Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Instabiele 'bibberende' cursor

Als ik mijn vinger doodstil op de muis touchpad heb, 'bibbert' sinds een tijdje mijn cursor. Het lijkt dan alsof hij reageer op bewegingen van mijn vinger, maar mijn vinger beweegt op dat moment helemaal niet. Enig idee hoe dit te verhelpen? 

enregistrer fichiers


Depuis peu je ne peux plus enregistrer un nouveau fichier (Excel, Word ou pièce jointe Outlook) par la commande 'enregistrer sous'. Réponse: Il n'y a plus de fichier.

Si j'enregistre sous un nom de fichier existant, je peux écraser l'ancien contenu.

Using mouse that did not come with the keyboard? It's a Microsoft wireless 5000

Is there a way to use wireless Microsoft keyboard with a wireless mouse that did not come with it?

Word FAST: crashing when saving as PDF


v. 15.36 (170620)

Crashes after saving as PDF.

After second attempt when overwriting existing file. It seems to be working fine when saving a new file. But after making changes to a doc and replacing existing file it is crashing.

Office 365 & Outlook


Recently, my contacts list, quick search feature and contact recovery from the contact list has gone haywire. I cannot search my contacts. I keep getting the same error message.  The window I used to get when adding or editing contacts is dramatically different from before (can't classify contacts); and it used to allow me to save a contact and add more without starting over, now it allegedly (I can't figure out where the saved files are going because they are NOT in the contact list) saves and closes the window. If I try a manual search for the new entry, it just isn't there.

I tried to log on to my 365 account to find out if there is a patch or fix or something, but now 365 won't recognize my email address, EVEN THOUGH I RECEIVE MICROSOFT AND 365 MESSAGES AT THAT ADDRESS!

I am very busy. I really don't have time to solve this mystery. 

Don Cripe

Internet Problems

my laptop will not connect to internet upstairs yet other devices such as my phone will so I believe that it is a laptop problem not a internet connection issue... please help if you can

Office 365


Eu tinha o Office 365 instalado no meu Desktop que precisei formatar pois o Windows 10 após atualização não entrava mais.

Agora preciso reinstalar o Office novamente.

Fiz porém não instalou o Word.

Como devo proceder ?



No puedo comprar minecraft

Es que no me deja comprar minecraft soy de Costa Rica pero la tarjeta es de USA me sale ´´Verifica los datos de la tarjeta de credito. Intenenta mas tarde´´ Si me pueden ayudar porfavor.

Atualização de gráficos no excel


Tenho uma planilha que tem graficos e quando eu altero o valor dos dados os graficos nao se alteram. Se eu abro outra planilha funciona normalmente. Mais se eu estiver com essa planilha aberta e abrir outra tb nao funciona na outra. Estou usando o Office 365 2016 e windows 10.

Se eu envio a planilha para alguem ela também não atualiza o gráfico se mudar os dados.


Alguem tem alguma idéia de como resolver isso?

Vi uma postagem com esse mesmo problema de 2011 e a conclusão é que era um bug. Até hoje não foi solucionado?

Skype Video Connection Problem


i have an Apple Pro and my wife has an I phone 5c when we try to connect via video i cannot see her on her 5c but she can see me on the 5c.

any advice please.

Tarjeta SD Se desconecta y conecta constantemente


Tengo un problema con mi tarjeta SD, la cual está dañada y pone que con un sistema de archivos RAW (cuando la formateé era en FAT predeterminado).

Cuando trato de deshabilitar y habilitar el puerto para tenerlo operativo, conecto la tarjeta y al poco windows desonecta el puerto. Lo que pone en administrador de dispositivos es: Dispositivo USB desconocido (Error de solicitud de descriptor de dispositivo).

Por lo tanto, no puedo tratar ni de formatear la tarjeta ni de recuperar los archivos, ya que se conecta durante unos 5 segundos y al cabo se desconecta.

Agradecería una ayuda para que la tarjeta SD se mantenga conectada para poder pasar un programa reparador de archivos, gracias de antemano.

Office 2013 dejó de funcionar en Windows 7 Ultimate


Hola. Tengo un grave problema en la paquetería de office 2013. Yo puedo entrar y crear archivos (en Word, Excel, Ppoint, etc.) sin embargo no puedo guardarlos; y tampoco puedo abrir otros archivos ubicados en una USB, la propia Pc, etc. Cuando lo intento aparece el mensaje "Microsoft Word, dejó de funcionar" y surgen dos opciones: Intentar encontrar una solución en línea o cerrar el programa. 

He intentado solucionarlo pero no he podido. Pensé en deshabilitar los complementos, he visto tutoriales y nada. No ha funcionado. No sé a que se deba. Es una Laptop Dell, 2gb RAM, Proceador Dual Core 2.1 ghz., 64 bits y Windows7 Ultimate. También he desinstalado muchas ocasiones la paquetería y la he vuelto a reinstalar y nada.

Windows 10

Tengo windows 8 instalado en mi laptop no recuerdo cuando fue estuvieron regalando w 10 a los que teníamos w 8 o w8.1 y yo lo descargue e instale, al poco tiempo volví a w8.1 porque me dio algunos problemas y no me gusto hoy quisiera volver a instalar w10 mi pregunta es: ¿puedo instalar w10 en mi laptop y usar mi serial o clave de w8 para activarlo sin ningún problema? 

Windows 7 backup on Windows 10 system is restoroing to a restore point


I have Windows 7 backup set up to run once a week. Last Sunday it restored to the restore point that preceded the most recent cumulative  Windows 10 update. I ran AVG PC Tune Up  to clean up the system - it found about 19,400 errors in the registry!

How can I prevent this happening again? I use File History for backing up probably more than I need, and leave Windows 7 backup to backup my own libraries and to produce a system image. All suggestions will be gratefully received!

Surface pro 3 ne démarre plus.....encore et encore


Bonjour! J'ai acheté ma surface pro 3 octobre 2015 en septembre 2016 elle rendit l'äme sans jamais s'ouvrir. Microsoft l'ont remplacée sous garanti pas de problèmes. A peine 8 mois avec la nouvelle et elle s'est mise à fermer et démarrer au gré de son bon vouloir.

Bien sur elle n'est plus garantie, donc il faudrait payer pour un truc qui en fin de compte n'a pas été capable de fonctionner un an!!!

Après plusieurs mois de frustrations je l'ai brisée en deux.....pour moi l'expérience surface pro est terminée.....1400$ cad pour une ****.


К сожалению, не удалось подключиться к скайп.


Вечный философский вопрос, что не так со скайпом?

Так вот, суть проблемы: IE 11, Windows 7 SP 1, Skype последней версии, не использую прокси, VPN тоже, переустановил и сбросил настройки и IE и самого Skype уже по несколько раз, всё по-прежнему, пробовал "reset settings for skype" - никакого результата. Порты, которые указаны на сайте открыл, брэндмауэр выключал, ничего, нет эффекта. HEEEELP ME PLEASE GUYS!!!!

Problema ao tentar deletar a pasta Windows.old


Estou com esse problema tanto na build 15063, quanto na build insider, a ferramenta de limpeza de disco não está deletando a pasta Windows.old

Gostaria de um outro método para deletar

16226 fails with error 0x8000ffff

This build is no better than 16215!! STILL unable to update from 16199.
My current 16199 installation is a BASIC default Windows 10 Pro.
No additional software other than what the update to 16199 delivered/installed. 
No apps, no 3rd party software, no .NET ...... nada!!!
Home grown Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 Gb RAM, 120 Gb IDE drive + 2 other SATA drives. and NVidia GPU and Asus P5N32E Motherboard.
If this is the basis for the next RTM release of Windows 10 Microsoft will be but a memory!!

Sistema Operativo Desatendido


Buen día tengo una pregunta y es que tengo una licencia de windows 7 home basic pero es una versión del sistema operativo desatendido o sea que esta modificada y me gustaría saber si la puedo instalar en una pc de mi oficina ya que necesito acelerar el rendimiento de la misma y según había leído en un blog en google que las licencias de windows 7 fueron sacadas del mercado.

Gracias y es que anteriormente aca en mi pais a la empresa la había llamado microsoft indicando que poseían licencias pirata, y por eso la empresa opto por instalar linux ubuntu pero ahora hay dos licencias de sistema operativo desatendido y me gustaria saber si existe algún problema al instalarla en mi pc.

How to share a calendar between Windows and Mac users when all “canned” advice fails?


Cannot share 365 Outlook 2016 calendar between Windows user and Mac user who are on same Exchange server. 

I’m using Mac OS X 10.10.5 and Outlook 2016 ver 15.35 (170610). Both the sharer and I are on our school’s 365 Exchange server.

Both the originator of the sharing invitation and I have tried as many steps to trouble shoot this as we could. Here's what we did:

I receive an invitation email to share a calendar and there is a sharing_metadata.xml attachment on the Sharing Invitation. The invitation says: xxx,xxx (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) has invited you to view his or her “xxxxx Proposal" Calendar.  For instructions on how to view shared folders on Microsoft Exchange, see the following article:

http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=57561 takes me to 


So I started the guided walk through:

Using Outlook 2016 for Mac

I click on Calendar in the bottom navigation bar. On the Organize tab, I click Open Shared Calendar

I type in the name of the person who has granted me access to their calendar. Their name appears. I click on it and I’m told that “Outlook cannot open the folder. You do not have permission to open this folder. Contact xxx,xxx for permission.”

The guided walk through asks what error message did I get. I click “"You do not have permission" error message when you try to open a shared Calendar folder in Outlook for Mac” and am taken to this URL: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2743752/-you-do-not-have-permission-error-message-when-you-try-to-open-a-shared-calendar-folder-in-outlook-for-mac. The resolution of this error is that the calendar owner must share both the primary and the secondary Calendar folders with you. I’m told that “In Outlook for Mac, you must have at least Reviewer permission to access the other user's default Calendar folder to be able to also access any subcalendar folders.” So I sent this information (via the URL) back to the Windows originator of the calendar share. 

Problem is that After the conversion to 365, the sharer does not have a default/primary calendar any more.  All of this person’s calendars are in a single list under “My Calendars”. S/he also does not have the option of sharing the “My Calendars” super-folder — thus there is no way for her/him to give me access to her/his default Calendar folder.

I then tell the guided walk through that the guide did not solve my problem. It is recommended that I go to the discussion thread for this KB on the Microsoft Community for help. That URL was https://answers.microsoft.com/%7Blang-locale%7D/office/forum/office_2013_release-outlook/open-a-shared-calendar-from-an-outlook-sharing/ffbf7222-e5c9-4124-8c80-5c73dffd546d?tm=1377830631229. 

I read through the 3 pages and found that there were no solutions, just lots of Mac users who could not share a calendar in Outlook with a Windows originator. One of the last entries was another URL: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Share-an-Outlook-calendar-with-other-people-353ed2c1-3ec5-449d-8c73-6931a0adab88?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US

This URL is meant for the Windows user who wants to share their calendar with another Windows user. 

Do you have any suggestions for where I might be able to get help with this problem? 

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