View ArticleError Reporting
Approximately 2 months ago, error reporting by windows stopped. This seemed to coincide with a windows 10 update.By error reporting I mean the message box that should appear on an application failure,...
View ArticleUnable to create assignments
Trying to use Teams in my classroom, but after creating a team I'm never prompted to choose Class, PLCs, Staff Members or Anyone. As a result, I can't create assignments. What am I doing wrong?
View Articleエクセルを使用する度 購入案内、アカウント入力画面が出てくる。
View Articlewin10 人脸识别设置时,报错“抱歉,出现问题 关闭windows Hello,然后尝试再次运行安装程序”,不能正常使用。之前win8.1可以正常使用。
win10 人脸识别设置时,报错“抱歉,出现问题 关闭windows Hello,然后尝试再次运行安装程序”,不能正常使用。之前win8.1可以正常使用。
View Article初代SurfacePro セキュリティアップデート直後からUSB関連の機器が使用できなくなった
初代SurfacePro セキュリティアップデート直後からUSB系(Wi-Fi,Bluetooth,USBポート、MicroSDカード)が使用できなくなった。 ディバイスマネージャーでUSB USB xHCI対応ホストコントローラーのプロパティで 「このデバイスを開始できません(10)」が表示され全く使用できない状態。手の施しようがありません。
View ArticleНе запускается приложение от имени администратора
При запуске приложения от имени администратора появляется окно с сообщением:"G:\install.exe Указанный путь не существуетИсправьте его и повторите попытку."При обычном запуске требует повышения, т.е....
View ArticleOutlook freezes while searching for emails
While we search for emails, outlook freezes or becomes unresponsive and delays for 3 minute or so to become responsive again.
View ArticleNot able to pair Skullcandy Hesh 3 via bluetooth to my laptop (Lenovo T450)...
Hi All,I just purchased a new Skullcandy Hesh 3 Bluetooth headset today. The headset is connecting to all devices except on my laptop (Lenovo T450).When I go to Devices and Printers, Hesh 3 logo is...
View ArticleMaximum desktop resolution in Windows 10
Hi,we are building large VIdeowall, that will run on Windows 10, but we are not sure what is the maximum desktop resolution for multi display setup. I think it was 32k x 32k (with 128 mil maximum pixel...
View ArticleКак отключить автоматическое добавление ics приглашений в календарь?
Добрый день.Есть Outlook с аккаунтом office365 + gmailВ gmail приходят приглашения на встречу в формате ics и outlook автоматически добавляет их в календарь от office365.Как отключить данную...
View ArticleRedirector script being injected in ads
It's been for at least 2 months I've been tracking the origin of a redirector script to a fake/phishing site, and now I'm certain it's coming through the ads system in the script is...
View Article电脑蓝屏
蓝屏时出现A problem has been deteced ond windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computePAGE_FAUCT-IN NONPAGED_AREAif this is the first time you ve see this stop error screen restart your...
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