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Reformatted from Windows 10 back to Windows 8.1 but it's not activated

Split from this thread.

Hmm, what if my windows 8.1 and updated to windows 10. then when I formatted.

and installed the windows OS 8.1 but not active? how do I active it? I don't know my past product keys???

May I?


Sincronizzazione foto contatti

Dividi da questo thread.

Ciao Georgiana. Scusa l'intrusione, ma ho lo stesso identico problema di MargheritaYQ, con la differenza che io, le foto le ho nella Cartella su OneDrive. (Lumia 640 Dual SIM LTE con W10 M Creators Update ultima Versione), Mille grazie.

Accessing application running in Windows XP 32-bit from Windows 7 64-bit is slow


One of the applications in my company runs on a Windows XP 32-bit machine. The application folder has been shared with few Win 7 64-bit client computers. In order to run the application on the client machine, we run the executable from the shared path. This worked seamlessly until I changed a local security policy on the XP machine. I changed the 'Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level' from 'Not Defined' to 'Send LM & NTLM - Use NTLM v2 session security if negotiated'. Since the change, the application takes a while to load on the client machine. On running the application, it freezes and goes to (not responding) mode and loads after few seconds. This happens on every update/delete/save in the application.

There is no option to set it back to 'Not Defined'. 

Thanks in advance!

Insider スロー 6 月の機能更新のお知らせ: Windows デスクトップ向け Office


Office Insider にご参加の皆様

このほど、Office 365 のサブスクライバー向けに 6 月の機能更新プログラムのプレビューとして、バージョン 1706 をリリースしました。この更新プログラムをインストールするには、いずれかのアプリを開き、[ファイル]、[アカウント]、[更新オプション]、[今すぐ更新] の順にクリックします。 



  • リリース日:  2017 年 6 月 14 日
  • バージョン:  バージョン 1706 (ビルド 8229.2041)
  • プラットフォーム: Windows デスクトップ
  • 説明: 6 月の機能更新プログラム (プレビュー)
  • 機能: Office Insider で利用できる新機能


Unable to import union query to Excel from MS Access

Unable to import union query to Excel from MS Access

Can't sign in to Outlook after a Microsoft Work / Business account has been created.


Looks like a few others have the same issue, but here's my tale of woe...

Last Friday I was encountering issues trying to sign up for the Microsoft Power BI service with my Microsoft account (let's call it *** Email address is removed for privacy ***). This account is a domain account, managed by the now defunct "Windows Live for Domains". I use this account for all Microsoft services, including signing in to Outlook 2016 on my desktop, using Outlook.com, and the email client on my phone. I'm led to believe this is classed as a "personal" account.

The Power BI sign-up process was prompting me whether I was using a personal or work account. I wasn't having any success with either option, so the Power BI team did "something" and then told me to select that it was a work account and that I would need to update the password as part of the sign up process. I duly did this and got signed up. I believe this has created a "Work" or "Business" account tied to the same email address as my personal account. No entirely desirable, but it seemed like progress.

It transpires that a side effect of this is that I now cannot access my Outlook email (via Outlook 2016 or Outlook.com) account using my email address. The Outlook application keeps prompting me for password which it won't accept, and I get a ADDriverStoreAccessNonLocalException when trying to use the online Outlook web application. I found some instructions about updating my primary logon alias, so I set up *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and configured that up a my primary alias. This got me access to my email via Outlook.com only. At this point I should have probably quit while I was ahead...

...but alas, I tried to see if resetting the primary alias back to *** Email address is removed for privacy *** would work, which it didn't, and the system now won't let me revert to the second alias I used (apparently I need to "try again next week" as a couple of alias switches is deemed quite enough for now). While the thought of being without email for a week is actually quite refreshing, I'm not sure my business would agree. Any help would be really, really (really) appreciated.



je n'arrive pas à connecter mon nouvel iPhone avec iTunes sous windows 10. iTunes me propose d'installer une version 12.5 ou sup, et à l'installation , j'ai un message 'erreur m'indiquant que le package windows installer ne convient pas.

merci d'avance pour une aide.

Surface Hub wireless casting


Hi All,

we just installed an 84" Surface Hub, updated to the latest Windows 10 Creators Update.

I'm trying to project wirelessly through Miracast, I have Windows 10 laptops.

On the laptop side, Ctrl+K is working fina and I can see the Surface Hub is the list of wireless displays.

The thing I do not get is that, whether connected to office WiFi or to an ad-hoc link with the Surface Hub, the display should provide me with a PIN code to be able to first couple the casting laptop.

Though the "Connect" screen on the Hub is just reading "Ready for incoming connections..."

Either with or without the specific admin setting to require a PIN for wireless screen casting, the "Connect" screen is not providing any.

Best regards,

How do I unblock mcafee


Respected sir/madam,I bought my laptop in march 2017 and I got mcafee antivirus for 1 year. Initially it was working fine but now from few days its not working. Whenever I try to open it, it just do not opens, I went to mcafee site to solve this problem and they gave a link to download a file. I downloaded that but whenever I try to open that file it showa a message that "This publisher has been blocked from running software on this computer". Please help me I really need to unblock this antivirus in my laptop.

Bandeja de entrada única


Puedo tener una única bandeja de entrada para todas mis cuentas?

Anunciamos a atualização de junho do Office Insider – Modo Lento do Office para área de trabalho do Windows


Olá, Insiders.

Acabamos de lançar a versão 1706, uma visualização da atualização de recursos de junho para os assinantes do Office 365. Para instalar a atualização, abra um aplicativo e clique em Arquivo > Conta > Opções de Atualização > Atualizar Agora

Detalhes da versão

Aqui está tudo que você precisa saber. 

  • Lançamento: 14 de junho de 2017
  • Versão: versão 1706 (build 8229.2041)
  • Plataforma:área de trabalho do Windows
  • Descrição: atualização de recursos de junho (visualização)
  • Recursos: Novidades para Office Insiders

Recursos adicionais

Lumia 950 american dollars store and text reader

Can anyone help, I'm uk based but my Lumia 950 text readers voice has changed to an American ladies voice? Anyone know how to change it? Also when I go to the store all the prices are in American?? Want uk £'s

Checking for a repeated value in a row



I am trying to check if a row of values contains any repeated values. I tried to use =mode.sngl(string) but when the string does not contain any repeated values, I get a value N/A result.

Is there another way to check? Bottom line is, I do NOT want a repeated value.

Account suspended, recovery limit exceeded



Today, my work e-mail account was suspended for "sending a lot of e-mails", which I assume they mean spam. When I try to recover it, it says "usage limit exceeded, wait for tomorrow". The issue being that not only do I not send e-mails through that account, it's simply a dummy so I can have a different login for Skype, so as to keep work and leisure separate.

And the bigger issue is: because I work from home, and have 3 interviews to conduct today, I can't afford to have Skype pulling this on me. I have no means of investigating my own account to see if I got indeed hacked and need to come up with a new one. If I can't solve this issue in the next hour or so, that's 3 interviews down the drain, and considering what I've seen reported here, it might be every single interview I have this week down the drain as well, since apparently the "wait for tomorrow" part of the recovery feature never comes.

Is there anyone I can contact, at all, for an emergency of this kind?

branché pas en charge



J'ai un PC portable Samsung Notebook 305U de décembre 2011, qui a toujours très bien marché malgré de nombreux voyages, la batterie a toujours bien tenu,. Je l'ai passé sous Windows 10 il y a 2 ans, sans problème. Et puis subitement ce weekend, en le débranchant, il s'éteint immédiatement. En le redémarrant branché, il indique au niveau de la batterie (en bas à droite) xx% disponibles (branché, pas en charge). Le chiffre au début était à 80%, il est descendu petit à petit au fil des essais et démarrage à son niveau actuel de 7%.

J'ai tout vérifié et tout essayé ce que j'ai pu trouver sur internet (appuyer sur la touche marche arrêt pendant 40 secondes...), mais rien n'a fonctionné. J'ai trouvé que le cas de Alain Guyader posté sur la Community le 22 octobre 2016 est très semblable au mien, mais malheureusement, il ne semble pas avoir été résolu.

A noter que parallèlement à ce problème, le WiFi reste désactivé même si je l'active dans Paramètres. Les 2 problèmes peuvent-ils être liés? Encore une fois, cet ordinateur marchait encore parfaitement il y encore 2 jours.

Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider?



[求助] Excel中如何判断某列相同数据所对应的另一列数据是否也相同?


Объявление об июньском обновлении Office для компьютеров с Windows в рамках программы "Предварительная оценка — поздний доступ"



Мы только что выпустили версию 1706 — предварительную версию июньского обновления компонентов для подписчиков Office 365. Чтобы установить это обновление, откройте приложение и выберите элементы Файл > Учетная запись > Параметры обновления >Обновить

Подробные сведения о выпуске

Здесь приведена вся необходимая информация. 

Дополнительные ресурсы

Unable to save phone numbers as Skype contacts anymore:-(



I'm using the latest version of Android and the latest version of Skype there. 

In Skype I don't use it to call Skype contacts,  only US based landline numbers. I bought USA Unlimited plan and  use to call my US based friends to call to. 

In  earlier Skype version I was able to save the phone numbers I call a lot as my Skype contacts. In the new version of Skype I can't find this feature anymore. So please advise me as how to save the phone number as my Skype contact. 

Thank you 

Cells contains a text - "^" appears in the cell



On my computer, when a cells contains a text, the text is preceded by a ' character.

The same file on another computer shows the character ^ instead of ', but only for some cells.

So, it seems to be related to both the computer and the cell format. But I can't find out how to specify that. I always would like to have '.

Thanks for your help.

WSUS server can't find domain clients



I have WSUS server on windows server 2012 r2

i added the server configuration, the client side targeting and the server info on domain PC by GPO and the same values on stand alone PC by gpedit

the problem is WSUS server can't see the domain PC but the others PCs updating from it very good

this is the windows update log on the client side :

2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU    ###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU      # WSUS server:
2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU      # Detection frequency: 22
2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU      # Target group: group_test
2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU      # Approval type: Pre-install notify (Policy)
2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU      # Auto-install minor updates: No (User preference)
2017-06-19    13:31:14:270     900    4cc    AU      # Will interact with non-admins (Non-admins are elevated (User preference))
2017-06-19    13:31:15:879     900    4cc    Report    ***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
2017-06-19    13:31:15:879     900    4cc    Report      * OS Version = 6.1.7600.0.0.65792
2017-06-19    13:31:15:879     900    4cc    Report      * OS Product Type = 0x00000030
2017-06-19    13:31:15:942     900    4cc    Report      * Computer Brand = Microsoft Corporation
2017-06-19    13:31:15:942     900    4cc    Report      * Computer Model = Virtual Machine
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    Report      * Bios Revision = 090006
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    Report      * Bios Name = BIOS Date: 05/23/12 17:15:53  Ver: 09.00.06
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    Report      * Bios Release Date = 2012-05-23T00:00:00
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    Report      * Locale ID = 1033
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    AU    Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    AU    Initializing featured updates
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    AU    Found 0 cached featured updates
2017-06-19    13:31:15:957     900    4cc    AU    Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2017-06-19    13:31:15:973     900    4cc    AU    Successfully wrote event for AU health state:0
2017-06-19    13:31:15:973     900    4cc    AU    AU finished delayed initialization
2017-06-19    13:31:16:020     900    414    PT    WARNING: PTError: 0x80072ee6
2017-06-19    13:31:16:020     900    414    PT    WARNING: Initialization failed for Protocol Talker Context: 0x80072ee6
2017-06-19    13:31:16:020     900    414    Report    WARNING: Reporter failed to upload events with hr = 80072ee6.
2017-06-19    13:31:16:020     900    414    PT    WARNING: PTError: 0x80072ee6
2017-06-19    13:31:16:020     900    414    PT    WARNING: Initialization failed for Protocol Talker Context: 0x80072ee6
2017-06-19    13:31:16:020     900    414    Report    WARNING: Reporter failed to upload events with hr = 80072ee6.
2017-06-19    13:31:21:395     900    414    Report    CWERReporter finishing event handling. (00000000)

and this is the result of WSUS Client Diagnostics Tool:

Checking Machine State

Checking for admin rights to run tool.........PASS

Automatic Updates Service is running........PASS

Background Intelligent Transfer Server is running........PASS

GetFileVersion(szEngineDir,&susVersion) failed with hr=0x80070002

The system cannot find the file specified

any help????

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