Email wachtwoord is verandert.
HalloIk ben al de hele ochtend/middag bezig om mijn wachtwoord te herstellen van de email: *** Email address is removed for privacy ***Maar tervergeefs, ik heb van alles geprobeert, Me andere email...
View ArticleSurface Pro 4 未检测到电池
我的Surface Pro 4这几天发现电池好像有问题了,右下角电池上出现一个叉,鼠标移上去显示“未检测到电池”。然后插上外接电源后没有充电显示,但是插头上的LED显示灯是亮的。用完电池里面的电以后电脑就需要外接电源才能开机,不能作为移动设备来使用了。不知道是什么原因,有没有高手解答一下?
View ArticleNo puedo acceder a mi cuenta antigua.
Tengo un correo electronico que tengo desde los 7 años, por lo cual la mucha de la informacion que tenia de referencia se me olvido, el caso es que cuando intento entrar a la cuenta me sale el aviso de...
View ArticleOneNote Crashing while trying to sync large notebooks on iPad Pro
So I recently got an iPad Pro, and decided to download OneNote. So I had a whole bunch of PDFs that I had already loaded onto my iPad Pro, and thought I would collect them into one Notebook. After...
日志文件链接,大神帮忙分析一下什么问题链接: 密码:tmah
View Articleปัญหาเกี่ยวกับเกมในวินโด10
ผมมีปํญหาเล่นเกม siegefall แล้วมีอาการค้างจนต้องปิดเครื่องใหม่ และทั้งยังรีบูตคอมใหม่ก็ยังไม่หายครับ หลังจากที่อัพเดตเป็นวินโด10 ตัวใหม่ล่าสุด มีวิธีแก้ไขอย่างไรบ้างครับ
View Articleفشل النسخ الاحتياطي
فشل النسخ الاحتياطي ( w7) الى هارد خارجينرجو منكم حل هذه المشكلهنشكر لكم تجاوبكم
View ArticleCodice vba per riportare una diverse voci
Buongiorno a tutti! Ho la seguente domanda da porvi: ho la necessità di trovare un codice che riconosca dove vi è una voce e me la riporti a fianco di una lista; proverò a spiegarmi meglio con questo...
View ArticleCannot share my screen via SKYPE
Skype v8.25. This is my call screen. Instructions say PRESS + sign to select SHARE SCREEN. The only + on my call screens DOES NOT allow ANY OPTIONS at all. Please advise.
View ArticleUnlimited world subscription
Hi, I have an unlimited world subscription which renews monthly. When I was in the USA I used this to make calls to UK landlines. Now that I am in the UK, I am unable to make calls to landlines in...
View ArticleNo puedo actualizar de Windows 10 Home a Windows 10 Pro
Hola, He comprado a un distribuidor una caja con una licencia de Windows 10 Pro y quería actualizar con esa licencia mi versión de Windows 10 Home.Voy a Inicio>Configuración>Actualización y...
View ArticleBullets Automatically Placed in Frames
Every time I set a list to be displayed in bullets it automatically creates a frame around the bullets and pushes it to the top of my document ruining all of my formatting. I know how to remove the...
View ArticleMac/Office365/Outlook Is local storage encrypted?
We have just switched to Office 365. I have a Mac user who receives confidential information and wants to know if the local storage for Outlook is encrypted (/Users/<username>/Library/Group...
View ArticleWindows 10 freezing on login screen
Windows 10 loads up to the time and date screen completely frozen, theres only one other icon on the screen and its the network icon ( usually there is a power button with this). Mouse and keyboard led...
View ArticleHandtekening standaard onder email
Waar kan ik een standaard handtekening plaatsen, zodat deze onderaan mijn mail verschijnt? Ik heb de webversie van Outlook
View ArticleSchedule an email in
In outlook online/ 365 / how do you snooze / schedule an email for later. The app is capable of this but can't not find the option online. It is impossible it seems to search online for...
View ArticleGame cannot be find
Two years left I bougt a XBOX ONE.I sold it and now I have a XBOX ONE X On the ONE I bouht Forza Horizon 2 with a Code in the store.Now on the XBOX X:I am logged-in in my account from the XBOX ONE:I...
View Articleהוספת שפת תצוגה וינדוס 10 PRO N
התקנתי וינדוס 10 "PRO N"(התקנה שנמצאת רק באנגלית N )וכשאני מנסה להוסיף שפת תצוגה עברית אין את האפשרות רק אנגלית נמצא שם
View Articleupdate op samsung s7
goedmiddag, na een update van skype op mijn s7, kan ik alleen de status van online zien, ik zie niet de afwezige statussen van vrienden.ik kan ook de oude skype versie niet terugzetten.kan jullie hier...
View ArticleActivation Problems
Having installed Microsoft Flight Simulator X on my new Windows 10 computer and activating it online, I got the message "Activation Successful". However when I run this program it will only run for 30...
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