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TDR/Freeze issue with Windows 10 Pro From Year 2017 & Going On


This Thread is about a issue that is totally unsolved in WIndows 10 Pro and its been 1year my PC that i use to render stuff is still useless.

The Problem is If You use Motherboard with X79 Chipset with a Direct X12 GPU and Your O.S is a Windows 10 Pro there's a 90% chance u get TDR issue with screen going black with "No Signal" or Your PC just Freeze Up.

Either You Game,Watch Video on Browser or something After Each 2 to 3hrs ur PC will go TDR or Freeze up. its not 3hrs always it can be 5hrs or 20hrs or anytime sooner time is not fixed its very random.

i have investigated it a lot Past 1year and this is not my or our hardware its simply the Drivers from Nvidia and windows 10 pro.

I have tried so many methods like Formatting over 8times This drivers issue is Deeply with the Code in intel chipset and windows 10 Pro, My friend who has same PC as me but has Windows 10 Home he does not face the issue however the only difference is that he uses a DX11 gpu that is GTX 680 and i use a DX12 GPU Titan X.

Recently i tested a Nvidia GT730 where it seems i dont crash but if i use a GPU like titan X i crash afer 3hrs or 10hrs or very random(Do know every hardware is RMAd for that very reason i thought my titan X or PSU or Mobo was at fault but in the end all gave same issue)

I have no idea wat causes the issue but i belive someone should notice it by now since its been 1years and i really dont wann revert back to Windows 7 for this.

My Pc spec:

  • Win 7 Pro Original Version.
  • Core i7 4960X 4Ghz 6Core 8Threads(not a single wear or tear)
  • Asus Rampage IV Black Edition (best Condition Mboo)
  • TItan X Maxwell 12GB Dx12 (Totally new GPU out of the Box by warrnty got new GPU)
  • 32GB Quad Channel DDR3 2400Mhz
  • 6xHDD of Total 10TB Capacity
  • 1xSSD sandisk 512GB
  • Corsair H100i
  • Cooler Master Stryker Case
  • Temps are all below or Under 40C to 50C not more.

Monitors i use:

  • LG W2043T
  • Asus PB298Q
  • Cintiq Pro 16 (But its a drawing tablet mostly used on other PC)

Devices i use:

  • Wacom Cintiq Pro 16
  • Wacom CTL pen Tablet
  • Logitec Gaming G400S Mouse
  • Logitech Gaming Headphone G430
  • HP Photosmart Printed
  • USB Hubs
  • Logitech Game Controller

Things i have Tried in these 1year time Which did not work:

Yes, Contacted Asus Motherboard repair Service to check it out for burnt Capacitors and etc But my Mobo is fine as new.

Yes, I have Replaced My Titan X with new One.

Yes, i have Replaced PSU.

Yes, i have Replaced Rams.

Yes, I have Reinstalled win 10 over 8times.

Yes, i have tried with Not installing other drives and seeing if Drivers conflicted or not.

Yes,My Cpu C state is Off

Yes,My PC is In High Performance mode and not sleeping.

Yes, Scanned my PC with all Expensive AntiVirus Softwares.

Ran AIDA64 Extreme Past 30Min to see if any of my Hardwares were at problem and results are Nope all are fine Tems are under 60C to 70C with AIDA eating away.

In 1 year of time i tried many things u cant imagine and i have my full faith its Nvidia or Intel or Windows Pro Drivers causing this.

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