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problemi con edge


Un saluto a tutti , ho bisogno di un aiuto per quanto riguarda edge ,ho fatto ancora questa domanda ,purtroppo non e cambiato tanto ,continua ancora il problema, quando lavori con edge su internet ,non appena chiudi la pagina non puoi più entrare su internet si blocca tutto bisogna aspettare alcuni secondi e poi si può ricominciare e un problema che ti rende nervoso ogni volta devi attendere per poi ricominciare spero che c'è qualcuno che mi può aiutare in attesa ringrazio


Не работает проводник


Точнее работает, но постоянно мигает. Вместе с рабочим столом.

Такое ощущение, что он раз за разом перезапускается. Если зайти в какую-либо папку, она через пару секунд закроется, тоже самое с командной строкой.

Хотел сбросить настройки системы, но не могу зайти в параметры. Параметры компьютера открываются, но там ничего нет кроме соответствующего значка. 

Если закрыть проводник, то проблема с мерцанием экрана и браузера исчезает. Однако параметры всё равно не открываются.

Windows 10. Перезагрузка проблемы не решает.

Сама проблема появилась после того, как ноутбук завис (черный экран). После эксртенной перезагрузки.

Share a movie that is on one drive.

When I want to share a movie if I choose a person,Windows is unable to find that person who is in my email contacts when I click add. I wrote the person's email address and clicked share.My file is supposed to be shared.the person I sent it doesn't receive it.Why? 

Media Player

Media Player cannot play because maybe no support for Codec used to compress files!

Windows Store cant install any apps...updates existing ones fine.

It doesn't matter what app it is, it fails to download. I get this error message and have searched and tried everything. Nothing works.

Microsoft wireless comfort keyboard 5000



    I admit it, I am a "Dongle Killer".  Henceforth, I have 3 keyboards and their respective mice in a closet. Each one I have bumped the dongle and put it off kilter enough to have it stop working. Frustrated, I buy another one. And another, and another. I am now working on my 4th  keyboard and mouse set which was given to me at Christmas by my oldest son. 

     Of course I now realize that when traveling I just should have disconnected it and used a different mouse at work. And obviously, I do not learn quickly and always go to the easiest way, which is to buy a new set. I cannot keep doing this. There has to be an easier way. I have purchased dongles, but they are usually Logitech and do not work.  When I initially went to Microsoft they said I would have to buy a whole new set...henceforth the mouse and keyboard graveyard.

      Any and all help is appreciated.  Please?



P.S. One more question...I will be switching to Windows 10 by the end of the week. Will that change any advice you give?

I have two copies. One is a PDF, the other is in word doc. I need to e-mail the word doc for revisions to a publisher. How does this get accomplished?

I have two copies of a report. One is a PDF, the other is in word doc. I need to e-mail the word doc for revisions to a publisher I trust to assemble it and possibly reword some places or change format for book or online book. How does this get accomplished? If it helps, it is windows 10, and Microsoft word 2016.

Unresolvable circular calculations

I wish to replace a negative number (ie cash)for an equivalent bank loan without triggering the circular reference.  How can I do so?

subscription renewal


We have Office 365 Business Premium with 2 licences and pay monthly per licence.

I'd like to renew as an annual subscription, ie one payment for both licences for the year.

How do I do this.




Mein Problem mit dem Blitzkriek ist noch präsent.

Nach der Fehlersuche erscheint Service registration is missing or corrupt.

Kann mir jemand helfen, die Lösung zu finden?

Gruß  DL



Outlook.com und Outlook 365 verbinden / E-mail-Adresse mit Endung @outlook.com erzeugen und einbinden


Hallo zusammen

Ich versuche krampfhaft mein Outlook 365 home mit meinem existierenden Outlook.com-Konto zusammenzuführen. Dabei habe ich das Problem, dass ich mein Microsoft-Konto (und somit auch mein Outlook.com-Konto) mit einer Mailadresse mit der Endung @gmx.net eingerichtet habe.

Ich habe heute etwa drei Stunden mit dem technischen Support telefoniert und bin dabei zu keinem Ergebnis gekommen. Der Techniker hat mir schlicht nicht geglaubt, dass dies bisher (vor dem Update) kein Problem darstellte. Er versuchte mir ständig eine IMAP oder POP Verbindung auf meinem Outlook 365 zu installieren. Dies hätte ich aber auch selbst gekonnt, hätte ich dies auch gewollt...

In der Folge habe ich weiter nach Lösungen gesucht und bin auf einen Eintrag in dieser Community auf eine Frage von Christopher McCoy vom 23. Januar gestossen. Darin kommt am Ende heraus, dass ich, um mein Problem zu lösen, offensichtlich für mein Microsoft-Konto zwingend eine Mailadresse mit der Endung @outlook.com als Haupt-Mailadresse haben muss...

Nun die Frage: Wie kann ich eine solche Adresse beantragen und wie kann ich diese als Hauptadresse in meinem BESTEHENDEN Microsoft-Konto etablieren

Für einen funktionierenden Tipp, welcher den Zustand vor dem Update von Outlook.com wieder herbeiführen kann wäre ich äusserst dankbar!

Freundliche Grüsse


da mbr a gpt senza dovere reinstallare


Ho eseguito la reinstallazione pulita di Windows 10 in un notebook. La ho fatta però in mbr (la versione del produttore era gpt). L'uefi del notebook supporta anche la legacy mode. Quindi il s.o. si avvia senza problemi. Volevo sapere se esiste un modo sicuro per passare da mbr a gpt senza dovere reinstallare. Volevo anche sapere se il rimanere con l'mbr e il continuare a usare la legacy mode un domani potrebbero causare dei problemi o se si tratta di una cosa che si può tranquillamente fare. Il disco non supera i 2tb, quindi non credo che arriverò mai a necessitare dei vantaggi di gpt.

Como saber que o macafee advisor está ativo,quando entro em um site,como por exemplo,um site de um banco?

Como saber que o macafee advisor está ativo? Como saber por ele,que o site entrado é seguro? Grata.

problemas al instalar mfc6800 brother


al intentar instalar un multifuncional brother mfc6800 no se reconoce automáticamente como segun dice

la pagina oficial de brother, en la opcion de instalacion  manual de impresora, no aparece el modelo en la lista, pide update de windows, al activarlo, solo pasa la linea verde y nunca termina de pasar, que solucion hay para esto? ya antes habia instalado este multifuncional en otras maquinas con 8.1, no se por que en esta no se puede


Je n'arrive plus à joindre des fichiers à mes messages. .


Indication sous OneDrive : vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder aux éléments demandés.

Je peux accéder à OneDrive sans problèmes, mais lorsque je veux joindre un fichier en cliquant sur le trombone joindre, les fichiers dans OneDrive ne s'ouvrent pas et l'indication susmentionnée apparaît.

fejkode 0x8007277a


Jeg får ovenstående fejlkode når jeg vil synkronisere og hente mail på min konto. hvad betyder dette og hvordan løser jeg problemet? det sker kun via genvejen til mail i windows menuen. ikke hvis jeg logger ind via browser

Windows 10



Sur mon PC deux comptes


     - Un compte interne

     - Un compte Microsoft

Lorsque je me connecte avec mon compte Microsoft, j'ai toujours la notification:

<< Corriger le problème de votre compte Microsoft pour pouvoir ouvrir des applications sur d'autres appareils >>

C'est très gentil comme information, mais quel est le problème ?

Merci par avance de votre aide


Login insanity - Again


I have Office 365 for my organization.  I have an Office 365 license (And all 2016 apps).

But my one drive has 5 GB, and when I try to put more there it tries to upsell me to what I already have - Office 365 Professional.

In my office apps it says:

Subscription Product

Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus

So how many one drives do I have, and how do I figure out the right one to login to?

I have three Windows logins:

My Windows Live Account.

My Office 365 Exchange Mailbox

My Office account that Microsoft created for me when I setup the organization, which I have learned the hard way CAN NEVER BE DELETED EVER or everything breaks.

When I go into One Drive/Settings it is connected to my Office 365 Exchange Mailbox account.

So I tried logging into the Office account.  It' says "Your One Drive is not setup please contact the Administrator"  that would be me.

When I try logging into the Office 365 Exchange Mailbox I get the same error.

Server Error: Access Denied: WebException occurred trying to call GetDefaultDocumentLibrary API to get user's OneDrive for Business location.  Status code returned Unauthorized.

So I can only use the one One Drive - but it is only 5 GB.  I can get 1 TB if I upgrade to something I already have.

I have no clue how to fix this.  But I am pretty sure I should have more than 5 GB of storage.

comment migrer de Android a Win 10 phone

Désinstaller le système Android sur une tablette et installer Windows 10 Phone
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