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Clarification on PDF


I use Office 2016

I have a Word file BlahBlah.doc

Okay, I want to also save it as a PDF file

I am given 2 choices:

  1. SaveAs
  2. Export

Why? When do I use one and not the other at the start?

Thank you



buenos dias.

tengo instalado en mi notebook windows10 y se instaló recientemente el REIMAGE REPAIR y la verdad que me tiene cansado, cada cosa que haces clik me abre la pagina de reimage.

la pregunta es si es de microsoft o virus?

como lo desinstalo a ese virus?


Fehlercode c101a235

Beim Versuch, Musik herunterzuladen, wird seit einigen Tagen der Fehlercode c101a235 angezeigt. Offensichtlich besteht das Problem schon länger, ich habe einen Eintrag von 2016 mit der gleichen Problembeschreibung gefunden. Kennt jemand eine Lösung?

Where is the dictate tab?

I installed MS Dictate on my laptop successfully, as the pop-up reported. However, there is no dictate tab in my Word 2013. What went wrong? G.R.

Error al Reiniciar


Hola, quisiera saber como podría arreglar este error. Esto ocurre desde que instale Windows 10 a mi laptop, cada vez que intento reiniciar el equipo, solo se queda en la pantalla de carga y después se congela la imagen y deja de funcionar, algo parecido ocurre con el modo de suspensión, ya que, al momento de que Windows lo intenta hacer, el pc se "apaga" la pantalla y se reinicia, en algunas ocasiones, o solo se queda así.

¿Qué  debo hacer en estos casos?

distributing a page to select students within a class

I am trying to distribute a page to only certain individuals within a class.  I can select the students, but no student sections appear, therefore, I cannot distribute the page.  How can I get their sections to appear?

Quando copio dei file la finestra "Copia in corso" non compare



come da oggetto, da qualche settimana ho questo problema.

In pratica quando effettuo una copia di file, di solito compare la finestra con scritto "Copia in corso" ed il tempo stimato di passaggio.

Adesso non compare più. Ho fatto una scansione con l'antivirus ma non ho risolto, ho provato anche con un Check disk da prompt dei comandi e neanche è servito. Volevo provare a fare un ripristino ad un punto precedente ma mi sono reso conto di non averne disponibili.

Come posso risolvere? 


Windows 10 Pro aggiornato all'ultima versione.

Windows 10 Fails to Boot - BlInitializeLibrary failed


I recently added a new SSD to my laptop and decided to use GPT and UEFI for booting. Everything was working fine. Last night, I put the computer to sleep and this morning it failed to boot.

After the BIOS screen, I receive this message:

BlInitializeLibrary failed

I tried booting from my USB Windows 10 installation media and "repairing" but that did nothing. This is a deeply frustrating problem. I suspect the system went into hibernation overnight but I'm not sure if that will help me solve the problem.

New Office 365 Business Trail Subscription


Hi There,

I was trying to subscribe Office 365 Business Trial, however it gives me an error on verification page -

Sorry, we need additional information to verify your identity. Please contact Office 365 Support.

If anybody have a solution on this then please share the same here.



Número das ligações vis Skype

Ola, quero adquirir o pacote de 400 minutos para celular e telefone fixo. Minha duvida é a seguinte: quando eu ligar para um celular, qual o numero que estara visivel para quem esta recebendo a chamada? Sera sempre o mesmo ou mudara se eu fizer uma nova ligacao? O meu interesse NAO é manter o mesmo numero. Obrigado!

Folders taking much space in C drive



I am facing an issue. My C drive is of 147 GB out of which only 10 GB is free. When I check the size of all folders in it, it sums up to be 129 GB. And when I check the largest folder in it. It is Windows folder. My windows folder shows 60 GB but when I'm adding size of all the folders in it, it is showing 19.5 GB.

How can this be? Please help.

Office 365 sharing dialog box not big enough

The dialog box for Sharing in Office 365 is not big enough to see everyone that you share with and there's no way to make the box bigger.  Why can't it be made so that you can set the size?

USB Stick not recognised by Windows 10 - Error 37

Ab diesem Thread teilen.

BY BUILD 16215.100 doesn´t recognise usb stick fritz AC860 always mistake 37.
an other build windows 10 is all in order and no problems.

skype ID what is my skype ID ?


I'm very new ti Skype and most of my contacts use the apple Face Time for conferencing... please tell me what is my Skype ID ?  How do people contact me to Skype ?

Installazione Outlook 2016



installando office 2016 (outlook) su un pc compare il messaggio che non potrei ricevere posta perchè c'è installato Exchange 2007.

Exchange 2007 era nella rete del cliente ma è stato sostituito da Exchange 2016.

Non volendo formattare il pc vorrei sapere dove l'installer "legge" la presenza di exchange 2007: ho cercato nel registro ma io non vedo nulla.

Ovviamente faccio questa domanda perchè seppur spunti l'opzione per installare talvolta ho problemi con outlook u un pc particolare che vorrei evitare di formattare.

Grazie in anticipo per le risposte


Synchronisation de l'agenda du Lumia vers le PC



Je possède un smartphone Lumia 640 LTE fonctionnant sous Windows 8.2 et un PC fonctionnant sous Windows 10.

Les rendez-vous pris et notés sur mon PC se synchronisent parfaitement avec mon Lumia ; je les vois donc tous sur le Lumia.

A l'inverse, les rendez-vous noté sur le Lumia n'apparaissent jamais sur mon agenda du PC.

J'ai contacté Microsoft, puis leur société partenaire support.b2x.com. Personne n'est capable de me donner une réponse, hormis une réinitialisation complète du smartphone qui n'a servi à rien.

L'un d'entre vous aurait-il rencontré le même problème et aurait-il une réponse ? 

Vous remerciant par avance pour votre aide.


MSN News Feed

I have Windows 10 and have set my browser to open with Google but it always comes up with MSN news feed. Tried time and again to stop this . Also tried all the tips on how to get rid of this with no luck. HELP before I go crazy!

Подключение к интернету

Добрый день,у меня компьютер на котором стоит Windows 10. Для подключения ко компьютеру я использую сетевую карту wifi TP_link. Почему-то многие программы пишут что я не подключен к интернету и просят проверить настройки сети,уже все испробовал и не знаю что делать,пожалуйста,помогите.

Excel Online - Scrolling on track pad issue



We use Excel online for numerous work documents to allow us to edit at the same time.

We can scroll up and down fine with the laptop track pads but we can't scroll left and right.

Has anyone else come across this? Is there a fix?


I can't open my bot as a contact on skype


Recently, I update the bot framework template to 3.8.2 version, and I can't add the example bot on my skype contacts. Also, I update Skype to the last version but, still the problem. One month ago, I can add bots as contacts on skype without any problem. 

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