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Excel - qual função usar em cada fórmula

Como saber qual função usar em cada fórmula?

Meu Word parou de funcionar. Aparece uma mensagem alertando que meu Produto Não é Licenciado e o tempo todo um alerta que é necessário fazer um reparo.

Meu word parou de funcionar. Aparece uma mensagem alertando que meu produto não é licenciado e o tempo todo um alerta que é necessário fazer um reparo. Como resolver isso, por favor?

Fórmula que transcreva a fórmula utilizada em outra célula


Existe uma fórmula que transcreva a fórmula utilizada em outra fórmula?

Se na célula A1  a fórmula utilizada for "=1+1", cujo resultado apresentado é "2", eu gostaria que a célula A2 descrevesse a memória de cálculo textualmente utilizada de forma o resultado apresentado na célula A2 ser igual a "=1+1"

O Word encontrou um erro que o está impedindo de funcionar corretamente. Como resultado, o Word deverá ser fechado. Gostaria que fizéssemos o reparo agora?


Quando abro o word aparece a seguinte mensagem:

Infelizmente, o word encontrou um erro que o está impedindo de funcionar corretamente. Como resultado, o word deverá ser fechado.

Gostaria que fizéssemos o reparo agora?

Reparar agora      Fechar      Ajuda

Já cliquei nos três, mas o problema continua. 

'Untertitel' beim Videoanruf abschalten



seit der letzten Programmaktualisierung (heute) lässt Skype bei Videoanrufen ungefragt eine Art Spracherkennungssoftware mitlaufen und blendet die Unterhaltung mit dem Gesprächspartner als sukzessive erscheinenden Text unten ins Videobild ein. Ich empfinde das persönlich als extrem störend und würde das Feature gern abschalten. Allerdings habe ich weder auf dem Videoanruf-Bildschirm selbst noch im Optionen-Fenster eine Möglichkeit hierzu gefunden. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Mensagem que Windows 10 expirou e pc não reinicia e não consigo da f8


Windows 10 expirou mas o 8 que eu usava antes de atualizar para o 10,era original e agora não reinicia. Não permite nem da um f8. Como resolver isso, por favor me ajudem. Obrigado 

Windows 8.1 - Tablet Samsung 300T: Error de configuración de las características de Windows. Revirtiendo cambios, no apague el equipo.


Al actualizar mi Tablet para después implementar a W-8.1, me encuentro de que después de bajar todas las actualizaciones (161)

en la ultima ( la 161) implementación me da error que dice "Error de configuración de las características de Windows " después dice

"Revirtiendo cambios " " No apague el equipo".

Después de varios días con el equipo encendido cansado lo apago ,y ahora ya no lo puedo encender.

Hay alguna solución?.

Gracias por vuestro interés.

PC seems infected by Zeus Virus


On May 25 this popup message appeared apparently freezing my PC:

Windows Defender Alert Zeus Virus Detected on Your Computer

Please do not shut down or reset your computer.  The following data will be compromised if you do so:

*  Passwords

*  Browser history

*  Credit Card Information

*  local hard disk files

This virus is well-known and mostly distributed through Adult/Port sites. Commonly used to steal information

Please call Microsoft to rectify the situation  and get your PC unlocked.  Free helpline at 1-(888) 602-9532

I turned my computer off for 16 hours and pop up still there with screen frozen.

Hard Drive Shows Up In BIOS but NOT in Windows 10 Exlporer.


Windows 10 has been so flakey, I never had these types of problems with Windows 7.

My 2nd disk hard drive used to show up as disk  1 in the Disk Management and I even backed some files up to it.

Now , it shows up in the BIOS when I boot but it will not show up in the Explorer or Disk Management program once windows 10 starts.

What is going on????

Do I need to do anything?

I was on the phone, tonight, helping a friend through a new HDD/new Windows install. While browsing my own device manager (Windows 7 Home Edition) I noticed a warning (yield) sign next to the icon for OWNER-PC. Digging a little deeper it turns out this stems from a problem with Teredo Tunneling Device (cannot start Code 10).

I went through troubleshooting and the suggestion given was to look for a new driver. I had Windows do that and now there is also a Teredo Tunneling Device #2 (which cannot start Code 10)

I've read that I can completely remove the driver, and upon restart Windows will reload it automatically and I've read about a registry hack to turn on devices that have been disabled.

My question is:...If everything is working (as I only discovered there was a “problem” because I was in a portion of the computer I wouldn't normally be visiting), why should I take a chance changing anything?


P.S. The only things I've done lately are virus scans and Windows updates. However, since there is nothing wrong with the operation of the machine requiring me to visit Devices and Printers, that yield sign may have been there for years.

Много процессов svchost.exe

Решил осмотреть диспетчер задач и увидел очень много процессов svchost. А точнее немного больше 60-ти штук одних лишь этих процессов. Какова вероятность, что что-то здесь не так? И в случае если, что мне делать.

How do I get back my Internet Explorer after reinstalling Win10?

I upgraded to Win10 when it was offered as a free upgrade from version 8.1 and everything worked well including Internet Explorer.  I've just suffered through a hard disk failure and the need to reinstall everything starting back at Win 8.1.  It's taken me nearly a week to recover my basics and over four days just to reinstall Win10 and get it operational.  Now I find that my Internet Explorer has been disabled (app still shows in the list but it is nonfunctional).  Seems that in their infinite wisdom the folks at Microsoft have decided that everyone needs to use Edge even though they said that all my apps would still work.  I strongly dislike their Edge app. and would like to have my Internet Explorer back.  How can I make that happen?

Remover caixas de texto, em uma planilha excel


Em uma planilha excel, não sei como, tem muitas caixas de texto, invisíveis, que somente aparecem quando passo o cursor em determinadas células e ele muda de forma, de uma cruz encorpada, para um "I" maiúsculo, como se fosse uma "viga I".

Entrei em contato com o suporte, e após uma hora de Chat, fiquei sem resposta.

Não sei como aconteceu, mas tem caixas de texto brotando em toda parte, deve tem centenas, provavelmente com copiare  colar se multiplicaram.

Tem como remover, em lote? isto é todas de uma vêz?

access denied


wTrying to set up a mirrored back up from a Lenovo laptop to a Folder on a NAS on a local network using Syncback Free. The laptop is running Windos 10 Pro. This back up set up has worked for more than a year, but I had to get a new laptop and now the sync fails with this error message: Failed to copy from Source : Windows error 5: Access is denied.  I have Syncback running on another laptop and a desktop with no issues.  The folders I want to back up are system folders; pictures and documents.  Both are shared and permissions are set for everyone and my windows account.  Simulated runs work fine, but actually copying files is denied

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

בעיה באאוטלוק 2016


יש לי וינדוס 10

ואאוטלוק 2016

הוא נפתח ונתקע

אחרי הסרה והתקנת האופיס

מצורף צילום מסך

אשמח לפתרון הבעיה

HD 500 senza segnale luminoso

salve la mia Dock HD 500 non presenta nessun segnale luminoso (nè bianco nè rosso) e non si avvia se la collego al cellulare, cosa posso fare

Outlook 2013 - Sub-Folders under Inbox are in A to Z order.


Searched for days to disable this so I can place folders randomly.  The problem began roughly 2 weeks ago.  Need to reorder folders so I can track Security, Financial news letters, and from a few Contacts without scrolling down every few minutes.

No "Move Up nor Move down" options available under any Tab as shown in some help images from other search sites.  

Some help images show a thin black line where the folder will be dropped.   No such line shows up. Moving a folder only places in the folder above or below.  Then, I have to grab it and drop in the Inbox.

I have deleted messages out of some folder to downsize (perhaps not enough).

I have gone through several avenues to correct .  Even have gone to the Roll back "Last Known Good Configuration" (Didn't work).

Simply can not find any avenue to correct this problem.  Don't know if there is a registry entry that controls this or some other settings.  What bothers me the most is the above mentioned of having nor appropriate Move Up/Down or Black line

Kent Myers

*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

2017-05 Cumulatieve update voor op Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64 gebaseerde systemen (KB4020102) zorgt ervoor dat startknop en zoekknop niet meer werkt.


Gisterenavond toen ik mijn PC wou afsluiten, kwam ik tot de vaststelling dat mijn startknop niet meer werkte. Bij nader onderzoek ook de zoekknop niet meer.

Gezien de enige wijziging die er aan mijn systeem in de loop van de dag gebeurd is is de update:

2017-05 Cumulatieve update voor op Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64 gebaseerde systemen (KB4020102).

Systeemherstel geprobeerd, maar daar kreeg ik na dat het terug opgestart was de mededeling dat er niets aan mijn systeem gewijzigd was.

Dan maar de acronis backup van vrijdagavond teruggezet.

De start knop werkte terug en de zoekknop ook.

Dan haalde Windows opnieuw de update binnen.

Terug startknop en zoekknop die niet meer werkt.

De update dan verwijderd, maar dat brengt geen heil.

De startknop en de zoekknop werken nog steeds niet.

Er is dus geen twijfel mogelijk.

Het is de update die ervoor zorgt dat alles misgaat.

Wat nu?

De update wordt immers telkens binnengehaald.

Graag (snel:-)) een goede en correcte oplossing voor de zoveelste slechte update van Windows (want er zit op internet allelei posts met de meest diverse fouten die deze update veroorzaakt)

Met dan

Erro: "O gerenciamento de disco não pôde iniciar o VDS (Serviço de disco virtual). Isso acontece quando não é possível estabelecer uma conexão porque ela foi bloqueada pelo Firewall do Windows".


Título original [Particionamento do disco rígido.]

Boa tarde. Por favor preciso de ajuda sobre esse problema. Ao tentar particionar o meu disco rígido, aparece a seguinte mensagem " O gerenciamento de disco não pôde iniciar o VDS ( Serviço de disco virtual ) Isso acontece quando não é possível estabelecer uma conexão porque ela foi bloqueada pelo Firewall do Windows " Como pode isso ocorrer se o Firewall do Windows se encontra desabilitado por que eu uso o Firewall do antivírus  McAfee . Fico muito grato se alguém puder me orientar na solução desse problema.

Missing data in deleted folder


I have a new Windows 10 computer and installed Office 2016, I set up Outlook to sync with my gmail account. I have several problems, this is the first one:

When I look at my deleted folder all that is in it are deleted items from the Calendar - with my name on it.  When I look for a mail from somebody else that I deleted I can find it using the search function - and it says it is in the Trash folder. The trash folder does not appear on my folders ribbon.

Please help

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