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Tried to get MS feedback system working without much luck.  Two or three methods posted online did not work.

At this stage MS Update hangs up even on driver updates.

It also refuses to download Feedback Hub. No upgrade from Preview Anniversary 10525 to 10526.

Today a fresh ISO install installation from scratch did not remove the feedback error.

Go figure. Update Fix?  Status Fix?

movie maker pour windows 10



J'aimerais installer movie maker pour windows 10 sur mon PC. Je ne sais pas comment faire. Existe-t'il un lien pour le télécharger en toute sécurité?

Apparemment, le pack windows essentials n'est plus disponible.

Merci pour vos réponses.

usé el programa ADB para expandir la memoria de mi celular y luego dejó de funcionar el USB de mi computadora


usé el programa ADB para expandir la memoria de mi celular y luego dejó de funcionar el USB de mi computadora

No puedo habilitar mi USB, mi celular no lo reconoce y no aparece en mi computadora

Room Resource Sharing


Here is the scenario that I have. A client has a conference room that is shared with not only their own people, but people outside of their organization. Both groups need to be able to schedule time for the room and have it updated on their calendars.

I created the room resource in O365, set up the permissions, shared it out to a specific person outside of the organization (in this case me, just for testing). I can see the calendar in Outlook, and create appointments. But the appointment does not update in the shared calendar. If I create an appointment using the calendar in the conference room account, it never updates on the calendar in my outlook. I have emailed the conference room account and set up to auto accept the requests, but they never auto accept and add to the calendar. I have created an appointment and invited myself to the meeting, but it never updates on my calendar.

Do I just not understand how this works, or am I missing something?

Appreciate any help you can provide

Zweiten Benutzer einrichten klappt nicht


Ich habe ein neues Windows 10 Home Sytem bei dem die erste Einrichtung problemlos klappte. Bei der Einrichtung des zweiten Benutzers (ohne Microsoft-Konto) treten Problme auf. Zunächst einmal benötigt der PC extrem lange den zweiten Benutzer einzurichten (in Vergleich zu meinem Laptop). Dann wenn ich mich beim zweiten Benutzer anmelden will, läuft die Anmelde-Routine normal durch, doch wenn der Desktop erscheinen soll, ist dieser immer nur ganz kurz zu sehen und dann kommt ein Blacksceen. Desktop und Baclscreen wechseln immer im 1/2-Sekundentakt hin und her. Man kann lediglich die Maus bewgen, aber nichts anklicken. Lediglich mit Strg+Alt-Entf. kommt man zu Taskmanager bzw. kann sich wieder abmelden.

Nutzen kann ich den zweiten Bneutzer leider gar nicht. Wo ist der Fehler?

Kan ikke oprette en Microsoft konto med egen mail adresse


Hej Microsoft.

Jeg er løbet ind i et stort problem. Jeg har købt en Office 365 Home til 5 bruger, når jeg inviter en bruger som ikke har en MS konto og jeg prøver at oprette en konto, kommer beskeden at Mail adressen er en skole eller firma mail og kan ikke bruges. Domænet har jeg på en Office 365 Exchange (i skyen) men den kan jo også købes af private personer.

Hvordan for jeg aktiver min\vores mail så vi kan logge på og oprette en MS konto?



Windows 10 update


I turned my PC on today and my home screen didn't look the same. It was reset to Windows stock display. Also i got notification - "can't sign in into your account" or something like that. I restarted my PC. After restart i logged into my user account and i got messages - "hi. Getting things ready, please do not turn off your PC". And it seems it has stuck. 

What should do? Can i turn my pc off or should I wait? 

I have been waiting around 30 minutes. 


Sistema operativo danneggiato


Ciao a tutti, e da tempo che cerco di ripristinare un computer che sta installato il sistema operativo Win 8.1, lo ripristinato ma con conseguenza che non funziona più. Ho cercato di reinstallare il sistema operativo ma il codice Product key originale, l'hardware e un HP 250 ma dice che il codice e errato. Cerco che la Microsoft a realizzato un prodotto pessimo di cui non facile riparazione e pieno di complicazioni.

Che cosa fa il sistema, quando viene avviato necessita del tempo a fin che possa fare qualunque operazione, anche di più semplice, si cerca di ripristinare e viene descritta che non può fare mancante qualche elemento ( non mi ricordo che si tratta). 

Quando si attua la manovra di spegnimento, rimane con la scritta "sto eseguendo lo spegnimento" e rimane per sempre cosi, ho provato anche a tenerlo cosi per giorni ma non si spegne.

Non posso aggiornare ne installare programmi che necessita il riavvio.

Ho un pc completamente in disuso e ho una certa urgenza per avere un pc personale, per la questione di tempo. 

Qualcuno sa come intervenire, Come faccio a sapere quale e la versione di windows e la mia dato che non posso entrare a controllare?

Sono molto deluso di questo prodotto.

Getting around 60 day account deletion?


When I originally made my Microsoft account, I used an email (let's say *** Email address is removed for privacy ***). Since then I've changed my email to *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. Now... when I sign in to Windows it's with the account associated with *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. I want to change the pimary email associated with the *** Email address is removed for privacy *** account to *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. I don't want to make a new account and worry about linking everything and re-configuring all my settings.

Here's the issue. At some point I created another Microsoft account using *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. I don't use this account for anything. I cannot switch the aaa@gmail account to use bbb@gmail because they are two separate accounts. I've tried deleting the bbb@gmail account and then adding bbb@gmail as an email on the aaa@gmail account however account deletions take 60 days and it won't let me do this until then. Is there any way around this?

■분당오피“러브샷”■아찔한달리기“a Da l2 . com”분당건마ゲ분당립카페ゲ분당키스방ド강동마사지ド

“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지■분당오피“러브샷”■아찔한달리기“a Da l2 . com”분당건마ゲ분당립카페ゲ분당키스방ド강동마사지ド“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지“분당오피“러브샷””아찔한달리기■분당건마■분당립카페ド분당키스방ゲ강동마사지

Outlook 2011 シンクサービスできない、受信トレイがINBOXに変わる!

(1)Outlook 2011のシンクサービス が設定できない・・説明では シンクサービスをオンにすれば設定できると表記されているが・・同期するアカウント他 設定入力ができない!

(2)すべて受信を実行すると ▼受信トレイがINBOXに変わり、分類してあるルールの振り分けフォルダの内包するフォルダ、メールが見えなくなる。
どうすれば元に戻るのでしょうか? ちなみに、Outlookを終了して再起動すると正常になる。

MacOSX 10.10.x Yosemite、位から、治らない、現在はMacOSX 10.12.3 Sierra Outlookも2日前にアップデート実施するも治らない・・・

MMC could not create snap in

I am using windows 8 nand my windows defender is not working showing message This app turned off group policy. so trying to run gpedit.msc showing error as MMC could not snap in. Please provide me solution tried everything adding path to system varaibles and also tried to do changes in services file exporting key and trying back.

Microsoft account

Hi, I used my gmail account to create my Microsoft account, but I want to delete my gmail, to change everything on a new email (outlook). I created an email address *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and logged to the old Microsoft account (with gmail), settings, add email, but the problem starts here. I cant add an email from outlook or Hotmail. Is there a way to keep the old account, but with the new outlook email? Keeping the purchased apps and games, phone numbers, calendar etc.

microsoft to a new setup pc

I have a Mac and it crashed so I returned it at the store they put my Mac back in to standard mode so I lost all my fils and programs and I had the word/ppt/excel of microsoft on my Mac an I would really like to have it back

Windows 10

Mijn laptop is voor reparatie weggeweest naar Lenovo en nu heb ik deze terug gekregen met Windows 8.1 erop terwijl ik deze naar Windows 10 had omgezet. Lenovo geeft aan dat ik de Windows 10 update weer moet kunnen doen via mijn Microsoft account, maar ik kan dit helaas nergens vinden. Kunnen jullie mij vertellen hoe dit werkt?

Travamento durante atualização 1607


Saúdo a todos da comunidade.

Desde que foi disponibilizado a atualização 1607 tenho tentado realiza-la, porém sem sucesso, visto que a mesma trava em 71%.
Tentei varias vezes e o resultado era sempre o mesmo. Hoje, fui surpreendido com a atualização automática do windows desta versão, o que nas outras tentativas tinha sido solicitado por mim. Achei que desta vez a atualização funcionária, porém, travou no mesmo lugar.

Já deixei o computador ligado horas para ver se a atualização prosseguiria: sem sucesso. 

Isso tem sido um grande incomodo, pois, para poder utilizar o computador preciso reinicializa-lo de forma forçada e a versão anterior do windows precisa ser restaurada, o que leva tempo e a desconfiança de algum dia minha máquina apresentar defeito pelas constantes reinicializações.
Gostaria de saber o que pode ser feito para: ou impedir de maneira definitiva a atualização 1607, ou conseguir a sua conclusão.

Fico no aguardo...


проблемы с восстановлением Windows 10

здравствуйте! после появления синего экрана (ноутбук Dell) пришлось провести восстановление ОС, процесс был завершен успешно, но после входа или началась перезагрузка или какой-то сбой и в результате мелькание начального экрана и экрана перезагрузки продолжается несколько дней. пробовал использовать некоторые рекомендации, но пока картина та же и невозможно войти в систему и завершить перезагрузку и получить устойчивую работу. ранее пропадала кнопка Пуск, но восстановилась после обновлений.

email text fades to fuzzy and is unreadable,

email text fades to fuzzy and is unreadable.

Microsoft Ergonomic Sculpt Mouse Scroll WHEEL not working

This mouse isn't that old and already issues - worked fine since I have had it, then all of a sudden the scroll button doesn't work.  I could press it and do smooth scrolling but now won't even do that.  I have not made any changes to mouse settings or computer except for MS updates that come through.  I have tried everything I can find on internet and on MS Site and nothing works.  I paid alot of money for this mouse and I am disabled and not able to replace it.  Can anyone advise?  I am ready to throw it away and try something else - consistently have issuse with MS Products - should have bought another brand but store only had this one in Ergonomic.  HELP!!!

Miksi win10 alkaa lataamaan sata lasissa 1-15tb jotain kun sen käynnistää?


Miksi w10 lataa kovalevyni täyteen jotakin? Minulla on "ripeä" internet ja ehkä se. 

Kovalevyltä poistuu nuo kun koneen käynistää uudestaan. En vain keksi että mitä hitsiä se latailee. mulla on 24+TBit kovotilaa ja jouduin rajoittamaan, ettei kaikki tuu täyteen. Loppuu muuten tila kesken.

Kaikki neuvo tarpeen. Kohtahan tätä ei uskalla käynnistää enää uudestaan.

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