Importing MBOX files into Outlook for Mac 2016
I have numerous mbox accounts/files that I can't seem to import into Outlook for Mac 2016. How can I do this as they are on my desktop and ready to pull into Outlook. Thank you, Eric
View ArticleК моей учетной записи привязан чужой скайп! Как отвязать?
К моей учетной записи привязан чужой скайп! Как отвязать?Вхожу в скайп, со свои логином и паролем в майкрасофт, а открывается чужой профель, человека из другой страны даже! Что делать?
View Articleafter how long does hotmail/outlook purge the deleted items (they are thus...
after how long does hotmail/outlook purge the deleted items (they are thus not recoverable anymore)?I read 2 weeks, or never?
View ArticleEnregistrement format fichier
Bonsoir,Je possède la version Microsoft Excel pour mac VERSION 16.10 (180210)Pouvez-vous m'indiquer le format de fichier dans lequel je dois enregistrer mes document pour n'avoir aucun problème ou de...
View ArticleConférence à 3+ impossible avec Skype pour Win10
Bonjour,J'ai essayé d'entrer en contact avec 2 autres personnes via Skype sous Win 10 ce matin, mais en me connectant à un de mes correspondants, l'autre était mis en attente. Impossible pour les deux...
View Articlewindows oxC000012f jcode
running upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10 a year ago. Now getting this message. loaded and ran RegCure Pro with no results. how do I get back to windows 10?
View ArticleBluetooth problem
I just updated my laptop with windows 10 creators update.My laptop has built in bluetooth.But i am unable to get it to work.I have a HP Laptop 17-ak012nr.So how do i fix this?So i am able to use the...
View ArticleIlkokuldan beri kullandıgım eposta hesabıma erisemiyorum
*** Email address is removed for privacy *** hesabı bana ait. yıllardır. o hesap üzerinden onlarca siteye üye oldum bunlara dropbox'da dahil. dropbox şifremi kurtarmak için epostama giriş yapmak...
View ArticleUnknown USB Device
Device Descriptor Failed. I have used Device Manager to uninstall and reinstall the "unknown" device, to no avail. As far as I can tell, all USB devices are working properly. Any idea what is going on...
View ArticleNo puedo divir la pantalla en 2
Llevo buscando una solución a este problema desde hace mucho, ya que se me resulta muy difícil trabajar sin dividir 2 ventanas(como 1 bloc de notas y google), no sé si este problema se ocasionó por...
View ArticleExcel en mac con windows instalado
Tengo un MacBook y utilizo Excel pero algunas caracteristicas como los controles actveX o el mapeado de archivos XML no estan disponibles en Excel para Mac. mi pregunta es: si instalo Windows en mi Mac...
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video çekerken oyunlar kasıyo video prgoramım obs video çekerken arada kasmalar oluyo ama normal oynarken hiç kasma olmuyo nasıl çözebilirm ram 8gb işlemcim amd187410apuwithr5graphics video...
View ArticleHP LE1851w monitor not detected
I have a monitor I'm connect to my computer that runs Windows 10 Dell gaming computer. It is an HPLE1851w 18/5 inch connected through an HDMI converter cable. I cannot find driver software to...
View Articleboth printer drivers and mouse drivers frequently become unavailable
I have had several issues with both my printer and mouse drivers becoming 'unavailable' - after both devices have been operating successfully with this same Windows 10 computer for over a year. I have...
View ArticleMicrosoft Office Home and Business 2010
Defender Virus protection turns off chronically. How can I stop this or uninstall and replace it. Have reinstalled software and ran malbytes.
View ArticleAdicionar dispositivo
Olá eu sempre conectei minha caixa de som JBL via bluetooth com meu notebook mas um dia excluí ela do PC agora não consigo conectar mais ela, na hora de adicionar um dispositivo aparece uma mensagem...
View ArticleThe type of Surface I have
Hello, My brother gave me his used Surface, but I would like know what type of surface it is. Can I find out by the serial number?
View ArticleProblemas Drivers Ayuda Porfavor
Hola! estoy teniendo unos pequeños problemas. Un amigo mio me recomendó que actualizara los drivers de mi laptop pero al momento de hacerlo creo que se borraron algunos por lo que estoy teniendo...
View Articleon Win10, XCOPY to >NUL takes 10 times longer than actual copy
Had a user getting random slowdowns. Event Viewer showed "Bad Blocks". Tried PC Mover, it failed to transfer. Made a Batch file like I used to use,@echo offcd \XCOPY /E .\*.* >NULLexitIt was...
View ArticleSticky Notes
Windows 7 64 bit. I am trying to transfer live sticky notes from one machine to another. I know where to find them and where to copy them to, but clicking on the .snt file on the destination machine...
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