About a week ago, just after build 17713rs5_release.180706-1551 was installed, my yellow desktop folders turned a putrid green. All yellows wherever they were were this putrid green. I would not have cared, but when editing photos, I cannot tell what is happening to the yellow content.
I went to settings: ease of access: color filters. It was on, so I turned it off. My normal yellows came back to my desktop.
The yellows remain, no matter what I did with the high contrast. I leave it off.
I had no idea what had happened or how to correct it. Other searches only came up with correcting a yellow screen.
Thanks to GeraldoCampos1’s March 12, 2018 post, my monitor colors are back to normal.
I don't know for sure but that newly installed build may have changed the setting. It did change settings elsewhere.