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message apparus sur mon ordi

j'ai eu sur mon ordinateur message me disant de ne pas redémarrer mon ordi car je vais perde mes données de carte ou identité et il nous dise de communique avec le numéro 1-888-858-2040 personne ne parle français.  est-ce une arnaque pour s'introduire

Windows 10 Screen Saver - review pictures already displayed


My Windows 10 system was just upgraded this past week.  The screen saver used to "wake up" whenever I moved the mouse.  Now I have to press Alt-Tab to get back to the Home Screen.  Is there a way to fix this so that a simple mouse movement or keystroke (any key) will interrupt the screen saver and bring back the Home Screen?

Also, prior to this "upgrade" it was possible to review pictures already displayed on the screen saver by pressing the left arrow. 

I can no longer do that.  

Is there a central source of information about configuring the Windows 10 screen saver?

Problema al acomodar íconos en Windows 10 Creators Update


Hola, desde Creators Update hay un problema con los íconos. Es un poco raro pero voy a tratar de explicarlo lo mejor posible. Tengo un monitor Dell con resolución 1920x1200 y al tratar de ordenar los íconos en la última fila inferior estos no quedan donde uno los quiere poner, o sea los arrastro a una posición y se ponen al lado o arriba pero nunca donde uno quiere. Si uno deja activado Organización automática si los ordena bien pero si lo desactivas, lo íconos de la última fila te los desplaza a otro lado. Lo curioso es que probé con otro pc en el mismo monitor y en la misma resolución y hace lo mismo o sea que la pc no es y lo hace desde Creator update.. Con otra resolución de pantalla no lo hace.

Alguna solución? Gracias.

Hotspot is missing


The windows 10 version i've got was working fine untill yesterday when i formated the pc,and what was surprising is that the hotspot feature & status tab are missing despite no problems being shown on the troubleshouter.

so for the moment i can't create/connect to any other hotspots. i tried most of solution from the net but still nothing.

please help

לא מצליח לפתוח קבצי אכסל בדבל קליק

לא מצליח לפתוח קבצי אכסל בדבל קליק. האפשרות היחידה שעומדת לרשותי היא להכנס לתוכנת אכסל ללחוץ פתח לחפש את הקובץ ואז הוא נפתח. כיצד ניתן להתגבר על זה?

Need to change username, but not sure how


So I'm trying to change my username in Windows 10 as it shows up in my file directory (C:\Users\Bailes Mailes), and cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this.

This username (Bailes Mailes) is different from the name that shows up in my PC Settings and on the Microsoft website. 

I'm currently an administrator on my computer. All of the files I've saved here are under the username Bailes Mailes, and for some of the data processing I'm currently working on, I need to remove all spaces in the name of the file path. 

I may just be overlooking something simple, but I've spent a lot of time trying to figure this out and am out of options.

Send help!

And thank you in advance!

Transferring a Windows 10 Pro license from old PC to new PC (running Windows 10 Home 64)


When I use the "Change product key or upgrade your edition of Windows" option in Windows 10 Home 64 on my new computer purchased directly from the manufacturer and enter in a Windows 10 Pro license which was previously activated on my old computer using "Change product key" and click to Activate, it informs me "Windows is activated. We've activated this copy of Windows". I click to close the window.

Then I check "About" in System and it still tells me my "Edition" is Windows 10 Home. How do I activate/download/install/whatever the "Pro" features of the new license on my new computer which came with Windows 10 Home preinstalled.  

And does "System-->About -Edition" ever get changed o reflect the change in licensing from Home to Pro?

Or am I, as I suspect, trying to do the impossible, or in other words, do something that is not supported.

מחפש עידכון ל windows 10 גירסה 1511



הפעלתי את העידכון "ידנית", אחרי תהליך חיפוש ארוך נמצאו 4 עידכונים, 3 מתוכם הורדתי מאתר מיקרוסופט, העידכון האחרון kb4021702

לא נמצא בשום מקום. בתשובה לחיפוש בתיבת החיפוש קיבלתי "לתקן את הכתיב..." ניסיתי בכל מיני צורות אך העידכון לא נמצא.

מנסה לצרף צילום מסך של העידכונים הזמינים.

תודה לתשובות.



My emails to sbcglobal.net are not being delivered


I get the following error message:

flpd588.prodigy.net rejected your message to the following email addresses:
Name of person (NAME OF PERSON @sbcglobal.net)
Your message couldn't be delivered. Try to send it again later. If the problem continues, please contact your email admin.

flpd588.prodigy.net gave this error:
flpd588 DNSBL:RBL 521< >_is_blocked.For assistance forward this email to*** Email address is removed for privacy ***

I can send emails to all other email addresses but sbcglobal.

I can send emails to sbcglobal via my gmail account, but using gmail for a single person in my Contact list is inconvenient.

Frankly, this error message doesn't make a lick of sense to me. I have no clue what to do at this point.

Does anyone know what I need to do?

Windows Update


Estou há algum tempo com o Build 16184 e dois problemas surgiram:

1. O Aplicativo do Banco Itaú desapareceu do desktop apesar de ainda constar na listagem de Painel de Controle/Desinstalar. O suporte do banco me deu algumas dicas (desinstalar e baixar e reinstalar) incluindo uma limpeza do meu perfil no sistema no banco. Importante: o app continua funcionando em outra máquina atualizada com um build 15......, claro, fora do Windows Insider.

2. Ao receber uma mensagem em Notificações (novas atualizações) não consegui atualizar. Vejam a aparencia da tela do Windows Insider abaixo, estou no Slow Ring, mas nao posso alterar para o Fast Ring, pois a seleção está cinza.

3. Ao tentar resolver pela Solução de Problemas de Configurações vejam o resultado dos testes também abaixo.

Alguma solução?

3. O Insider Hub não funciona há mais de 3 dias!

Как запустить службу смарт карта

служба смарт карта отключена. При включении в автоматическом режиме выдает: Не возможно создать файл так как он уже существует и при этом служба не включается.

Is there any way to change background image of a folder in Windows 10?

Like changing the background to an image? Not whole Explorer, just one folder. And, if it's possible to do this, will it work on other computers?

Eigenschaften einer als Verzeichnis verlinkten Partition wird mit 0 byte angezeigt


Seit dem Creators Update fällt mir auf, dass bei allen meinen Rechnern immer 0 Bytes angezeigt wird. Was ist schief gelaufen bzw. was kann ich tun, damit das Problem nicht mehr auftritt? Es tritt sowohl bei neu mit Creators Update neu installierten Rechnern, als auch bei welchen auf, die über Update versorgt wurden.

Anyone else seeing issues starting Mobile Hotspot?


On my HP Elite X3 running first stock Windows 10 AU and now insider builds, I cannot get mobile hotspot working. I get the message, The app from your mobile operator didn't respond in time.

I see there's feedback on this -  https://aka.ms/Ux5ket - and added to it.

Anyone else seeing this? 

In Movie Maker, can I use a url for the audio?


I'd like to use a link to a podcast in Movie Maker in order to incorporate the podcast in a video.

installing Windows 10 Insider Preview 16199.1000 (rs_prerelease) - Installing previos version of windows each time.

I have tried to update to this build 5 times with the same result. No 3rd party anti-virus and this was a clean install 1 week ago.

Iconos del escritorio

Buenas, tengo una pregunta simple. Normalmente Win10 tenía la opción de personalización de iconos del escritorio, se tenía un menú así:
Desde la última actualización no puedo acceder a este menú y yo solía cambiar la apariencia de los íconos. ¿Este menú se eliminó completamente, o se cambió la forma de acceso al mismo?, y si se eliminó, ¿hay alguna forma de cambiar el ícono de la papelera sin instalar algún programa? Graciass 

Cannot find Viso Excel Data Visualizer Wizard



The Excel Data Visualizer is pretty exciting stuff.  As soon as I read about it, I tried to create a diagram, but failed.  I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, but I do not see on my screen what I see in your article. 

Under File--> New--> Templates--> Flowchart--> I find the 2 new Excel related templates in a separate section on the bottom when I expand "Excel: 3 (they are not inline with the other templates).  I used the Cross-Functional template (with an Excel symbol) to successfully create the Excel Process Map and save it.  However, my Create dialog box does not have a link for "Excel Data Template", so I do not know how to use the Excel Process Map to create a Visio diagram.

I have the correct version of Visio, but it is a click-to-run (Partner version).  I spent 2 hours on the phone with a Microsoft concierge.  He tried the process on both the O365 and click to run versions, but he also was not able to find the wizard or create a diagram with the Excel file.

Please help.



supprimer skype de outlook



La fonction de skype qui trahit ma présence en ligne dès que je consulte mes mails dans outlook viole la confidentialité de la personne. Je l'ai désinstallé, skype revient au bout de quelques jours sans que je n'en veuille pour autant !!! Très inconvenant. Comment faire pour supprimer DEFINITIVEMENT skype, puisque même en le désinstallant, on me l'impose d'office quand je consulte mes courriels dans outlook. C'est une atteinte à la vie privée !! 

configurare lumia 650 per 4g tim


salve ho cambiato operatore , passando da tim a wind e devo riconfigurare tutto il cell, 

devo devo reimpostare apn 

cosa devo fare?

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