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Windows 10 - Impossible d'accéder au menu de mise à jour windows depuis la dernière MAJ



depuis la dernière mise à jour de mon PC, je n'arrive plus à accéder au menu de mise à jour Windows :

je clique sur le lien "mise à jour et sécurité" dans démarrer/paramètres.

là, la fenêtre s'ouvre, puis se referme.

cela génère une erreur dans l'observateur d'événement :

Nom de l’application défaillante SystemSettings.exe, version : 10.0.10586.11, horodatage : 0x564576d7
Nom du module défaillant : combase.dll, version : 10.0.10586.103, horodatage : 0x56a84cbb
Code d’exception : 0xc000027b
Décalage d’erreur : 0x00166d7e
ID du processus défaillant : 0x1750
Heure de début de l’application défaillante : 0x01d1cca23492401e
Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\WINDOWS\ImmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe
Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\WINDOWS\system32\combase.dll
ID de rapport : 71a56439-5f4e-4058-a00a-74ff864ac398
Nom complet du package défaillant : windows.immersivecontrolpanel_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
ID de l’application relative au package défaillant : microsoft.windows.immersivecontrolpanel

essais non fructueux :

sfc /scannow

réparation système

fixit Windows update

essai qui avait marché puis qui a re-bogué suite à l'install des MAJ :

réinstallation de Windows en gardant les documents et applications.

dès que les maj automatiques se sont installées, le menu a cessé de fonctionner.

version de Windows : 1511

merci pour votre aide.

Unlicensed Product message on excel


I have Excel through MIcrosoft 365.

As far as I know I paid my subscription for 2016. 

First question How would I go about finding out if I have?

Second question

I have a message saying my Excel is unlicensed. If I have paid for 365 could I still get this message?

Word 2016 xml parsing error


Hello, I'm having an issue with one workstation producing this error opening a docx file:


Xml parsing error

Location: Part: /word/document.xml, Line: 2, Column: 2595814

I can open this file on two other workstations with no problem. I've done a reinstall of Office and I tried copying the file locally to eliminate any access issues. I've read other posts about this error but they pertain to the document being corrupted in which case it wouldn't open on any workstations.


Glemt passord for Windows 10



Jeg får ikke logget på pcen, da jeg har glemt passordet for innlogging. Det er, etter hva jeg husker, et lokalt passord. 

Eneste alternativ jeg har, er å tilbakestille passord, men får da denne feilmeldingen:

"Denne funksjonen krever flyttbare medier, for eksempel en USB-flash-enhet ..."

Jeg har prøvd å sette pcen tilbake til en tidligere dato, men siden et virusprogram er installert får jeg ikke lov til dette. Altså etter jeg har restartet og trykket F11 for gjennopprettnig. Dette hjelper jo sikkert ikke om det hadde fungert, men tidligere har jeg skrudd av passord for å skru på pcen(det er derfor det er et problem nå).

Når jeg kjøpte pcen kom den med Windows 8.1, så har lest at hvis jeg formaterer til Windows 10 nå(som den er på i dag) vil jeg ikke få lov til dette.

Har dere noen forslag? 



Siste versjon av w10


Jeg prøver å laste ned oppdateringen w10 av 11.4.2017, men får melding om at installasjonfilen for w10 er skadet. jeg blir bedt om å prøve på nytt, med det samme resultat. Feilkoden er den kjente 0x8007000d. Jeg har også kjørt "løs problemer med Windows Update" Det meldes da at flere problemer er løst uten at oppdateringen lastes ned. Hva gjør man da?

mvh Per


text services framework windows 10 not running


My Windows 10 computer gives me this error.

The major problem is that I can type on my keyboard in the search window, or in Edge.  Keyboard works fine with Chrome.

I ran the keyboard troubleshooter and it gives me the error "text services framework windows 10 not running".

So how do I fix this problem?

The troubleshooter tells me what the problem is.  But it doesn't help me solve it.  A bit odd.

Oppdatering fra windows, norsk kommer ikke tilbake


Windows 10 dette, prøvd å legge eengelsk inn, fjerne, legge norsk som standard, men nei. Oppstartsbilde har engelsk dag og blant annet fotogalleriet eller hva det heter for noe, har fått engelsk meny. noe det kke hadde før oppdateringa. og hvilket emne dette skal legge under aner jeg ikke, tar en sjanse

Problemi con Microsoft Edge


possibile che non si riesca ad aprire anche lo stesso sito Microsoft supporto solo perché e in HTTP, si riuscirà mai ad aprire file PDF senza passare da Internet Explorer, o solo semplicemente a scaricare qualcosa da un qualsiasi sito?

Mi sembra di essere tornato indietro di parecchi anni e mi sento veramente frustrato.

Grazie per l'eventuale risposta.

Windows 10 | Ratón MadCatz Rat 7 no funciona por falta de firma digital


Acabo de comprarme un ordenador HP Omen X con Windows 10, el problema viene que estoy usando mi ratón de siempre, un rat 7 de mad catz el cual no tiene drivers firmados digitalmente.

El ratón funciona perfectamente sin instalar sus drivers pero el software para configurarlo no lo reconoce y si los instalo deja de funcionar y en el administrador de dispositivos me dice que no tienen firma y los desabilita.

Arranqué el ordenador deshabilitando la firma de controladores y así funciona perfectamente hasta que reinicio y los vuelve a bloquear por falta de firma.

¿Habría alguna manera de inhabilitar la comprobación de drivers firmados permanentemente?









Do not want my Pictures and Documents directories mapped to OneDrive


It's really simple. The remapping of my Windows Pictures and Documents directories, or any directory such as Music or Video, onto my OneDrive is a radical alteration of long-established semantics which has broken a set of links and a series of personal operational procedures that I have used for years on end. The change represents an innovation that I do not need or want. I don't want or need to push millions of bytes of data around online simply because someone else wants me to and I don't want to pay for a service I have no need of.

I know that others will see things differently and favor the new arrangements, but I simply do not want it and it didn't (work that way) until recently when new updates were downloaded which forced the change onto my two Windows 10 laptops. I've been using Windows 10 since it was available as a free upgrade to Windows 7 & etc. and I had found it to be a satisfactory OS up until the sudden change which brought this on. So far, my Windows 10 desktop and my Windows 8.1 laptop have been spared this much unwelcome innovation.

Please do not try to convince me that I should want what I do not want and please do not advise me with suggestions simply which do not work. For example, using the cloud settings dialog to specify that these directories should be saved on "This PC only" simply does not work. No matter the settings, the directories' contents are still stored in the cloud and propagated to all OneDrive clients.

I support having it available as a option, but I do not need or want it for myself. All the network activity seems to slow my computers down substantially, I don't want to rework how I set up and do things on my own personal machines and I do not wish to pay for online storage just because someone else wants me to.

Outlook.com / No puedo recuperar mi cuenta de Hotmail.com.


Al tratar de ingresar a mi cuenta el servicio me dice que ¨parece que otra persona estaba usando tu cuenta¨ pero la verdad es que no creo que sea así, el punto es que me pide que llene formularios en el cual las termino y me dice que la información es insuficiente para poder recuperarla, por favor si alguien me puede ayudar estaría muy agradecido :c 


Windows 10: Sicherheitsstatus überprüfen



beim Überprüfen des Sicherheitsstatus' erhalte ich eine Fehlertmeldung (siehe Bild):

Die gleiche Fehlermeldung erhalte ich auch in anderen Situationen während der PC-Arbeit.

Wie kann ich diesen Fehler beseitigen?

Gruß, Addela

Hinzufügen e-mail in outlook ergibt immer fehlermeldung

beim hinzufügen eines neuen e-mails (...@outlook.com) in outlook kommt nach der eingabe von name, e-mailadresse und passwort immer die fehlermeldung "outlook has stopped to work" und outlook wird automatisch neu gestartet. die gleiche e-mailadresse war bereits im konto und hat problemlos funktioniert

Touchbar aanpassen in Outlook


Als ik Microsoft Outlook gebruik op een Macbook Pro dan komt er naast de escape toets op de Touchbar een verzendknop te staan. Ik heb die nu al een aantal keer per ongeluk aangeraakt tijdens het typen.

Is de Touchbar aan te passen?



I was able to view my photos. It automatically used the photo app. Now when I attempt to view my photos, the app that opens the photos is PAINT. This occurred after the latest Cummulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based systems (KB4019472) was installed.

Several other problems occurred at the same time. (1) Cortana disappeared (2) The search bar where you type what you want to search is useless - cannot type in it (3) Could not open Edge (4) Could not open Store (5) Could not open action center (6) part of personal software quit working.

Now I can open Edge, but not all the time. Also can open store and the action center, but not all the time. These work sporadically.

Still cannot type in the search bar and Cortana is still missing.

Insofar as the software I use WordPerfect Office X7. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software 3 times to no avail. I have selected to run the word processing portion for windows 7 and also for windows 8 - nothing has worked so far. The other programs in the WordPerfect Office (Quattro Pro, Presentations, and Word Perfect Lighting work just fine. I have also contacted the company (Corel) the maker of the software, but have not received a response as of yet.

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

win10 erkennt Speedport W500 nicht


Upgrade-win10 Pro kommuniziert einwandfrei mit Speedport W500.

Jetzt neues, aufgesetztes win10 Pro erkennt Spp.W500 nicht und kann also keine Internetverbindung herstellen. Vom Spp.W500 aus kann ich jedoch eine voll funktionsfähige Internetverb. herstellen und nutzen. Win10 Pro kann auf diese  Internetverbindung in keiner Weise zugreifen. 

Der Telekom Netzmanager zeigt:

>> Breitbandverbindung           Nicht verbunden

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\ EapHost    >>Parameters > EapProvPlugin

Ich wünsche mir, dass jemand helfen kann. Es fehlt ja nur das kleine aber entscheidende bißchen. 

MfG  bg1871

Раскладка Русская (машинопись)



Подскажите, пожалуйста - столкнулся с такой проблемой:

Решил установить себе раскладку русская (машинопись) чтобы удобнее было набирать в слепую.

Скачал её, установил. Удалил обычную раскладку.

И вроде бы стало всё круто - выбор происходит между русской машинопись и английской. Но после перезагрузки стала появляться 3ья раскладка - обычная русская. Причем она то появляется, то её нет.

То есть это как-то спонтанно происходит, то отображаются и происходит выбор между 2мя раскладками, то между 3мя. Никакой закономерности я не уловил.

Хотелось бы, чтобы остались только английская и русская (машинопись).

Заранее спасибо!

Outlook.com / Recuperar cuenta Outlook.com.


Hola, tengo un problema con mi cuenta *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, esta cuenta la eh utilizando desde hace poco mas de 4 años, donde tengo correos, contactos, y archivos muy importantes, ademas de eso la tengo ligada a varias cuentas mas, como mi ID de apple, facebook entre otras, ya me envie el formulario de preguntas y eh tratado de responder lo mejor posible, el correo que utilizo para recuperar contraseñas siempre ha sido este, ademas el correo *** Email address is removed for privacy *** lo tengo ligado con mi correo principal, es de suma importancia. 

Para recuperarlo me pide que utilice el numero que registre, pero por ahora lo tengo fuera de servicio, y el formulario siempre es el mismo y no me ayuda en nada, segun esto mi cuenta fue bloqueada por que una persona estaba usandola, ya intente cambiar la contraseña pero nada funciona, de verdad necesito recuperarla. Saludos

Nelze Synchronizovat Windows 8.1 Phone


Zdravím , mam telefon s Windows 8.1 (Prestigio MultiPhone 8400 Duo) , již nějakou dobu se mi nedaří synchronizovat můj účet , chyba 85010014 .. nevíte někdo co s tím , prosím ?

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