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MS Edge give message "Can't reach page" when I try to access Google.co.uk

I have had this problem for months. I can reset my network settings for TCP/IP to point to DNS and but Edge seems to persist in saying Google.co.uk isn't available when clearly it is. I can go to any of the alternative browsers and they work just fine. I can use Amazon from Edge OK.  When I reset the network connection Edge will allow access to Google initially, but subsequent requests will fail. Any new suggestions?

Surface Pro 4 Touchscreen reagiert partiell nicht



da ich über Suchmaschinen keinen aktuell ähnlichen Fall gefunden habe, versuche ich es einfach mal hier.

Seit 2 Wochen reagiert mein Surface Touchscreen (Fingereingabe) nur noch ab ca. 5cm unterhalb des oberen Randes. Im oberen Bereich zeigt es keine Reaktion.

Das Surface ist auf dem neuesten Stand - also kann es an nicht gemachten Updates eigentlich nicht liegen. Geräte Treiber hab ich auch überprüft, deaktiviert und aktiviert sowie deinstalliert und neu heruntergeladen und installiert. Es zeigte sich keine Besserung.

Am Wochenende reagierte das Surface bei Benutzung wieder kurzfristig im gesamten Bereich. Als ich das Gerät jedoch später wieder einschaltete, hatte ich das selbe Problem und das Surface reagierte wieder nicht in dem Bereich.

Ein ähnliches Problem hatte ich vor einigen Wochen mit dem Surface Stift. Da gab es auch im oberen Bereich eine Art "Balken" (0,5-1cm Breite) in dem der Stift nicht reagierte. Auch mit dem Finger reagierte das Surface in dem kleinen Bereich nicht. Das Problem mit dem Stift ist dann nach einigen Tagen von allein verschwunden und das Surface lief einige Zeit einwandfrei, bis nun das Problem mit der Toucheingabe per Hand in dem besagten großen Bereich auftrat.

Was kann ich tun? Ich habe keine Lust schon wieder, ein Surface Gerät einschicken zu müssen - das durfte ich erst im letzten Sommer machen...

Viele Grüße


Abrir archivo de un sharepoint diferente



En la aplicación del móvil, cuando quiero abrir un archivo de los site que tienen compartido conmigo, de un tiempo hasta ahora, no puedo abrir el archivo para editar.  Solo me permite en modo visualización.  Me da un error de archivo eliminado o movido (adjunto foto

After Windows June 2017 Update - Outlook 2010 Search Indexing Broken


After the June 2017 Windows updates, Outlook 2010 continuously says that it is indexing and search results are incomplete. Event Viewer is showing Event ID 36 - "Search cannot complete the indexing of your Outlook data. Indexing cannot continue for...( error=0x81404005). If this error continues, contact Microsoft Support." This has greatly affected productivity here in our office.  I have seen that many others are experiencing this same issue and are unable to come up with a solution. We are waiting for Microsoft...

Has Microsoft acknowledged this problem, and will there be a fix?

Thank you. 

Create a report

I do not know how to use access at all and my job only requires me to add to an ongoing ''list''?

I click add to order -> use drop down menus to select what was brought and by what account .. manually type in a quantity box and it auto updates a total cost and I click 'save and close'.

I've now been asked to generate a report?!

I don't have accesss to youtube nor the luxury of time to learn any ''coding''??

All I'd like is a way to select my date range and the selection of accounts (not all of them) and display for each month how much each account has spent.

I would be very grateful for any tips/advice at this stage.

Thank you

your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart we're just collecting some error info windows 10


I guess this is a virus . . .

Every few minutes, I get the dreaded blue screen with the following:

"your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart we're just collecting some error info, then we'll restart your PC for you."


Automate reporting for SharePoint Online site collections?


Hi all!

I am wondering if there is any way to export the reports found in Site settings>Site Collection Administration>Audit log reports on a scheduled basis, i.e. monthly? Right now I just do this manually at the beginning of each month, but I would love to automate it if possible. I assuming if so, it probably involves some PowerShell?

Can someone also help me understand the difference between the reports described above and the SharePoint Online audit reports in the Office 365 admin center (Reports>Usage)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you all in advance. :)

Excel Online reporting sharepoint.com is not responding.


I have a excel document that I and 5 other people have used since March. With this document we use the survey function to enter data. Around 42 questions per survey. It was working fine until this week where it completely fails to load and shows a screen that I have linked below. Before it went down, we've been noticing that the document would have trouble loading online progressively over time. Now it completely fails to load on both chrome and MS Edge.

I also noticed that my onedrive is reporting that the document is almost at 1 gig size which seems extraordinarily large for a excel document. Currently it only contains 1 pivot chart and 3 sheets. Is this the reason why its not loading? What are some best steps for me and my team to avoid running into this in the future? 

Office 365 Hybrid log in after password expired


Users are able to get email from Office 365 E3  using Outlook client after their password has expired.

Hybrid environment, Exchange 2016 on-premise. Laptop users who work remotely and let their password expire.  They are still able to log in to their laptops (I understand that), but they are still getting and sending email through Office 365 even thought their password has expired.  Is there a setting to control this, or just a bug in the Office 365 / Dirsync?

how to re establish dvd autodrive in win 10

hi after winds 10  update various problems led to most services being returned to "default"   After having reset them to automatic the autoplay function on the pc dvd player does not work

erro dll



Precisei reinstalar o Windows, pois do nada meu notebook reiniciou e depois não saiu mais da tela azul informando que o computador foi iniciado incorretamente. Tentei outras alternativas para resolver e não tive, tendo que fazer a reinstalação do windows, mantendo os meus arquivos pessoais porém não podendo manter alguns aplicativos instalados posteriormente.

Feito isso, instalei os aplicativos que preciso e agora aparece o seguinte erro: windows system32 msvcr100.dll  não foi projetado para ser executado windows 10

Já tentei o Prompt de Comando e não tive sucesso.

Por favor, preciso resolver este problema.


Ostatnia zanana dobra konfiguracja, Harmonogram zadań i Bufor Wydruku a Windows 10



Mam trzy zapytania Pierwsze to gdzie podziała się bardzo ważna funkcja z menu rozruchu jak Ostatnia znana dobra konfiguracja ? od Win 2000 do 7 była w menu rozruchu po wciśnięciu F8 a w Win 8 i 10 nie mogę jej znaleźć w tym nowym awaryjnym menu. Czy może jakiś (i tu przepraszam za wulgaryzm) imbecyl z Microsoftu stwierdził iż jest zbędna i ją usunął ? Ostatnia znana dobra konfiguracja niejednokrotnie ratowała mi dupsko gdy jakiś driver okazał się trefny i system nie był w stanie się uruchomić np. wczoraj pokusiło mnie by zaktualizować drivery i wgrałem najnowsze bety od Z170 dla RST no i pinkny Win 10 1703 się rozłożył. W nocy musiałem na szybkiego stawiać system (całe szczęście że na C nie trzymam nic ważnego) bo nie dało się nic zrobić nawet tryb awaryjny nie chciał się uruchomić przez wadliwy driver RST a pod Win 7 zajęło by mi to kilka sekund i miał bym sprawny system.

Drugie pytanie dlaczego system głupieje po wyłączeniu harmonogramu zadań ? nie lubię gdy system robi coś bez mojej wiedzy i do Win 7 zawsze wyłączałem usługę harmonogramu a pod Win 10 taskbar i menu start strasznie lagują winny chyba jest explorer.

Trzecie pytanie dlaczego po zablokowaniu niebezpiecznych portów 135 445 137 138 139 przestaje działać bufor wydruku i tym samym drukarka ? wiem ze pod Vista/7 przestawał działać Harmonogram Zadań który był dla mnie zbędny a tu Bufor wydruku ?

Pozdrawiam i proszę o odpowiedź.

Backup Error


On my lad 4 or 5 backups I am getting the message:

"Check your Backup results. The Backup completed but some files were skipped."

On viewing the skipped file it show the following:

Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:\Users\Tom Gray\Music\Jim Reeves\Jim Reeves Vol 2. Error:(The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002)).

I tried expanding C:\ to see what was in that file but the above named file does not exist. Nor can I find it search This PC.

Not sure if this is also related:

When expanding C:\ I noted that at the bottom of the list there are files named:

Windows  Expanding this shows many other files.

Windows.old Expanding this shows: Users>Tom Gray>Favourite>links>Online Buying which has nothing in it.

Windows.old(1) Repeat of Windows.old

Windows.old(2) Repeat of Windows.old

I have no idea how to resolve this problem(s) or what may have created them.

Grateful for any help in resolving this

Tom Gray

exporter ACL MSO " correction automatique" du word 2016 sous windows vers WORD 2016 sous mac?


je souhaite exporter  mes correction automatique "exporter MSO1036 =AutoCorrect List File (.acl)" qui se trouve =C:\Users\CIM\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Office  du word 2016 sous windows vers WORD 2016 sous mac

j'ai habitude d'exporter  mes correction automatique   du word 2016 sous Windows PC1 vers Windows PC2 

j'ai fait la meme chose mais apparemment ces fichier ne sont pas pareille dans Word sous mac et Word sous Windows 

donc j'ai besoin d'une solution ( logiciel qui transforme ce type de fichier de fichier compatible Word Windows vers Word mac et vis versa ?!)

merci bcp 

Favorites on Microsft Edge?

How can I import favorites from Internet Explorer, or indeed from anywhere when a cannot find myFavorites in Microsoft edge. I want to point out that they are in 'my fovorites' because they ARE MY FOVORITES! and I wish touse them. I am not bothered about adding to them, as Microsoft is incapable of handling the ones I have. Where the hell are they? This is not a recently converted PC I have had Windows 10 from the start.

Windows 10 na inicialização


Bom dia;

Venho tendo problemas com meu notebook desde a atualização para o Windows 10 Creator. Depois de sua atualização ele fica entrando constantemente em modo reparo, muitas vezes mais de uma semana e nem sempre da para restaura-lo através de um ponto de restauração, onde fica repetindo o ciclo sempre e assim tendo que formatá-lo. 

Gostaria de ver o que posso estar fazendo para que isso não ocorra novamente, já esta incomodando e atrapalhando minha vida acadêmica e profissional devido a esses bugs constantemente.

Desde já, Obrigado.

Compte bloqué


Mon compte est bloqué apparament suite à une tentative de connexion frauduleuse.
Le numéro de télephone associé à ce compte est mon ancien numero. Je dois donc repondre à un formulaire pour le debloquer.
Malgrès toutes mes réponses cela est insuffisant.
J'ai recu un mail du support technique qui me dit qu'il me faut repondre à plus de question comme donner l'adresse ip de mon pc avec lequel je me connecte, la date de création du compte ou la date et l'heure de dernière connexion.
Mais à aucun moment on me demande ses info sur le formulaire.
Je suis donc complètement bloqué.
Le support technique ne répond plus à mes mails !


升级到最新版win10后 图片单击右键 弹出·的菜单上有一个 ms-resource:EditWithPhoto

poczta windows live nie przeszukuje treści maili

Witam szanowną społeczność, powtarzam pytanie zadane w innej części serwisu,ponieważ nie dostałem rozwiązania."Dzisiaj rano popsował mi się ten program-Windows Line 2012.Niby wszystko działa,ściąga ,wysyła,chyba nic nie zginęło,ale- była możliwość szukania w folderach po słowie.Znajdował w adresie ,w treści ... teraz nie znajduje.Czy jest szansa coś zrobić samemu? Zaznaczam ,ze ze względu na wiek nie bardzo jestem "informatykiem" a le trochę działam na komputerze.Z góry dziękuję.

Новый Skype для Android


Переустановила новую версию на Андроиде, так как получила письмо, что с 1 июля в старой версии скайп работать не будет. Теперь не видны значки, показывающие, кто есть онлайн и кого нет. В старой версии был зеленый кружок с белой птичкой внутри.

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