Hello, I have contacted Xbox Support twice over 3 days and they have advise to come here to help me with my problem.
My problem is i brought the Limited Edtion Founders Pack for Fortnite two days ago and upon purchase it stated that i would get two standard founders packs to give to friends. However this was not the case as i didn't recieve the two friends packs to give to friends as it was false advertising as I didn't receive them even though at the time of purchase it stated in the description that i would get these 2 founders codes to give to friends. I have proof of the description at the time of purchase and the description now showing that i have been brought content at the time which i should of received but i didn't.
The chat with xbox support advised me to contact the developer Epic games about asking them to give me two founders packs for my friends but they never replied and i gave them 48 hrs to reply but didn't get one.
Eariler today i got back in another chat with xbox support and i explained the situation and they told me to come here for the support about my issue and possibly manually activate two founders packs for my friends.
I would like the two standard founders packs to give to my friends which was in the description for me at the time of purchase or i would like a full refund if i can't receive these founders pack to give to my friends.
Please find my proof within the attachments which includes the edition i brought and what i should of got at the time of purchase.
Please help me resolve this issue.
Many Thanks