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Busca dentro de pastas



há algumas semanas o mecanismo de busca dentro das pastas não está funcionando. Por exemplo, tenho uma pasta com vários artigos científicos e sei que um deles começa com Ferreira et al, ao digitar o F, o mecanismo ja afirma que "nenhum item corresponde à pesquisa".

Como posso proceder?


faulty_hardware_corrupted_page_ 蓝屏关机


START BUTTON ON windows 10 firefox

My START button (bottom left hand corner) which looks like 4 boxes doesn't respond when I click on it.

Sur Face RT ,スタート画面でタイル (メール) にタッチしても開きません。

Sur Face RT です。スタート画面でタイル (メール) にタッチしても開きません。

Can't get in without password on nextbook

Hi.So my dilemma is this.... my fiancee's grandmother recently passed away n we have her nextbook, but we can't get into it without the password or factory restore, which we don't want to do because there are pictures n such we don't want to lose. Any advice?  Please help, this is something near n dear to him.  Thank you

Win 7 Updates: "NEVER RUN" appears as last run date for 'Most recent check for updates:'


Also for 'Updates installed:'

This started after I followed some advice to change the name of a file and now cannot remember the name of that file so that I can get the original data back. Trying to force the system to start my automatic updates again. Does anyone else remember going through that drill of renaming that file?

What is the drive size?

Hello – I just replaced the 2 1TB   Hitachi  Hard  Drives In  my computer with 2 new Western Digital drives  – 1TB Black - 3TB Red. One of the old drives failed, so I replaced both.

I was able to clone the system drive to the  black drive  – but when I put the RAW Red drive in the computer, windows 7 disk manager  noted that it was 768GB.  I thought it was a BIOS issue, but the bios reads it as 3TB.  I thought is was bad, so I tried it in another  computer and it came up as 3TB – so I formatted it on that computer as a simple volume (GPT). I put it in the first computer and now it read it as 3TB – 

I did a quick format and it worked  ok.  Windows did update the drivers for the drives  – Is this drive going to work correctly? 

windows old löshen

Habe meinen pc zurück setzen müssen jetzt kommt die meldung vorige version windows 10 löschen aber wie bitte und danke

윈도우 10에서 SMB 1.0/CIFS 파일 공유 지원 체크 해제이후 네트워크의 NAS 가 접근되지 않습니다.


윈도우 10 사용자이며 

얼마전에 워너크라이 랜섬웨어 문제때문에 보안 설정을 강화하고자 제어판 --> 프로그램 및 기능 --> Windows 기능 켜기/끄기--> SMB 1.0/CIFS 파일 공유 지원을 해제하였습니다. 그 이후 네트워크의 NAS 접근이 되지 않습니다. 

동일한 테스트를 여러대의 Windows 10이 설치된 pc에서 테스트 해봤으며 증상은 동일합니다.

SMB 1.0/CIFS 파일 공유 지원을 설정하면 NAS 접근이 됩니다. 해결 방법이 있나요? 

wanna cry virus protection

i am using windows 7 pro and i am trying to install security patch kb4012212 but its not installing. What i am seeing on my screen is that it is searching for updates on my computer and its not changing. its as if its stuck searching for updates.  kindly help?

Excel me suma mal


Tengo un problemilla al sumar.

Cuando selecciono varias celdas un una misma columna, abajo a la derecha dice el total, en este caso: Suma: 28039 pero al momento de usar la herramienta "Autosuma" en vez de salirme 28039 sale como resultado 28050. El resultado 28050 sale cuando uso la herramienta "Autosuma"

Windows Defender SmartScreen에서 특정 앱 차단되는데 어떻게 해결해야할까요?


안녕하세요.  저희는 (주)기댄나무 라는 회사 입니다.

저희가 이번에 서비스하는 홈페이지를 하나 오픈 했는데요  저희 서비스를 사용하기 위해서는

특정프로그램을 다운로드해서 실행을 해야하는데  Windows Defender SmartScreen에서 앱을 차단합니다.

프로그램에 대한 Cert인증도 받았고 적용도 하였는데 왜 이런 문제가 생기는지 모르겠습니다.

프로그램은 윈도우7 이상에서만 구동이 가능하며, 테스트는 윈도우7, 윈도우10 모두 해보았으나 동일한 증상이 나타납니다.

아래 스크린샷을 첨부합니다.

1) 설치 시 차단 - win7

win10에서 차단

2) 강제 설치 후 실행 시 차단

3) 강제실행후 종료한 다음 다시 실행 시 완전차단

사이트는 http://www.hankookip.net  이며  여기에서 우측 상단에  "클라이언트 다운로드"에 연결된 프로그램 파일 입니다.

예전에 유사한 사이트를 만들면서 동일한 소스로 동일한 cert 적용을 했는데 이런 현상이 발견되진 않았었는데요

서비스오픈한 사이트인데 이런 문제가 나타나서 매우 난감한 상황 입니다.

MS 전문가분이 이에 대한 해결책을 제시해주셨으면 감사하겠습니다.

My "new" Computer Having Audio Issue (Popping, crackling, and static)


I got a new motherboard, cpu, and ram. But I seem to ran into a problem.

Specs are:

  • MOBO : Z170-A
  • GPU : GTX 1070
  • CPU : i7-7700k
  • RAM : Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200

And rest is proper.

Anyway, whenever I play any sound or any sound comes out of the computer, There is a annoying noise that comes with it. It seem to happen the most when there low audio or (e.g. Deep Voice) are played. It does not happen when I use my TV however. But when I use all kinds of headsets or USB headsets, it seems to happen. I have no idea what's causing this issue, and I really can't live with this. I have reinstalled the audio driver, but this seemed to happen after installing my new CPU. I tried multiple solutions that I found in the internet, but it did not work. I am so confused. Please help me.

chia sẻ thực tế khi sử dụng windows

Nền tảng windows thường không cho phép mọi ứng dụng của bên thứ 3 can thiệp sâu vào hệ thống, vì vậy tất cả hệ thống của windows được bảo vệ rất tốt, với người dân thường thì menu star của windows nhìn dễ chán hơn sau 1 thời gian, vậy windows 10 đã đỡ đi phần nào khi có thể cài hình nền ngoài ô xếp, mình đã quay lại với windows khi biết rằng nó có thể sử dụng lâu dài mà không bị hư hỏng, trước đây chỉ có iphone là sử dụng lâu nhất, và tôi muốn hỏi cách nào để cài ứng dụng androi vào windows.,  windows nên cập nhật bộ giải nén game nintendo có sẳn trong hệ thống như androi, chỉ cần mở tiệp nes zip là có thể chơi được, vì game ở windows store hơi thiếu, nên làm cách này để tăng số người mua.

My meetings keep disappearing from Outlook 2016


I have another major issue working with Outlook 2016 in Windows 7 Home Premium. My Outlook 2016 accepts new meeting requests made by me, sends out invites and shows up on the calendar. However, the moment I get even one response, either yes or no, it deletes the actual meeting from my calendar.

The meeting responses stay in the inbox with the message that 'We couldn't find this meeting in the calendar . It may have been moved or deleted.'

Not only is this extremely annoying, its also causing serious work issues as I nearly messed up my work schedule for this week.

The more I work with it, the more I detest Outlook 2016 - it's just so irritatingly full of annoying glitches. One is the irremovable 'Conversation Cleaner' that takes upon itself to delete messages without even a by-your-leave and now the calendar is deleting meetings.

Microsoft is seriously losing it.

OneDrive won't stop processing atualizations


Hi guys!

My OndeDrive started to update some files that I was working on when suddenly it started to insanely notificate me about some problems on merging files. So it created copys of those and now it wotn't stop. I've got like 4691 copys of somethig. When I open the folder, there's nothing copyied, everything is normal, but the notifications won't stop! Heeeeelp

Windows 10 - Control

Is it possible to take full control of Windows 10 by tweaking it the way users want like they did in Windows 7 and, or Windows XP?

Sorry, something went wrong Our server is having a problem. We're working to fix it as soon as we can, so try again in a few minutes.



I'm unable to connect to OneDrive via the web browser on my windows 10 laptop. I've tried it in Chrome and Edge both via the domain at work and via my network at home.

Every time I attempt to go to the OneDrive website I see the error message listed above.

I receive the same message if I attempt to click on the OneDrive Support email icon on this page:


So I'm stuck. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I've read other threads with similar titles and haven't found anything thus far that fixes the problem.

Cortana 的每日重复提醒删除不了


上个月在 Cortana 里建立了一个提醒,将其设定为每日定时提醒。然后发现,有时候到点提醒一次,有时候没到点也提醒,到点再提醒,结果一天提醒两次。最近发现,到点都不提醒了,除非我主动点 Cortana 搜索框,弹出 Cortana 后,桌面右下角才弹出提醒来。没想到这个提醒这么难用,于是我尝试将其删除。我直接点开 Cortana 选择提醒,勾选我要删除的那个每日提醒的条目,选择删除。此刻 Cortana 的提醒列表里没有东西了(我就一个提醒),但是点开 Cortana 首页,还是有个会议安排,就是这个提醒的内容。我昨天完成的删除,今天 Cortana 到点又提醒我了一次(妈蛋,我删除之前它不是不会到点提醒了么?现在又好了)。可是现在诡异了,这个提醒无法删除了。打开日历,日历里有显示类别,勾上“搜索”类别后,会显示每天都有这个提醒,不勾没有显示,但提醒依然存在。在日历里,点击这个提醒项目,只有“保存并关闭”按钮,没有”删除“按钮。点击”查看系列“,在顶部右边有个锁的标志,无论如何都无法删除。这个提醒难道就要一辈子运行下去么?

后来我尝试登录 Outlook 邮箱,点里面的日历,在这上面想找到提醒将其删除。但是所有视图都看了,没有这个提醒项目。微博上求助@微软帮助与支持 ,他告诉我尝试给 %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Comms 文件夹改名,重启后看看能否恢复。我照做了,由于正常模式下,文件夹和文件被占用,无法改名,我只好进入安全模式后改掉的。改过之后,登录系统后,确实看不到提醒项目了,但是我也无法从日历和邮件应用中登录我 Outlook 账号,每次登录都提示一个错误,错误码我忘了,反正就是上不去。不得已我又把目录改回来再重启。结果导致我邮箱里有两个一样的 Outlook 邮件地址,一个还删不掉。折腾了好久还是搞不定。而且后面改 Comms 的操作是在我另外一台笔记本上完成的,所以我觉得还是云上面有什么设定没同步,或者没正确更新。

求助,我该如何删掉这条该死的提醒?我不想它 the rest of my life 都一直提醒下去啊!

Windows 10 Insider Preview 15063更新

今天收到Windows 10 Insider Preview 15063更新,可是安装完成从起完成更新到23%卡住不动了.
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