Problema ad inserire con la tastiera in un documento di testo OpenOffice un...
Ho un portatile Sony Vaio SVE1513Q1ESI acquistato con s.o. WINDOWS 8 aggiornato successivamente a 8.1 e con programma di scrittura OpenOffice 4.1.5. .Premesso che OpenOffice ha sue tabelle di caratteri...
View Articlesaving to PC & one drive & icloud mess of files
I have discovered that some how my icloud photo is in my OneDrive (I do pay extra for icloud storage that apparently I am not using do to Onedrive hogging everything over then telling me my computer...
View Articlejw library app not downloading publications, PROMPT: Publication Unavailable...
Cannot download publications from jw library app.After requesting a publication, the following message is always prompted:Publication Unavailable The publication is not available at this time. Please,...
View ArticleInstallazione pulita di windows 10 su ssd non riconosce più hard disk
Salve a tutti, ho un enorme problema con il mio hard disk e spero riusciate ad aiutarmi a risolverlo.Questa sera ho deciso di passare da win 8 al 10.Ho fatto una installazione da usb formattando tutto...
View ArticleNo me estan llegando correos importantes
Me esta pasando muy frecuentemente que no me estan llegando correos importantes, me los renvian o me contestan y no puedo verlos.Que puedo hacer? tiene algun virus mi cuenta, me esta preocupando mucho...
Bom, faz menos de 24horas que eu efetuei a compra do Forza Horizon 3 e ao completar á compra/download, percebi que meu PC não esta aguentando. estou querendo pedir reembolso para comprar outro jogo na...
View ArticleNão consigo instalar os aplicativos do office no meu computador para...
Acabei de adquirir o office 365 para estudante, porém eu só estou conseguindo utilizá-lo online. Na hora que eu tento instalar o office no meu computador eu coloco o meu e-mail e senha, da mesma forma...
View ArticleOn Windows 10 1709 - Currently running 32 bit programs on older Windows 10...
I have 4 machines which I upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 10 1709. All my programs are running just fine. However the new machine I just purchased has - Windows 10 1709. I am being...
View ArticleNo notification icon on Windows 10
Hi there,I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10.Skype no longer automatically starts, and there is no Skype icon in the notification window.I am running Skype v12.1803.279.0I have "Always...
View ArticleXbox and the family function
When I was a little kid I bought Minecraft Java Edition and used this mail adress to sign up. Now I logged in to the xbox app because I wanted to play Minecraft windows 10 Edition (I got it for free...
View ArticleCombing ISNA(MATCH formulasi
I have two formulas:My 1st is =IF(ISNA(MATCH(A8,AQ2:AQ9,0)),"","34") andMy 2nd is =IF(ISNA(MATCH(A9,AQ2:AQ9,0)),"","34").I would like to combine these so cells A8 and A9 can both be included in one...
View ArticleTransfer Windows 10 license from computer too slow after recent update
Had been having some crashes, and planned to eventually transfer my Windows 10 to a newly purchased computer, but I did not get to fully prepare thanks to my old computer becoming basically...
View ArticleAMD Fatal Hardware Error Random Reboot
Component: AMD Northbridge Error Source: Machine Check Exception Error Type: 11 Processor APIC ID: 0I hear there was a patch, I installed it, but yet my computer randomly reboots! Please help!Did I...
View ArticleHow to Stop Sex related Email
Were getting a lot of Sex offering Emails everyday they even show up in my Grand Kids Email
View ArticleUrgent Download - Microsoft Windows Update Popup in Edge
Split from this thread. This just appeared on a tab in Edge with the Urgent/Download message. I assume this is malware that came in undetected since it does not have in it? Is that...
View Articleprobleme avec skype translator
bonjour une amis Brésilienne a skype sur android quand j'ouvre une conversation avec elle je choisi le français pour moi mais il ya plusieur langue au choix ,dont le portugaismais elle, elle n'as pas...
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