I have looked far and wide online for a solution but still could not find one that actually fixed the problem.
System specs:
- Windows 10
- Asus z170 gaming pro carbon
- Nvidia geforce gtx 1070
- Intel I7 7700K
- 16GB kingston RAM (don't know if it helps I'll just put it in)
- 3hard drives
So I upgraded my CPU from an Intel I5 6500 and added a better cooler and then the problems started.
The problem is:
It started with just not getting any sound through my headphones, then i noticed that the default audio device was Realtek digital output.
I started looking in the devices list and only found Realtek digital output and Nvidia audio drivers but no headphones/speakers.
I also found a lot of sources saying just turn on certain settings for the headphones in the devices list but it isn't there so that is also out of the question.
For now I can play sound on my monitor through HDMI output but the front and rear audio jacks for headphones and microphone do not work and won't even detect anything I plug into it(yes I also tried many different devices).
The solutions I found but did not help at all
- Update the drivers/windows/bios: did all of it (for some tried multiple times and multiple versions
- unplugging(from MoBo)/ resetting the front audio jacks
- Update drivers from Realtek manually (automatic. manual and extra manual(going to the site and downloading it instead of picking from a list))
Had this problem for last few days and tried every solution online. Ultimately none of them worked until I found this tiny bit of code. Follow this and it should solve your problem.
Go to start and select Command Promt (Admin) at the prompt type:-
net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice
press enter then type:
net localgroup Administrators /add localservice
press enter then type:
press enter and restart your computer
- and last but not least un-building my entire PC and rebuilding it to no effect at all
I am hoping this gets resolved and helps anyone else with the things I've tried and did not work for me.