While using my computer, I can go days at a time without having to deal with this issue, which is what makes it even more frustrating when it does happen, as I don't know the cause.
To begin, I'm on Windows 10, and while using my computer, I'll go to play music via Spotify, play a YouTube video in Chrome, or have a discussion with someone in Discord. Where everything was fine the last few times I'll have done these activities, every so often, the volume levels seem to have dropped dramatically. I'll right-click my volume icon in the taskbar, click on "Open Sound Settings", and then click on the option for "App volume and device preferences". Under here, there is the option to have application specific volume levels, and even though I'm constantly maxing them all out to 100%, somehow, they will have been lowered to like 10-20%. The frustrating part, is that it's not all of the applications. Just 1 or 2 out of the list, again, usually Chrome, Discord, Spotify, for my iCUE software for my Corsair headset.
Steps I've taken to resolve this are making sure that each of these application are all up to date, making sure my device drivers are all up to date, going in to my "Sounds", going to the "Communications" tab, and making sure to check the "Do nothing" option under the option for "When Windows detects communications activity:". None of this seems to help, and as I stated previously, I haven't been able to find any kind of commonality between when it happens.
I thought I had found an article relating the issue to Discord, but it was just referencing the "Do nothing" option I mentioned above. It did also make mention of Attentuation in Discord itself, but I have that feature disabled.
Is there something else I'm missing, or a way to disable application specific volume levels so that I can just have 1 master volume control? That' pretty much what I do anyways, as I max out all my application volumes.