Most excel built in functions can be used in vba macros using WorksheetFunction. for example:
'Range("h5:j7") = WorksheetFunction.MInverse(Range("B5:D7")) works great! However, I'm unable to use any of the MEIgenvalue or MEigenvector 'built in*' functions. The eigen functions are part of the Matrix and Linear Algebra Add in. These all work fine as worksheet functions on the worksheet.
Here's how I'm trying to call the worksheet functions:
Range("F5:F7") = WorksheetFunction.MEigenvalQR(Range("B5:D7"))
Range("h5:j7") = WorksheetFunction.MEigenvec(Range("B5:D7"))
And when I try to run I get that ambiguous message RT Error 438 "Object doesn't support the property or method".
Can anybody offer a solution? Thanks