Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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hola buenas tardes necesito ayuda para poder desbloquear google chrome 

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Problema com Login

Boa tarde.  Comprei o Age of empires definitive edition e nao consigo logar com minha conta microsoft no app xbox. Aparece o erro 0x80090010NAO É POSSIVEL REMOVER A PASTAO que eu faço? ja tentei todos...

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Unable to easily add lines, arrows and text boxes (Word 2016 for Mac, v.16.10)

The past few updates for MS Word for Mac (version 16.10) do not allow me to easily enter things like lines, arrows and text boxes which I did with older versions. Instead of a normal one of these, I...

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Não é possível ativar o Windows

Fiz um upgrade na minha maquina trocando processador/memória/placa mãe e o windows desativou e eu não consigo reativar de JEITO NENHUM não consigo suporte onlinenão consigo suporte por telefonea única...

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Immagini schermata di blocco Windows 10

Ciaovolevo sapere se è possibile inviare a Microsoft alcune fotografie per candidarle come immagine di sfondo della schermata di blocco di Windows 10.Grazie mille.

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How do I flush the contact resolver cache?

Split from this thread. The Mail client resolves email addresses using the wrong contact name. I put in the email address and the friendly name is wrong.   I've removed all related contacts from my...

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cant access my old hotmail account

I need to reactivate my facebook but they sent the code to my hotmail email which I set fb up with. where can I see them? not on outlook as far as I can see?

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비즈니스용 원드라이브 컴퓨터 부팅 시 마다 로그인 문제

 학교 메일을 연동해서 비즈니스용 원드라이브를 사용중입니다. 일반 원드라이브의 경우 컴퓨터를 킬때마다 로그인 하지 않아도 되는데, 비즈니스용 원드라이브의 경우 매번 부팅 시 마다 로그인을 해주어야 하는 불편이 있습니다.  주변 사람도 똑같은 증상으로 불편을 겪고 있는데, 로그인(자격인증)을 저장해두는 방법은 없나요?

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Récupération de toutes les discussion d'un même compte Skype

Bonjour/bonsoir, Je possède un même compte Skype depuis des années mais en ayant changée de pc/smartphone/tablette, je souhaiterais avoir accès à la totalité de mes discussions regroupées dans un...

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Gelöschtes Microsoft Outlook 2016 Adressbuch

Hallo,Ich habe eine Frage, vielleicht kann mir hier jemand Auskunft geben und weiterhelfen.Ich hatte Problem mit meinem Mailkonto und habe es etlichen Versuchen schlussendlich entfernt, also gelöscht....

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System lockup at start screen

After the latest update from windows, I restarted my computer and it frozen at the startup screen.  The keyboard, mouse, and Touch Screen did not work.  I tried to restart in the safe mode but it just...

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Skype problem

Each time I sign into Skype have to use a new password. There are 2 unused Skype account in my name (accidentaly did that I assume) Now I cannot get any help correcting this, but I feel if I could...

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Problema de incompatibilidad

Hola a todos. No sé si en mi caso me podéis ayudar o no, pero os lo planteo de todas formas por si acaso no soy el único y hay más personas con este tipo de problemas con este programa o con otros.Pues...

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error no responde

Hola, desde hace unos dias a mi portatil no es capaz de abrir las carpetas, las intento abrir,  se pone a cargar y despues de un rato sale el mensaje que no responde, con los navegadores me pasa lo...

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Boite de réception

Bonjour  J'ai perdu tous mes mails dans ma boite de réception cet après-midi, sans aucune action de ma part. Par contre j'ai tous mes mails dans ma boite envoyés ? mercie de m'aider à les récupérer SVP

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Controlador - Mouse

De um momento para o outro o meu portatil deixou de reconhecer o mouse que sempre tive ligado e que funcionava tranquilamente. Testei o mouse noutro portatil e funciona; testei outros mouse no meu...

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Excel 2010 running on Windows 7

Could someone help me where I can get Survival Analysis Add-In (to download) for my Excel 2010?

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I have stopped receiving emails. how do I get help.

I have stopped receiving emails. how do I get help? I have a lot of memory space on outlook.

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windows 10 souris usb fillaire n'est plus reconnue comme une souris

Bonjour,Mon lenovo yoga ne reconnait plus ma souris comme une souris, mais comme "autres périphériques". Elle ne fonctionne plus et reste éteinte.Suppression du driver, Redémarrage , mise à jour...

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Visualizzatore foto

Non riesco più a vedere l'anteprima delle foto e dei video. Vedo solo le icone.E' stato reinstallato Windows 10 ma l'avevo già prima e vedevo foto e tutto.

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