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Cannot interact with a portion of my desktop using mouse on Windows 10


Around a week ago my desktop started acting weird and I cannot interact with the first two row of icons on my desktop. I have no access to that part using mouse at all. However, I can click on the third row icons and then using my arrow keys I can access the first two row. It's not only about the icons though; when I drag an icon using the mouse to that first two row (even where there is no icon) the pointer changes to the stop sign showing I have no access to that part.

I have read similar posts and tried these methods but none has worked so far:

- Restarting Explorer.exe

- Rebooting the computer

- sfc /scannow

- Reinstalling graphic card driver

- Deleting IconCache.db

The only way I get a temporary access is to use 'Show the desktop' but then as soon as I double-click on the first icon, I lose access.

I am using Windows 10 Pro and as of today May 30 2017 the computer is up to date (no pending updates). I also have the latest GC driver NVIDIA 342.01 installed. I am looking for a good solution, so please don't tell me to use system restore!


Photo gallery


Photo gallery wont open pictures and shows message

Windows photo gallery cannot open this picture or video. This file may be unsupported, corrupted or damaged.

I have done a system restore, tried opening it other ways and checked for viruses etc

Any help please

BUG nas ferramentas RSAT e Hyper-V


Existe um bug de incompatibilidade do hyper-v com as ferramentas de administração de servidores RSAT no Windows10 Pro e Home Single Language.

No Windows 10 Pro as maquinas a virtualização simplesmente param de funcionar e a virtualização, no programa VirtualBox só é capaz de criar maquinas de 32 bits como se a virtualização estivesse desabilitada na BIOS.

No Windows 10 Home_SL é ocasionado um erro de tela azul se for iniciado qualquer tipo de maquina virtual.

Problema com meu windows urgente, pois necessito do meu computador para estudo

O problema comessou quando entrei no executar e ms config, coloquei a opcaoo de iniciar apenas com o recursos basicos do Windows. Logo depois  disso o computador reiniciou agora ele so fica nessa tela. O que devo fazer? ja reiniciei ja desliguei mais nada resolve. So aparece estas opções  ai que estao na foto. Ja te tentei alguns comandos com control alt del mais nada funcionou

Demande des logiciels



Depuis un certain temps j'ai pas eu l'excès à des applications que j'ai dans mon clé USB, et chaque fois lorsque j'essaie de les ouvrir ; un message s'affiche contenant la phrase suivante:" Pour trouver une version pour votre PC,renseignez-vous auprès de l'éditeur de logiciels" et pour cela je vous demande si il y a des logiciels convenables avec ce type des applications sachant que la version du fichier est et la version du produit est 1.0.001 et je travaille sur Windows 8 Professionnel 64 bits

      Et merci en avance pour vos réponses


I have gone onto excel on windows tablet and I have found family budget planner but it is in $ I need to be in  £ how do you change this

Harddisk ve Windows Embedded


2 yıllık kullanmadığım harddiskimi önemli dökümanlar için tekrar açmaya çalıştığımda adının "Kurtar" olarak değiştirildiğini ve içine girdiğimde sadece, boot ,Camera,efi,Movies,Sources klasörleri ve bootmgr ,bootmgr.efi dosyalarıyla karşılaştım. İnternetten araştırınca Windows Embedded gibi şeyler gördüm. Bu şey nedir ve nasıl açılır?

isteyenlere daha ayrıntılı resimleri atabilirim ve anlatabilirim.

İsteyenler için resimler (klasörlerin içleri)

Harddiski açınca bu çıkıyor -->http://prntscr.com/fdwqe7

Boot klasörü ---> http://prntscr.com/fdwqsb

Efi klasörü ---> http://prntscr.com/fdwr6x

Sources klasörü ---> http://prntscr.com/fdwrrz


no puedo ingresar a outlook sale error de certificacion

este mensaje sale: Este sitio web no puede proporcionar una conexión segura

outlook.live.com no ha aceptado el certificado de inicio de sesión o es posible que no se haya proporcionado ninguno.

  • Intenta ponerte en contacto con el administrador del sistema.

How do I get MS Office to work again?


Feedback hub wasn't working so someone here said to reset it.

I can get "stuff" in the window now, but there is nowhere to write down anything!!!

BIGGEST ISSUE: MS Office doesn't run anymore!


This is all it does:

using days after award instead of dates in tracking projects


I am using MS Project and wish to track tasks related to "days After Receipt of Order" ARO instead of actual dates to create an Integrated Master Schedule. How can I do this with MS Project?

microsoft office


I have lost my product key

how should I get it /////?????

adult game pop up ads appearing in microsoft games, especially sudoku and jigsaw


I don't pay to avoid ads, but in the past few days a couple ads for adult games have started to pop up.  One of them is too risque to let my grandchildren play the jigsaw puzzle game they enjoy, and I don't like to see it either.  I have locked down my browser settings, xbox live settings and ad settings as much as I know how, and they keep showing up.  I have  also cleared my browser history, although I do not browse adult sites.  What else can I do to get these to go away, short of paying the ransom to remove ads, or uninstall the games.  This has not been a problem in the past 2 years.

Windows Defender runs regularly and never finds a threat, and Malware Bites did not find anything.

Windows Creator Update - aucun signe depuis la KB4013214 + Question


Bonjour à tous,

Je viens vers vous concernant la nouvelle mise à jour (Windows Creator Update). Mon pc tourne sous Windows 10 (version  1607).

J’ai reçu il y a deux jours la notification pour revoir mes paramètres de confidentialité (suite à la mise à jour KB4013214). Normalement le téléchargement de la mise à jour était censé commencer dans Windows Update juste après cette formalité (?), à ce que j’ai lu sur le site de Microsoft. Mais là rien, Windows Update se dit à jour depuis deux jours.

Comme je préfère la télécharger automatiquement et non manuellement, je viens vers vous pour voir si je dois faire quelque chose, régler un paramètre,… pour pouvoir obtenir cette mise à jour ou s’il est normal que je ne l’aie pas encore reçue.

Petite question subsidiaire: sur mon ancien pc quand je suis passée de Windows 7 à 10, toutes les vidéos de mon caméscope Sony qui doit bien avoir 10 ans (format MOV.) n’étaient plus lisibles par Windows Media Player (alors qu’aucun soucis sous Seven !!!). J’ai du télécharger VLC.

Sur mon nouveau PC l'application de base Films et TV ne lit pas ces fichiers non plus...

Est-ce normal, ou y a-t'il des codecs à télécharger?

Avec cette mise à jour dois-je m’attendre à ce que d’anciens formats soient encore supprimées des formats lisibles par Windows Media Player  ou même l'application Films et TV?

C'est étrange que les anciens formats ne soient plus supportés, je pensais que les mises rajoutaient des nouveaux formats mais n'en enlevaient pas ? ... :/

Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses !!

En vous souhaitant une bonne soirée. :)



Hi everybody,

I've recently tried OneDrive. In the beginning, in the Windows Explorer, I had an image of clouds just on the left side of the word "OneDrive". At this point, when I dropped files in OneDrive, these files were automatically uploaded on the internet. Then, a little while after, the image of the clouds was replaced by an rectangular image. And since that moment, the upload hasn't been anymore automatic. Can someone help me?


Проблемы после восстановления телефона из резервной копии


Добрый день!

После восстановления телефона (Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE Dual SIM) из резервной копии появились проблемы: двоят приложения.


  1. Госуслуги (статус "Ожидание")
  2. Госуслуги (статус "Новое")

При нажатии на приложение со статусом "Ожидание" оно открывается в Магазине с активной кнопкой Запустить.

Задолбался уже!!! Как исправить эту дрянь.

Сведения об устройстве:

Модель: Microsoft Lumia 640 LTE Dual SIM

Версия: 1703

Сборка ОС: 10.0.15063.297

Номер версии микропрограммы: 02177.000000.15184.36002

Zoekfunctie Outlook 365 werkt niet meer


Vandaag 31 mei 2017 is Windows 10 geupdate.

Nadat ik mijn mail wilde checken bleek de zoekfunctie in Outlook 365 niet meer te functioneren?!?

Windows Update erscheint die Fehlermeldung 0x80072ee7

Kurz vor Ende des Updates bricht dieses ab mit der Fehlermeldung 0x80072ee7. Der Laptop "hängt" sich auf und nichts geht mehr.

Активация Windows 10


Здравствуйте! У меня такая проблема: На ПК была установлена Windows 8.1(приобретал при покупке самого ПК в ДНС). Через год использования сгорела материнская плата, сдал на сервис по гарантии. На корпусе была наклейка с ключом продукта Windows 8.1. В ходе ремонта мастер зачем то обновил мой Windows 8.1 на Windows 10, но не активировал его. А наклейка с ключом продукта потерялась, там же на сервисе. Подскажите как мне теперь активировать мой Windows?

Заранее Спасибо!!!



Buenas tardes,

el programa Outook me daba peqeños problemas en la busqueda. Tengo Windows 2010, me fui a panel de control/progamas/microsoft/cambiar/reparar online y trs esperar unos mintutos en el paso 1 de 4, desapareció la ventana emergente y se ha desinstalado el programa!!

he vuelto a un punto de restauracion de ayer y aparece instalado de nuevo, pero me da los errores 30175-13 (30).

estoy desesperado y hasta asustado. Pueden ayudarme, por favor?

How to remove Unindexed files ? How to get the space back from unindexed files ?


I have some problems with windows hibernation before.

Now I have a huge amount of files that are unindexed and hence I can't see them. But they are taking up space in my drive.
I used CHKDSK to know about the unindexed files. I have seen those files through data recovery tools. Yes they are present.
Now, I want to delete those files to get the data back. But since, they are unindexed, I can't delete them through Windows Explorer as I can't see them.

I have used CHKDSK /F /R options and couple of others too. It says that the files are recovered but I can't see any files recovered in my drive.

Is there any way to remove all those files ??

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