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Re: Permission to Use this App Error Message in Windows 8 Camera

I can't find the settings where I'm suppose to change the permission settings of my Windows 8 Camera. I'm using a Toshiba Satellite laptop. Most of the instructions I'm seeing online is that whenever you go to the Settings tab, there will be an option to turn on the Permission settings. I don't have option in my laptop, as you can see on my screenshot. Is there any other way for me to access this?

OneDrive app icon keeps disappearing from my taskbar


I found a thread dealing with this.  #1 The advice must be applicable to yesterday's pre-patch, pre-fix, pre-update, kind-of-latest version of the poorware.  The forum absolute;y would not let my reply to it.

I noticed two icons for OneDrive in File Explorer: A white cloud and a "cloud outline over a folder" icon.  When I click on the latter, nothing happens.  Nothing.  The White cloud used to be on my taskbar AND in file explorer.  I guess the heat here has made it dissolve from my PC.  This is whether I am logged in logged in twice, or not logged in at all.

The advice given was: 

Lets turn on the setting by following the below steps and check if it helps:

a. Right click the Show Hidden Icons arrow, click Properties NOT THERE!

b. In the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties NOT THERE  dialog box, click the Customize… NOT THERE  button next to Notification area

c. In NOTIFICATIONS & ACTIONS settings, click Select which icons appear on the taskbar

d. Scroll down and turn on Microsoft OneDrive NOT THERE

Click the big X in the upper right corner to exit the window and check if OneDrive icon appears in the taskbar.

Still no cloud on my taskbar.

confusing homegroup issues.

So my desktop was set up as the hub of a homegroup a few months ago. I've since moved and and looking to reset up my homegroup. However, When i go into the homegroup settings, it says that i have already created a homegroup on this network, from this current PC. It asks me to enter a password, however when i enter the password again, it pops up saying that there is currently no home group on this network, and to click ok to set one up, but it keeps bringing me back to the join now screen. is there any way i can force my computer to remove the homegroup? there is no leave homegroup button, and i can't join it to force myself out, the only options are join now and close.

camera does not work after loading windows 10

Camera does not work after loading windows 10. Device Manager reports everything working fine. But the app does not show up in startup

Windows Media Player 12


I am using Windows Media Player 12 on a Windows 7 OS. When I rip a CD to WMP, it initially works as it should, creating the music data in WMP and creating a CD album entry in my Music System Folder.

The problem: Sometimes when I want to go back and play a CD album via WMP 12, there are some songs missing for a particular CD album previously ripped (this could months after the initial rip). 

So the Music system folder is not corrupted; just the WMP database.

I have tried to add the missing songs back into WMP using the Music files in the music system folder via the drop-down menu option when one right-clicks the actual song: "Add to Windows Media Player list". All this seems to accomplish is opening WMP, and playing the song. It shows in WMP's right navigation panel (the one with tabs "Play, Burn, Sync").

But don't see it back in the WMP database, nor can I copy/move it into the song list for the CD album showing in WMP from the PLAY tab.

Not even sure if a reload of WMP's database would work. But even if so, that is a long, tedious hassle as WMP messes with all the individual CD albums metadata that takes days to re-edit.

Is there a way to fix the WMP's database, using the Music system folder's individual songs (my music files are 99% .WAV files) to update just the missing songs? I know re-ripping the particular CD will do this, and it only re-rips the missing songs. But this gets to also be a hassle, especially if I sold, or can't locate the original CD.


i got reported and account got suspended for unfair reasons

Hey i was playing a kid in myteam on Xbox live and my timer ran out and I was trying to message him saying put more time on and it autocorrected to pussy and he reported me and got my account suspended can you please reset it it was honestly an accident. Ive had an account with you guys for almost 10 years and I've never gotten suspended or reported for an actual offense before. please get back to me asap me and my friends are about to start a 2k online league playoff. This was truly an accident I'm a student at FSU and never been in trouble in school or with the law and don't get bad grades. What can I do to get this cleared ASAP?

actualización a nuevo skype...¿me faltó algo?

Mo quise poner como predeterminado el MSN ni el buscador Bing...¿eso fue un error o no tiene nada qué ver que mis videollamadas son pésimas o simplemente no puedo llamar o recibir videollamadas? Ayudaaaaaaaaa! Cada que se actualiza esto es un CAOS

Since upload of windows 10 my Wi-Fi stopped working and when plug in Wi-Fi keeps cutting off and on never had this problem before.

He creado muchas cuentas en outlook.

He creado bastantes cuentas en outlook todas con la misma contraseña el problema es el correo no me acuerdo de bastantes de hecho he anotado algunas cuentas pero todavia no logro encontrar una forma de encontrar el correo electronico de estas cuentas si alguien me puede ayudar se lo agradeceria mucho! Gracias.

Google being sneaky - "MSN Account closure page" is the first result when you google "MSN My Account"


Google being sneaky - "MSN Account closure page" is the first result when you google "MSN My Account". I almost clicked continue on it. I wonder if they got some people to close MSN account with this trick.

Get them to fix it before you guys lose customers

PS: Maybe my tin foil hat is showing, or maybe Google being Google.


Здравствуйте хотел скачать приложения а тут его нет как быть называется Minses



日本語入力で 例えば





Problems with making Skype calls and receiving Skype calls


Good day,


                 I am still having troubles with making and receiving Skype calls. I am getting no notifications when any of my contacts call neither am I receiving any. Additionally I am even unable to make calls to Skype's echo sound test. This problem has been persistent for about a month. Therefore I am asking to please rectify this problem as soon as possible.

Skype freezes entire laptop

I just purchased a new HP Pavilion x360 and the Sky Preview, which is installed, freezes up. When it does the entire laptop is frozen and the only way to get out of skype is to push the power button, which shuts the laptop down. What is the solution?

~How to assign Edge to a file type ? ~


~How to assign Edge to a file type ? ~

Is there a way to assign Edge to open a file type ?






修复中期 之后也是这样。


Fail to sign in Skype For Business Mac


I can't log in Skype for Business on Mac Sierra 10.12, but Lync for mac 2011 works fine.

I've tried clean uninstallation Lync for mac 2011, and unchecked auto detect then add 'https://webdir.online.lync.com:443/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root' to advance option, both not work.

But I can sign in Skype for Business on my Win10 virtual machine. (via parallel desktop)

The log shows below:


2017-06-19 02:31:46.927 0000700001691000 INFO UTILITIES COsInformation.mm:378 User UI language identifier zh-Hant was mapped to zh-HK 1028
2017-06-19 02:31:46.928 0000700001691000 INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp:155 Received response of request(UcwaAutoDiscoveryRequest) with status = S_OK (S0-0-0)
2017-06-19 02:31:46.928 0000700001691000 INFO TRANSPORT TransportUtilityFunctions.cpp:1115 <ReceivedResponse>
GET https://webdir.online.lync.com/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root?sipuri=sip:*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Request Id: 0x7ff59fc49850
HttpHeader:Cache-Control no-cache
HttpHeader:Content-Length 318
HttpHeader:Content-Type application/vnd.microsoft.rtc.autodiscover+xml; v=1
HttpHeader:Date Mon, 19 Jun 2017 02:31:46 GMT
HttpHeader:Expires -1
HttpHeader:Pragma no-cache
HttpHeader:StatusCode 404
HttpHeader:User-Agent SfBForMac/16.6.333.0000 (Mac OSX 10.12.0)
HttpHeader:X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
HttpHeader:x-ms-client-request-id d4e98dd9-d2af-4958-a14b-fd5cc8a64f6a
HttpHeader:X-MS-Correlation-Id 210c5ca5-77da-42ce-89be-a0ef5b74e84f
HttpHeader:X-MS-Server-Fqdn SG20F00EDG04.infra.lync.com

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><AutodiscoverResponse xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><Reason><Code>ResourceNotFound</Code><Subcode>HomePoolNotFound</Subcode><Message>Domain is not known or not found.</Message></Reason></AutodiscoverResponse>
2017-06-19 02:31:46.928 0000700001691000 INFO TRANSPORT CHttpRequestProcessor.cpp:240 Sending event to main thread for request(0x9fc49850)
2017-06-19 02:31:46.928 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp:825 Req. completed, Stopping timer.
2017-06-19 02:31:46.929 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp:1453 Received autodiscovery response with status E_ResourceNotFound (E2-3-32)
2017-06-19 02:31:46.929 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryService.cpp:1393 Raising Autodiscovery event with status (E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)) for eventType (0) AD in progress (0), NL in progress (0)
2017-06-19 02:31:46.929 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CClientTelemetryProvider.cpp:401 Sending telemetry to ARIA for type(failed_request) signatureName() errorCode(S_OK (S0-0-0)) description() [viz]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.929 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CClientTelemetryProvider.cpp:401 Sending telemetry to ARIA for type(SignInAutoDiscoveryEnd) signatureName() errorCode(E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)) description() [viz]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.929 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryServiceRetrialWrapper.cpp:389 Received event for type 0 with status E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)
2017-06-19 02:31:46.930 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAutoDiscoveryServiceRetrialWrapper.cpp:468 Raising Autodiscovery event with status E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7) for eventType 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.930 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp:791 Received auto-discovery event while in state IsAutoDiscovering with errorCode E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)
2017-06-19 02:31:46.930 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcwaAppSession.cpp:1145 setNewActualState() IsAutoDiscovering -> IsStopped [viz]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.930 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CApplication.cpp:4240 Aggregated state changed from IsSigningIn to IsSignedOut [viz]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.930 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CCertificateProvisioningService.cpp:550 Clearing certificate from transport: 4d82d9c8-0fb1-4ef7-b227-344279935e5a
2017-06-19 02:31:46.930 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CClientTelemetryProvider.cpp:401 Sending telemetry to ARIA for type(SignInEnd) signatureName() errorCode(E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)) description() [viz]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.931 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CAlertReporter.cpp:64 Alert received! Category 1, Type 201, level 0, error E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7), context '', hasAction=false
2017-06-19 02:31:46.931 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CTransportRequestRetrialQueue.cpp:735 Response received for req. GET-UnauthenticatedRootGetRequest(0x7ff59fc49850): E_ResourceNotFound (E2-3-32) (RemoteNetworkPermanentError); Done with req.; Stopping resend timer
2017-06-19 02:31:46.931 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO UI AuthorizationManager.swift:85 Authorization state changed from SigningIn to SignedOut
2017-06-19 02:31:46.933 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO UI TracingTelemetryLogger.swift:9 Telemetry Service: AuthorizationStateChanged with Attributes: ["SignInCorrelationId": "049F0684-6694-4441-A666-3D61A0D66DD8", "NewState": "IsSignedOut", "LastState": "IsSigningIn"]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.934 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO UI TracingTelemetryLogger.swift:9 Telemetry Service: SignInFinished with Attributes: ["SignInCorrelationId": "049F0684-6694-4441-A666-3D61A0D66DD8", "FinishedInState": "SignedOut", "LastAlertErrorCode": "None", "Canceled": "false", "InitiationPoint": "SignInButton", "DurationMs": "69151", "ErrorCode": "E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)"]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.934 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CClientTelemetryProvider.cpp:401 Sending telemetry to ARIA for type(UITelemetryEvent) signatureName(ui_sign_in_finished) errorCode(S_OK (S0-0-0)) description() [viz]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.936 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.936 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.936 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.936 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.936 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.937 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.937 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CUcmpMeetingsManager.cpp:966 queryCapability fails. Actual State 0
2017-06-19 02:31:46.937 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO UI TracingTelemetryLogger.swift:9 Telemetry Service: AlertRaised with Attributes: ["AlertType": "AutoDiscoveryAlert", "NotificationDomain": "Sign In", "ErrorCode": "E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)", "Description": "AutoDiscovery Root Url Not Found"]
2017-06-19 02:31:46.938 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO APPLICATION CAlertReporter.cpp:118 Alert cleared of Category 1, Type 201, cleared 1 alerts
2017-06-19 02:31:46.938 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO UI AlertController.swift:56 Ignoring silent alert event with message: 無法將您登入。請檢查您的登入資訊,然後再試一次。如果問題持續發生,請聯絡您的支援小組。
2017-06-19 02:31:46.946 00007fffad6a23c0 WARNING UI AuthorizationManager.swift:200 Ignoring error 'AutoDiscovery Root Url Not Found' from alert domain 'Sign In'
2017-06-19 02:31:46.946 00007fffad6a23c0 INFO UI TracingTelemetryLogger.swift:9 Telemetry Service: AlertRaised with Attributes: ["AlertType": "AutoDiscoveryAlert", "NotificationDomain": "Sign In", "ErrorCode": "E_AutoDiscoveryRootUrlNotFound (E3-6-7)", "Description": "AutoDiscovery Root Url Not Found"]

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Windows 10 mobile apps installed on SD card

I had several apps installed on my SD card and I don't have it with me. So, all those SD card apps are marked as 'unavailable' . I can't uninstall them or reinstall them, store says "repair app" but it doesn't work. I tried manual installation also but no luck.  

Trusted Installer


I have some old blank files i cannot delete because I need permission from trusted installer to delete them. The creators update ran successfully. I think anything before that should be easily deleted and since  its our pcs etc something should be done with all this hassle.

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