Since yesterday when I search I keep getting a blank page and a pop up telling me if I wish to see adult content to change my Bing Safesearch settings. When I go to Bing it says the country that I live in requires Bing to be set to strict, well I live in the UK so this certainly shouldn't be the case. There is no option to change Bing to moderate. Settings show location as UK and language English. I've cleared cookies and files both on my laptop and in Microsoft account but it hasn't helped. I'm not even searching for adult content but the pop up and the blank page is coming up on nearly every search term I use! When I search for Safesearch in my laptop search box I am taken to the Cortana page where it shows as set to moderate, but I have Cortana switched off so I'm guessing this doesn't even apply.
I've also noticed that settings in Bing don't save, I tried adding Region to see if that would help but later the box was blank again. I'm using a Dell laptop, Windows 10 and Edge with Bing. My laptop is also registered as being in the UK.