Hi everyone, I've been wracking my brain on this for a few hours and I'm stuck!
At work I have to compile data at the end of every month to track the work being done in our department. Previously this was done by someone who doesn't even know the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste so the spreadsheets are, as you might imagine, a mess. I am working to automate a lot of the process which I know is possible but I'm having trouble getting it to work.
Basically what I need to do at my current step is to check that two columns are true and then give me the number of trues in both columns. I'm suing COUNTIFS to do so and my formula looks like this: =COUNTIFS(K5:K2005, "TERM", E5:E2005, {">=6/1/2018","<=6/30/2018"})
so as you pros can tell I'm trying to check if column K has the phrase "TERM" in it and then if column E falls into the month of June 2018. The problem is that it doesn't seem to care if the month or year are GREATER than 6/30/2018. If it's less than that
it comes back false but I could enter 8/25/2047 and it would come back true. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?