mise a jour acer jade primo
Bonjour,J'ai acheté en novembre un Acer jade primo. Je me suis aperçu que la mise à jour anniversaire ne s'est jamais faite. J'en suis toujours à la version 1511 avec tout les manques que cela...
View Articlehjälp!
hej! mitt konto '' *** Email address is removed for privacy ***'' finns inte längre, varför är det så?jag behöver återhämta konto.
View ArticleWindows 7 Professional 64 Bits Não muda papel de parede.
Bom dia, Pessoal estou com problema na questão de papel de parede em algumas estações em meu local de trabalho, as maquina são ingressadas em domínio e o papel de parede e alterado por GPO, as estações...
View ArticleDVD-Rom Won't play after Windows 10 upgrade, diagnostics tells me to buy new...
After Windows 10 Upgrade my laptop DVD-Rom just keeps opening and asking for media disk I install one then it doesn't read it, just keeps going around in a circle opening again and again asking for a...
View ArticleWindows Live Mail Clean up Contacts
I am following the advice to start a new question instead of posting another comment on page 4 of the existing one...I have the same issue as a lot of others with duplicated contacts (sometimes more...
Preciso recuperar minha conta de email no hotmail URGENTE, ela esta bloqueada por suspeita que outra pessoa esteja usando, eu já preenchi o formulário, mas não consigo acessar . Pelo amor de Deus,...
View Articleusb composite device driver issue
I've all suggested to people with similar issue but the problem remains -I can't still complete installation of my brothe printer machine
View Articleprobleme outlook dossier1372053542
probleme outloock suite a installation packoffice professionnal plus 2013. probleme synchronisation avec message ox00ccoe. merci de m'aider
View ArticleAnniversary update for windows 10
I am downloading windows 10 anniversary update for my pc. After completing 99% it verify downloading and complete the 100%.But after complete 100% its start from 1% again.3-4 times I download update...
View Article0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff80040e10896, 0xffffb900b5d372d8,...
i just finshed playing omsi 2 and the notifation to plug in ur charger poped up so i pluged it in and then got this blue screen error The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was:...
View ArticleProblema audio - Windows 10 pro
Salve a tutti,dopo l'aggiornamento di Windows, l'audio e le casse sono sparite. Nel senso che non dà segni di vita, l'audio predefinito è "audio digitale s/pdif", con l'hdmi alla tv, funziona tutto...
View ArticlePäivitys
Olen ihmetellyt tätä maksullista dataa mistä Microsoftilla on tullut tässä kympissä pakkomielle.Päivitykset on asetettu automaattisiksi ja koskaan se ei päivitä,jos tarkistaa päivitykset,on...
View Articleimpossibilité d'utiliser windows live Mail
Bonjour,Ce matin à l'ouverture de mon courrier, une fenetre me demande mon mot de passe qu'il refuse systématiquement avec message d'erreur 0x800CCC92Merci de votre aide.
View ArticleLumia 950 - po roce používání se neustále restartuje
Nevíte někdo, co dělat s telefonem, který se po roce používání začal i několikrát denně restartovat nebo jen tak vypínat?Lumii mám spíše na práci (leží mi celý den na stole), funguje mi skoro tak dobře...
View ArticleOutlook 2016
Hola, tengo problemas con Outlook 2016. Cuando escribo una dirección de correo, por segunda vez no me autocompleta la direccion. Ya he probado con cambiar el nombre del fichero de old del outlook,...
View Articlewindows 10 erro de login
Bom dia estou tentando ligar meu computador e entrar no meu login, mas o mesmo da um erro e de tanto reinicializar ele começou a entrar em modo de segurança.Depois de apertar o F8 como indicado ele...
View ArticleТоп 10 отвечающих, декабрь 2016!
Здравствуйте!Приступили долгожданные результаты за декабрь 2016. Поздравляем всех участников форума с Новым годом и желаем всего наилучшего. Спасибо за ваше активное участие и за ваш вклад в наше...
View ArticleSkype frequently not responding/crashing/freezing
Could anyone possibly give me a hand with this one?Skype, which I use frequently for staying in touch with friends/family etc, frequently and randomly stops responding and I have to close & re-open...
View ArticleFormule in Excel con il SE
Buongiorno a tutti,spero vivamente che qualcuno di voi mi possa aiutare, in quanto o io sono un inetto o la questione che pongo è fuori dalle regole di Excel.Sto formulando un listino prezzi e il...
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