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디스크정리 3.99TB 버그


다른데서 퍼왔지만 같은 증상입니다.

디스크정리를 관리자권한으로 실행하면 '윈도우 업데이트 정리'가 3.99TB로 뜹니다. 128GB짜리 서피스3에서 말이죠..

구글로 해외 사이트 찾아보며 해결방법을 몇가지 찾았는데 되는게 하나도 없네요.

찾아보고 해보건

1. 그냥 디스크 정리 돌린다 → 다시 디스크 정리 켜면 똑같이 3.99TB 뜹니다.

2. cmd 관리자 권한으로 들어가서

dism /online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

두 가지를 실행한다.

→ dism /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup 해봤자 20%에서 바로 완료되었다고 뜨고,

다시 디스크 정리 켜면 똑같이 3.99TB 뜹니다.

3. cmd 관리자 권한으로 들어가서 chkdsk c: /r → 안 됨

4. cmd 관리자 권한으로 들어가서 sfc /scannow → 안 됨

신경 거슬리는 버그네요.. 해결방법은 없을까요?

추가. 참고로 서피스3랑 8인치 윈도우 태블릿(체리트레일)만 저렇게 나오고, 데스크탑 2대(아이비브릿지)는 저런 버그가 없네요..




先日19日まで正常に使えていたエクセルモバイルが、25日開いてみると ”読み取り専用”になっており、編集しようとすると、”編集書き込みをするにはオフィス365のサプスクリプションを購入してください。”と表示されるようになりました。









weitere Adresse als Sendeadresse in OL2016 wird nicht gespeichert


Hallo liebe Community,

wenn ich in Outlook 2016 bei meinem Exchange-Konto (MS-Konto) eine neue Absenderadresse als "Von einer anderen E-Mail-Adresse senden" (es handelt sich um ein eingebundenes externe Konto) einrichte, so wird die zwar beim aktuellen Mail verwendet, aber nicht dauerhaft gespeichert.

Sollte die nicht gespeichert werden um sie jederzeit verwenden zu können?

Danke für eure Hilfe!

при попытке обновления выдает ошибку

С установкой обновлений возникли некоторые проблемы, но попытка будет повторена позже. Если вы продолжаете видеть это сообщение и хотите получить сведения, выполнив поиск в Интернете или обратившись в службу поддержки, вам может помочь это: (0x80070422)

jazyk windows 8.1

Zdravim, mam maly problem s jazykovym balickom. Mam teraz navoleny jazykovy balicek anglictinu a stiahol som aj slovencinu a cestinu do pocitaca pre otca lebo on anglicky nevie. Ked dam napriklad na slovensky balicek Moznosti, nikde tam nie je Nastavit ako primarny jazyk, stale mi ukazuje iba Windows display language-checking availability... a nic sa nedeje. Skusam kadeco hladat ale neviem sa dopatrat k tomu co s tym. Snad aspon vy budete vediet poradit. Dakujem

¿Se daña la batería al estar siempre conectado al dock?


Por diversas razones necesito estar permanentemente al dock y, por lo tanto, mi Surface está siempre conectado a la red eléctrica. ¿Daña esto la batería o acorta su vida útil?

code d'installation ID



Je connais la clé ID de produit qui figure dans mon ordinateur portable neuf, doté de logiciels par le vendeur et j'ai un compte Microsoft. Comment trouver le code installation ID qui  serait de 6 ou de 7  chiffres.

Merci pour votre aide

contraseña administrador


Hola soy usuario W10

tengo , creo , el mismo o parecido problema, no tengo control de mi pc. <ccada vez que intento cambios, ejecutar o descargar programas, cambios, etc, aparece la ventana de "desea que este publicador, etc", aparece la petición de contraseña del usuario, que curiosamente es la dirección de mi gmail , y  no logro establecer la contraseña.  Elogio la

preocupación por la seguridad, pero no a costa  de inutilizar mi pc Por favor deme una solución, Yo   no pertenezco a ningún dominio.


Importation de contacts sur compte Orange vers l'application courrier de Windows 10


J'ai un compte de messagerie sur Orange.

Je l'ai ouvert dans Courrier de W10 : les messages ont bien été importés, mais pas les contacts.

Ce que j'ai pu lire dans les différents forums Microsoft ne répond pas à cette question.

Peut-être est-ce impossible? Ce qui serait dommage.

Pourquoi ne peut-on pas , comme dans les autres logiciels de messagerie importer les contacts au format .csv?

Merci d'avance pour des réponses simples et claires.

Problemas del store y necesidad de ayuda


La tienda no me funciona en mi Nokia 365 y no sé que pasa, cuando quiero entrar me pone

computer disk

i need to reinstall office 2010, but dont know which disk it is on that i got with the computer

Lumia 650

Добрый день, проверьте imei 355************

Office: MAC 2008 update


Hello, I've ny iMac with Office: MAC2008. However it works, i like to look for updates and those I don't get. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your answers.

Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 fails

Split from this thread.


I had the same issue, so followed your list, and here is my link:


Outlook 2010 Freezes Up When Attempting to Connect

I can not access my desktop Outlook 2010.  When I attempt to open it, I can see it start processing, it opens and then starts processing the send/receive emails.  It then says it has stopped working and something cause the program to stop working and shuts down.  I had to update my Outlook password yesterday but I see the the outlook exchange had successful automatic syncs after the password was updated.  How do I bypass this so I can get to my emails?

le Bluetooth n'apparait pas dans mes réglages d'ordinateur je suis bien en Windows 10

quand je veux mettre le Bluetooth sur mon ordinateur je fais le bon chemin Mais l option n apparaît pas

Edge Browser


Microsoft has been creating messages that popup on Windows 10 regarding using the new Edge Browser.  I see these on multiple computers during my daily routine.  I had tried the browser a few times and found it lacking compared to other main stream browsers such as IE, Firefox or Chrome.  But, because of Microsoft's annoying popups I decided to try it again and I was pleased to find out that it is much closer to usable than previous, but still not ready for prime time.  After using it for a couple of days I was pleased to find it was working closer to my expectations and had a very limited amount of plugins. 

One issue is glaring and that is the error received when trying to paste in Edge. 

I have dozens of posts from other users who are having the same problem.  Attempting to use Ctrl+V does not work and even if it did that is not how I use my computer.  I use the mouse for copy and paste.  The responses vary from use IE to a supposed problem on the users computer or device.  I suspect many have followed the directions only to find the problem persists.  In my case since I do web development and testing I have multiple browsers installed and this problem is only in Edge.

So here is my message to Microsoft - if you want people to use this product then fix the issues.  Stop sending messages say it is better and more secure than Chrome.  I commonly use copy and paste multiple times a day creating posts.  While there are a few glaring issues this single problem is enough for me to say no thank you Microsoft.

Surface opnieuw instellen blijft hangen

Omdat ik mijn gegevens wilde wissen heb ik surface op mijn tablet opnieuw laten instellen. Nu blijft hij al zeker 5 uur hangen op 7%. Is dat normaal?

Прекращена работа программы iCloud


Добрый день!

При попытке входа в iCloud (после ввода логина и пароля) система пишет: "Прекращена работа программы iCloud".

Если есть решения, помогите.

Заранее благодарен. 

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