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2017-05 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB4019472) - Error 0x80073701


I have tried so many times. Windows Update failed since January 2017. The last attempt yesterday, I still have the above error.

I have tried stop the windows update service, delete contents in c:\windows\softwareDistribution\download, ran Windows Update Troubleshooter. None of them seems to work.

Last night I try to install the Windows 10 Create version. It downloaded and ran for long time but still failed with

Something went wrong

You can contact Microsoft support for help with this error. Here is the error code 0x8007007e

I don't understand why this only happens to my PC. My daughter's PC (same make and model hp EliteDesk USDT) and my Microsoft Surface tablet didn't have this problem.

Next job, I will try to download the Windows 10 Creator onto a USB pen and upgrade from there.

Could someone give some advice.

Directx problem in windows 10

I have just upgrade my OS from win7 to win10. For this I can't play my some games like gta vice city, when i run it, it show me messege "at least directx 8.1 needed". how I can solve this.

blanco scherm


Weet er iemand wat er gaande is?

Sinds enkele updates van Windows 10 (beta) krijg ik alleen een blanco scherm te zien. Als ik dan met de muis naar de rechter bovenhoek ga waar normaal het kruisje staat verschijnt wel het label sluiten maar het icoon (kruisje) zelf staat er niet en als ik klik sluit het office wel.

Ik heb dit bij alle programma's van Office 365.

Ondertussen heb ik Office al 3 maal opnieuw geïnstalleerd maar niets helpt.

Ik heb ook reeds OffCat geïnstalleerd en laten scannen maar die vind niks verkeerd

Weet er iemand wat ik moet doen?

Het gaat hier om een officiële versie die ik elke maand betaal maar niet kan gebruiken.

Alvast bedankt voor jullie hulp.


Ask for partition changes before changing them...



In general, Windows 10 has started modifying partitions on updates/installs without getting user permission to do so.   For the more astute users that know how to prevent it by stuffing the MBR (where MBR is used) or who have moved the SRP afterwards, it is alarming and annoying to them that windows does this, particularly updates.       While you attempt to do it in a safe way (and fixed a bug that made it unsafe, so it's back to being safe), It doesn't seem like it would be too much to ask that you look at the current layout and if the users don't already have a dedicated SRP, but instead put everything in the OS the way *they* want it, the updater or installer should have the courtesy to ask the user if they want to create the SRP or modify the partitions in general.  You can sell the SRP if you want, but it should at least ask before doing partition changes for those that have a layout different than the "default" layout.


не устанавливается пакет безопасности от майкрософт KB4012213


система 8.1 х32, проц х64
скачал автономный установщик, инициализация проходит а установка обрывается на последнем этапе (судя по полоске выполнения)
делал все что описано в справке https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/10164/fix-windows-update-errors кроме переустановки ОС

OneDrive for Business "Locked for Editing"


OneDrive for business not allowing users to open and edit documents simulatenously. We should be able to work "together," but getting  "locked for editing" message. We all have a 365 subscription. We are all using the latest version of Office. I have went down the troubleshooting list, and I can't figure it out. Can someone help me?! Thank you.



Al habilitar el complemento solver me aparece el siguiente mensaje:

Ya habilité las macros y sigue diciendo lo mismo. ¿Qué puedo hacer?

Trova il mio telefono

Dividi da questo thread.

Ciao a tutti, 

ho un Lumia 950 che  funziona regolarmente. Improvvisamente non funziona più la ricerca del telefono sul mio account Microsoft e non è più cliccabile "aggiorna mappa", mentre gli altri pulsanti (squilla, ecc..) sono cliccabili, ma non hanno nessun effetto. Ho notato inoltre, che nell'Info e supporto sul dispositivo, non sono più riportati il numero di telefono, il codice IMEI e RAM.

Cos'è successo?

Sul cellulare non è cambiato nulla, ho provato a resettarlo alle condizioni di fabbrica, ma, dopo aver installato nuovamente il tutto, prima con backup, poi da zero, mi sono ritrovato al punto di partenza.

Grazie per l'eventuali dritte.


inactividad en cuentas hotmail


Señores cumplo en informar que actualmente están inactivas mis cuentas de hotmail,  siendo que las utilizo con frecuencia, por lo que me gustaría me indicaran cual es la razón por la cual mis cuentas de correo tiene esa condición de inactivas.

Surface pro 3 repair


Initially my surface pro 3 touchscreen stop working properly with the cursor sometimes jumping without the screen been touched. After about a month the screen accidentally got cracked however the condition remain the same though slightly worsen. 

MS global customer care office refered me their Nigerian office, however, the Nigerian office is referring me back to global office.  What do I do? 

windows 10 login password


I have a desktop and a laptop.  They require different passwords to log in.  I want them to be the same.  Microsoft wants me to provide a second email account to get a security code to enable a password change.  I don't have, and don't want, a second email, partly because it takes a month for Microsoft to accept the new email, and partly because I just don't need two emails.  I just want to let the two PCs have the same password. I used to be able to change the password as I wished under the old UAC system, but now I have to jump through hoops neatly arranged in a circle.

A solution (not a guess) would be nice, but sympathy will be OK.


Windows 10 hom 64 разр. Не работает восстановление ошибка 0х80070091 Что это и как устранить ?

Windows 10 домашн. 64 разр . Не происходит восстановление системы  Пишет ошибка 0х80070091.  Что это и как исправить     Арон ЦАН

Historial de archivos en w10


Hola tengo un par de dudas con respecto a la copia de ficheros a través del Historial de Archivos.

En primer lugar ,

en configuración avanzada, da  varias opciones para mantener versiones guardadas .

¿esto quiere decir que si un fichero se ha modificado varias veces y se ha realizado varias copias en el tiempo, todas las modificaciones que estén comprendidas dentro del periodo que hayamos puestos ,serán reservadas? y solo se borraran las que excedan de dicho periodo? es correcto.

si es asi, el mismo fichero se repetirá varias veces.

En segundo lugar,

Es normal que al haber realizado la primera copia de los ficheros seleccionados, estos me los hayan copiado dos veces?

Había visto un comentario en la comunidad hace unos días, pero no lo he vuelto a localizar. Creo que alguien decía algo parecido, y le contestaban que eso era debido a que había realizado varias modificaciones de los ficheros. Pero en mi caso , no es así, ya que fue la primera copia.

¿esto es normal, ? porque de serlo, ocuparía muchísimo espacio y es como si estuviera realizando un backup incremental , pero repitiendo el fichero completo tantas veces como modificaciones.

esto en las aplicaciones o programas de backup no ocurre.


expired account


I think the problem I have with (re)installing Office 2016 on my HP notebook is that it was purchased (Amazon) and installed using an expired user account and I am now trying to reinstall it on the same computer with a new active user account. Is this possible and if so, is there any remedy? I know the old account info is lost for good even if I could remember the password.

The reason I need to reinstall is an apparently missing driver AppVlsvSubsystems32.dll

I just need Word, Excel and maybe Powerpoint (unlikely)

USB-Treiber können nicht geladen werden


1. Wo kann ich die "Geräteinstallationseinstellungen" sehen bzw. verändern?

2. Der Geräte-Manager findet ein neues Gerät "OctopusUSB Interface Converter an I/O Extention" findet aber keine Treiber, obwohl ich die zugehörige CD eingelegt habe. Auch das Kopieren der CD nach C: kopiert, hilft nicht weiter, auch hier werden die Treiber im entsprechenden Unterverzeichnis nicht gefunden. Die CD ist vom Jahr 2009, kann es sein, daß die Treiber von Win10 nicht mehr erkannt werden?


Ik krijg een melding dat ik mijn office moet activeren. Dan vul ik mijn mail adres en wachtwoord in maar dan krijg ik een melding dat dit mail adres niet bij die pakket hoort. Maar als ik naar instellingen ga van word staat dit mail adres bij dit pakket. Wat doe ik verkeerd?

how do I talk to someone?



Ich habe WIN10 PRO, MS365. Nun meine Frage; Wo finde ich die Korrekturhilfen und wie installiere dies.Wenn ich eine Sprache auswähle, z.B. niederländisch wird aqegezeigt: aktiviert aber nicht installiert. Wenn darauf klicke wird die Datei:setuplanguagepack.x64.nl-nl_.exe geladen. Nach Doppelklick kommt die Meldug: Öffnen sie Word  und alles so installiert sein, ist aber nicht. Was tun. Wer weiß eine Lösung ??



Update failed but shows as installed under remove updates


Attempted to install KB4019472 four times.  It failed to install each time.  Waited a day and ran check for update, which found no new updates.  Viewed Update History which shows four failure.  View Uninstall Update and it is in the listed of installed update.  So is it installed or not?

Do I need to take any action?


don't have a phone


want to open a new Hotmail e account

can't find Hotmail category option

don't know which sub topic to pick

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