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Verbundene Konten - TLS-API Fehler


Hallo liebes Community,

es ist mir seit kurzem leider unmöglich mein externes eMailkonto über Verbundene Konten hinzuzufügen.

Des Weiteren wurde als es noch angelegt war keine gesendeten eMails mehr gespeichert wenn ich über das externe Konto versendet habe.

Diese Probleme ließen sich mit dem von mir bisher gefunden Lösungsansätzen leider nicht beseitigen.

Auch konnte ich mein Konto nicht wie gewohnt über Exchange ActiveSync hinzufügen, immer wenn ich das versuche bekomme ich direkt die eMail "Verknüpfen Sie Outlook 2016/Outlook 2013 wieder mit Outlook.com, damit Sie wieder auf E-Mails zugreifen können".

Allerdings helfen die Anweisungen dort auch nicht dies wieder zu laufen zum bekommen.

Hab Ihr auch diese Schwierigkeiten?

Ich hatte es zuerst über den Chat versucht, leider war das Warteaufkommen aber so hoch das sich auch nach längerer Zeit niemand meldete.

Ich wünsche schon mal ein schönes Wochenende.


Windows 10 Pro insider Preview lost Actavation


The windows 10 Pro update has wiped out my product key and I cannot activate my laptop. Build 14946.rs_prerelease.161007-1700

Help activating.

Emails maliciosos


Recebo em meu email mensagens maliciosas usando meu próprio endereço de email, como se eu estivesse enviando emails de mim para mim mesmo, não consigo colocar em lixo eletronico pois me impede de receber meus emails corretos como proceder com esta invasão.


Windows Phone - No puedo descargar paquete de idioma Español Mexico

Dividir desde este hilo.

buenas tardes oscar

ya solucione el problema de actualizar

ahora tengo otro problema al tratar de descargar el teclado y la voz de español mexico para configurar cortana  

Errore hardware disattivando onedrive


Dopo aver disattivato onedrive ad ogni riavvio del pc mi da questa segnalazione, come posso eliminarla?

Email sits in Pending for approx 48 hours then NDR


I am seeing issue with a small handful of users (Two to my knowledge) that are not receiving email from us. We are a worldwide company and this has not been an issue with these receivers in the past.  NDR is received back to the send after approximately 48 hours with '550 5.4.300 Message expired'

Some info:

They do still have active mailboxes and within their company

Brought to my attention from a user in Germany - I am in the US

handling of the email is same from Germany or from here (office 365 trace ran on both)

I sent out a test yesterday and currently trace showing as "Not yet delivered"

event status shows Defer - Reason {LED=451 Please try again later}

This event will end up happening twice and then the NDR is sent out.

I have the NDR from the German users Email (still waiting on my NDR)

Windows 8.1 - Recuperar Sistema Operacional


oi, estou com problemas no pc com sistema Windows 8.1........quero entrar com a opção de recuperação e restaurar para configuração de fabrica....mas nenhuma das três opções funciona.......não tenho mais o cd de reinstalação do Windows 8 que veio junto com o pc........o que posso fazer?

abaixo imagem das três opções que  o Windows 8,1 me da mas que nenhuma opção funciona mais.....

ms access graphs and 4k dispkay


I started using a 4k display and everything  is  working almost  fine. With MS access 2016 the forms are resizing nicely, but the graphs aren't and they are showing very small, with the original dot size.

Any idea about how to resize them?

Lost "Documents, Pictures, Music, Videos" Folders


I have just re-built my system after a crash. Once all my apps/programs were all reloaded again in drive C:\, I moved all my file access to drive D:\, were all my data files are stored.

For some reason I have lost my visual links via Explorer. ( image snapshot attached ). All the icons are correct, but the links are in this instance "Downloads". If I change any of the five icon links via properties, it alters them all. The icons stay the same, the text changes, (e.g. Documents or Pictures etc.) what ever I have changed a link to.

Can this be fixed easily?

Can I do a repair without going through the pain of another install .... Please!! ...?

How do I do it?

any assistance will be gratefully received. Please no links to weird or unsafe sites!

Anthony H

Como hago para poder ver doc.pdf ,debo bajar la aplicacion? O como los veo?

Dividir desde este hilo.

Como hago para poder ver doc.pdf ,debo bajar la aplicacion? O como los veo?

Windows Mail


Fiz bloqueio no WINDOWS MAIL (WINDOWS VISTA HOME PREMIUM) de alguns remetentes de e-mails,  e estou precisando desbloquear um deles, mas não consigo acessar os e-mails bloqueados.

Os e-mails que este remetente envia, aparecem na tela por alguns segundos (quando estão sendo recebidos) e somem...

Não aparecem na caixa de excluídos e nem na caixa Lixo Eletrônico.

Alguém poderia orientar-me como proceder para visualizá-los e desbloquear?

Outlook.com & Outlook 2013, not syncing calendars


After inputting appointment in my Outlook.com calendar, I could not see same appointment in my MS Office 2013 - Outlook

Nieuwe gebruiker aanmaken


Sinds  deze middag wordt toegang geweigerd. En kan ik niet inloggen bij Windows 10.

Krijg melding de service Group Policy Cliënt verhindert het aanmelden toegang geweigerd. Heb hier gevonden dat het een mol is. Nieuwe gebruiker aanmaken en....

Dit lukt mij nu net niet.

Iemand raad?

Onedrive start niet op


Ik werk met windows 10 en onedrive synchroniseert plots niet meer.  Het icoon is ook verdwenen bij de pictogrammen.

De toepassing is er nog maar als ik ze opstart gebeurt er niets.  Geen fout melding, geen synchronisatie. 

Microsoft OneDrive is niet terug te vinden in de taak lijst.

Ik heb al volgende commando laten lopen maar er gebeurt niets:


%localappdata%\Microsoft\OneDrive\onedrive.exe /reset

Tisk přes pravé tlačítko myši


Dobrý den,

prosím Vás o pomoc. Potřebuji nastavit tisk na specifickou koncovku programu .lbe tak, abych měl možnost tisku přes pravé tlačítko myši. Zkoušel jsem to v regedit přes associations ale nepovedlo se mi to. Neví někdo jak postupovat?


Outlook.com & MS Office 2013 - Outlook not syncing calendars


After inputting appointment in my Outlook.com calendar, I could not see same appointment in my MS Office 2013 - Outlook

Outlook 2016 Calendar stopped syncing

I have a W8.1 mobile and an Android Marshmallow phone which happily sync between themselves. However, neither will sync with the W10 laptop. Microsoft don't seem to have any ideas except the server settings are wrong, but the sync worked fine a few days ago& I have not changed any settings.

nokia lumia 1020 windows insider hatası windows 10a güncellenmiyor

Nokia lumia 1020 windows insiderden windows 10a yükselmiyo

hyperlinks in Word for Mac to PDF



on the PC Word 2016 I put in hyperlinks to a website or bookmark and they run fine in Adobe Reader

on the MAC Word 2016 I put in hyperlinks to a website or bookmark and they DONT run in Adobe Reader

how can I fix this on MAC Word 2016?

thanks very much!!!


OST файл в Outlook 2007


На этой неделе некоторые из моих файлов на компьютере начали показывать ошибку: filename.ost файл не может быть открыт. Я думал, что это связано с вирусами или что-то другое и даже проверил компьютер на наличие вредоносных программ, но оказалось это тут не при чем и ошибка осталась. Мне срочно нужно исправить ost файл, я надеюсь, что кто-то сможет предложить что-то эффективное, чтобы открыть файл ost … заранее спасибо

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