Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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how to get back my stoorage space on windows 10?

i have a dell inspiron laptop with 32gb EMMC. i got 17gb out of the box, but Windows 10 got automatically updated and now I have only 4 gb storage. I want my storage back. Kindly help



 Olá, peço a vossa maior ajuda. Quando tento instalar aplicativos o meu telefone solicita dados pessoais mas, quando coloco os dados, só aceita colocar o nome e apelido, não aceita abrir o bloco p'ra colocar a data de nascimento e nem a região. E não aceita dar continuidade. Já não sei o que fazer.

kb4019472 bitlocker


Hi all,

We are using laptops with windows 10 1607 with bitlocker.

It seems that this KB does some changes to the bitlocker setup because our users start asking for recovery keys.

Since some of the laptops are workgroup and others are domain only the workgroup laptops got this update.

I want to deploy this update but avoid the recovery and I know that if I skip this update I could get it back in next month's update.

any help would be appreciated.


Zamiana systemów pomiędzy urządzeniami.

Witam Mam pytanie. Mianowicie potrzebuję zamienić systemy na urządzeniach. Na starym sprzęcie mam windows 10 Pro, sprzęt ten jest już wysłużony i mało wydajny. Na nowszym który jest w użytku mam windows 10 Hom . Pytanie w jaki sposób i czy jest możliwe zamienie tych programów. Czy jest jakaś możliwość dojścia do klucza w Windows 10? By można było dokonać zamiany programów.

Windows 10 CU Windows Defender



Finalmente sono passato a windows 10 CU (avevo un problema con la internet key ma l'ho risolto comprando una key nuova). Solo che ho un problema con windows defender.

Su windows update mi scarica gli aggiornamenti giornalieri. Con windows 10 AU avevo bloccato windows defender dato che ho già Kaspersky come antivirus.

Come posso bloccare gli aggiornamenti di windows defender?

Grazie mille

Non ditemi "togli kaspersky e lascia defender perchè defender non vale un cavolo come antivirus.."



Hola, hace poco el windows Defender detectó un virus Troyano en mi sistema, el cual fue eliminado pero luego de examinar con detenimiento observo en el administrador de tareas activado el Windows Defender Notification icon--MSASCuiL.exe. 

La pregunta es si eso es normal que me aparezca por primera vez éste icono del escudo con señal de alerta, ya que he leído que pueda ser parte del propio Defender que activó este mecanismo o también es un Virus Troyano que se enmascara como tal ? ¿Qué debo hacer? Lo suspendo a través del administrador de Tareas?

De tijden in mijn agenda zijn plotseling verkeerd


Sinds vanmorgen kloppen de tijden in mijn agenda plotseling niet meer. Alles lijkt te zijn 'opgeschoven'. Een afspraak die normaliter om 8.30 uur begint, is nu ineens verschoven naar 6.30 uur. Dat geldt voor alle afspraken in de agenda. Hoe kan ik dit herstellen? De land- en tijdzone heb ik al gecontroleerd, die staan goed.

Vriendelijke groet,


Outlook 365 sync with iPhone -- iCloud or Exchange ActiveSync?


My partner is having problems with multiple calendars and multiple reminders in Outlook 365 on her Windows 10 PC that is synced with her iPhone.  I'm starting to work through how to fix this, but would appreciate help with a preliminary question.  She has iCloud installed, but I understand that an alternative is to rely on Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.  What are the pros and cons of the two sync methods, and which is better?




デバイスマネージャーは現在、下図のとおりです。USB3.0の該当部分は通常表示されませんが、「非表示ディバイスの表示」に切り替えた状態です。なお、「Renesas USB 3.0 extensible.......」の頭に ”!”マークが事も時々あります。

なお、使用機器は、Dell XPS8300です。

どうすればいいか よろしくご教示をお願い致します。

Connecter PostgreSQL à Sharepoint Online en liste externe


Bonjour à tous,

Je dispose d'un serveur Linux hébergeant PostgreSQL dans Azure. Je souhaite consulter voire modifier les informations dans certaines tables dans SharePoint Online. J'ai deux questions :

1. Est-réalisable ?

2. Comment configurer la liste externe ?

Merci par avance


Anmeldung bei Skype for Business scheitert


Guten Morgen Community!

Ich habe mir vor ca. 2 Monaten das Office 2016 Pro Plus Paket erworben. Jetzt habe ich ein kleines Problem mit dem Skype for Business welches ja im Paket mit inkludiert ist. Ich werde nach der Anmeldeadresse für "meine" Organisationgefragt, die jedoch kein Skype Name (ich habe auch das gewöhnliche, private Skype) und kein Microsoft-Konto darstellt.

Kann mich leider nicht anmelden bzw. egal was ich eingebe, es steht immer

​"Skype for Business konnte keinen Skype for Business Server für (.......)finden. Möglicherweise besteht ein Problem mit der DNS-Konfiguration (Domain Name System) für Ihre Domäne. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im KB2566790. Wenden Sie sich an Ihren Systemadministrator".

Gegebenenfalls wissen Sie die Lösung. Ich habe kein Office 365 Paket. Danke für die Unterstützung.

Freundliche Grüße


Download von Office Professional Plus 2016 auf anderem Computer?



ich habe Office Professional Plus 2016 über microsofthup.com als Downloadlink erworben.

Installieren möchte ich das Office auf meinem Privat-PC mit sehr langsamer Internetverbindung und vor allem sehr geringem Datenvolumen.

Da ich davon ausgehe, dass das ganze Office-Paket doch ein paar GB groß ist, möchte ich das Setup gerne vorab downloaden.

Ist das irgendwo möglich?

Oder kann mir jemand sagen wieviel GB für die gesamte Installation heruntergeladen werden?


Windows 10 weather. Lack of units (m/s)

Hello. I have searched, but seems there is no solution at the moment. In windows 10 weather, there should be option to see wind speed in m/s, cause no sane person in countries near me is using km/h. It's pretty annoying to convert it every time. Maybe there is possible to add simple formula (x*1000/3600 or x*5/18) ? I hope Microsoft adds this.

partage de connexion avec lumia 950 sans wifi



je dispose d'une pro3 win 10 v1703

d'un Lumia 950 win 10 v1703

les deux à jour.

je souhaite connecter ma pro3 à internet (sans wifi, pas de freebox), avec le 950

j'ai essayé maintes combinaisons......

je n'y arrive pas.....

comment paramètrer chaque élément

1/ la pro 3 ,

2/ le winphone






Da alcuni giorni senza un apparente motivo ci troviamo con un pc che riprende in continuo l'indicizzazione delle mail all'interno del pst.
Altre soluzioni semplici e di comoda attuazione non ne conosco, ho provato a effettuare scansione e pulizia dell'archivio stesso ma il problema persiste.

C'è una soluzione o qualche patch che risolve la problematica? 

Outlook su MS Office Business 2010 macchina con Win 7 Pro


Option for Message Center email to Microsoft Teams



Display settings "some settings are managed by your system administrator"


I am trying to change the display settings but getting the (display and screen resolution disabled)

and getting the error (warning) "some settings are managed by system administrator"

I am not able to use the duplicated screen or screen resolution.

when I log in with local administrator its fine 

but when I log in with any other users even I added the username to system administrators group ... the same

윈도우 10, 1703 버전에서 USB 멀티 파티션


윈도우 10, 1703 버전


윈도우 10 버전 1703에서 FAT32와 NTFS와 파티션 조합으로
USB 드라이브에 여러 개의 파티션을 만들 수 있습니다.

WinPE 1703 버전에서 USB 파티션을 아래와 같이 작업하였는데..
윈도우 10 버전 1703하위 버전(win7, win10 1607 버전에서는 2번째 NTFS 파티션 내용이 보이지 않던데요~)

   list disk
   select <disk number>
   rem === Create the Windows PE partition. ===
   create partition primary size=2000
   format quick fs=fat32 label="Windows PE"
   assign letter=P
   rem === Create a data partition. ===
   create partition primary
   format fs=ntfs quick label="Other files"
   assign letter=O

WinPE 1703 버전에서 생성된 백업파일(WIM)을 Win7 PC에서 추가 작업하려 합니다.

Outlook.com to replace Windows Live Mail



I've done the switch to outlook and now both my email addresses are linked to the same account (hotmail.com as well as outlook.com).

However, I can't change the account to outlook.com. I can only access my emails with the hotmail.com email address because I guess my original account was Windows Live Mail.

I would ilke to close the Windows Live Mail one and use only outlook.com from now on.

Is it possible? Without loosing all my previous emails?

Thank you

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