Hi community,
hi developer,
as many of you know Windows 10 mobile 1511 offered the kids-corner and apps-corner functionality to create a kiosk-mode.
Kids-cordner was removed because of low usage in upd 1607 and apps-corner was removed at the same reason in upd 1703.
I think the old / outdated LUMIAs are a perfect replacement as mediaplayer for our kids.
Microsoft removed the features because of low usage in the past but now it become importent again.
Most people use octa-core smartphones today but the older dual-cores with 512ram are to worthy to throwaway.
Does somebody know a replacement for the removed features?
Microsoft wants us to use the ImageDesigner out of the SDK and lockdown.xml to provisioning our devices.
Is there a more convenient way?
Maybe the features could be sideloaded by appx?
Or the features are still present but deactivated by registry keys an could be reactivated?
Or someone made a lockscreen-app with exacly this focus?
I thank you for any ideas!