I have had to reinstall MS Outlook for Mac
As I do not want to Synch my Google Account to the Microsoft Cloud, I select the [Not Google?] option during the set up process.
This then allows me to input my account data, IMAP server, SMTP server data etc. Then then would normally proceed to the the client. However this behaviour in the MS Outlook for MAC client has now changed and no longer works.
I am now stuck in a loop where the Outlook application keeps sending me to an auth page link to [sign in with Google (https://accounts.google.com/signin/oauth/etc./etc.] page to allow "Google to copy, share & Synch my email, calendar etc. with Microsoft.
Out of desperation, when I do allow this synching to take place, I only get my gmail contacts and calendar, but NO EMAIL content.
Please advise on how I cam make this right again, I want to simply download my gmail directly into MS Outlook for MAC without synching anything to Microsoft. As we pay for the MS office product this functionality should not have been removed.
A I run a small business and this is very inconvenient, as we all really like the outlook product and have been forced to now use the Mac Mail app.
Thanks you for your time in providing advice to resolve this very vexing concern
Kind regards,