I don't know where to ask and get a solution of my problem. I've been experiencing this problem from two weeks , and the problem; I've just changed my password with very quick and after restart I could not remind it, I now need help here. I already used password burners by iSumsoft and other such software's. Now , I'm very upset because I forgot my password and I regret for that. I'm using with my PC with second account which is unfortunately a guest account, my admin account is locked and I can't login because I forgot my password. I cannot access to main things like installing new things & downloading to my PC because it asks for admin permission. I now very need help , how I can remove my admin password without re-installing the windows I would already done by re-installing the windows but I need to move my personal files which I can't without being a admin :( .
Please give me a solution that how I can remove or break my admin account password as guest , I've googled it many times but I still have not got a better solution to solve my problem.
Sorry , for bad English because I'm 14 year old :(