For the last couple of days, my skype has been acting super slow and it couldn't even accept calls. I knew that it had nothing to do with the connection, considering that everything else was running smoothly. Plus, in the past it ran just fine on the same WiFi. So I want to uninstall and (and then reinstall) the dang thing.
It took me a while to track it down, but finally I found the core file named "Microsoft.SkypeApp_kzf8qxf38zg5c". I want to delete it, but no matter what I do my computer refuses to let me. It repeatedly told me that "computername/username" denied my access, even though I was logged in as that user. When it would show the button w/ the shield (when it asked for my password), I'd click on it, and then nothing would happen. It won't let me give it permission as the user. Although I only have one login in (and it of course has Admin) I changed the ownership of the file from "computername/username" to "computername/Administrator". I checked the "Replace owner on sub containers and objects" box.
But when I tried to check the "Replace all child object permission entries from this object." box, a message popped up that read: "an error occurred while applying security information to C:\Users(myonlyusername)\...\Microsoft.SkypeApp_kzf8qxf38zg5c" Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied".
I don't understand how I can still be denied access when I'm now the owner of the folder. I've tried making myself the owner and then not checking the last box, applying, fully exiting properties, and going back in. The problem is still the same. I still cannot get Skype off of my computer. I've read through so many threads about this, but nothing seems to work. If it helps, I'm on Windows 10 with a brand new laptop.