Hello community,
I'd created an app (separated in tables and visual) that has a crosstab to report some information. The issue I'm having is when I open the app in other computer (in mine is showing fine) the crosstab doesn't show up and looks like a simple form showing only one record of the query.
The tables file is in a share folder, but no matter where I copy the front file only works ok when I open it in my computer. I have other forms, reports, etc. everything works except the crosstab.
this is the crosstab code:
TRANSFORM Sum([tbl_Person].Count) AS SumOfCount
SELECT [tbl_Person].Person_Number_ID, [tbl_Person].[Person First Name], [tbl_Person].[Person Last Name], Round(Sum([Count])/(((Year(Date())-2015)*12)+Month(Date())),3) AS Total
FROM [tbl_Person]
GROUP BY [tbl_Person].Person_Number_ID, [tbl_Person].[Person First Name], [tbl_Person].[Person Last Name]
PIVOT Format([Date_Initiated],"yyyy-mm");
thanks in advance,