I've set up an Exchange ActiveSync account on Outlook 2016 on my desktop. I also have the Outlook app on my Android 'phone, and an Outlook.com account. Calendar changes sync correctly among all three with the exception of downward syncing to Outlook on my desktop.
Specifically, (1) changes to the calendar in Outlook on my desktop get reflected on Outlook.com and my 'phone; (2) changes to the calendar in Outlook.com get reflected on my 'phone, but not on Outlook on my desktop; and (3) changes to the calendar in my 'phone get reflected on Outlook.com, but not on Outlook on my desktop.
For the Exchange ActiveSync mail server, I've tried m.hotmail.com, bay-m.hotmail.com, and eas.outlook.com. All produce the same results as described above. I've followed the steps for deleting and re-creating my Exchange ActiveSync account, with no change in behavior.
Any idea how I can achieve calendar sync from Outlook.com and my 'phone down to my desktop?