banned

My account got banned? earlier I received an email saying someone tried to access my account and I didn't think much of it and now I have been playing online on my Xbox one and I have been playing black ops 2 and I find things deleted things added and my rank changes most of the time and games deleted and game score increased after not playing and I receive hate messages for using mods while I am not on my Xbox since I have exams?!?! I am struggling here I want to casually play with my friends and I can't can someone help? my account is xSpiffii

Macro to copy cells from different tabs into one tab



I have an excel file that's being used in the lab to record test data. The file can have different number of tabs depends on how many samples are tested that day, one tab for each sample. I would like to have the number of tabs accurately represents the number of samples, instead of having, say 50, tabs and only use a few while leaving the rest blank. I would like to have a macro set up on a "Summary" tab that would compile the information from all the tabs.

For examples, let's say I test 3 samples today, so the file will have 4 tabs (3 for the samples data, and 1 summary tab). I would like to take the data from cell A5 of each sample tab and put the data in cells A2, A3, A4 of the Summary tab.

Any help is much appreciated


AirPrint problems with Exvel

Still no answers yo this continuing  problem with Excel

I am having problems printing using Excel on an iPad.  Air print works fine on all other programs eg  Wod.

Please nore Resetting Excel DOES NOT work.

The print options screen is skipped (where you choose an Air printer) and goes straight to layout.  It has the same problem on iPhone too. Word works and prints fine.

Infuriating problem means I cant print spreadsheets. 

I notice that when this wuestion has been asked on this girum in ghe past there has been no successful answer.

Any  Solutions? 

Camera button dissapears


I can have a two way call with someone on an ipad and they can turn on their camera and I can see it.  When we add another person we lose the feed from the ipad user, and they also lose the camera button from the bottom of their screen so they can't try to turn the video feed back on.  Anyone else on an ipad experience this?  Is it a wifi signal strength thing?



Junaliput kateissa sähköpostissa

Olin aikeissa tulostaa Saksan ja Itävällan junalippuja,  jotka olin etukäteen ostanut itselleni ja miehelleni. Ne olivat sähköpostissani punaisella merkitty. Nämä viestit olivat kadonneet samoin kuin Finnairin lentoliput ja hotellivaraukset. Lentoliput löytyvät Finnairin sivuilta ja hotellivaraukset Booking.comin omista varauksista. Junaliput olivat vain sähköpostissa ja jos joudun uudet ostamaan, niin 200€ ei riitä! Liput tarvitsen kesäkuun lopussa. Onko mahdollista saada palautettua kadonneet sähköpostit? 
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