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windows live mail

Vorrei sapere come conservare la posta ivi comprese le cartelle personali di archiviazione per eliminare e poi reinstallare windows live mail che mi sta dando dei problemi. Inoltre avendo acquistato windows 10 c'è una versione maggiormente compatibile. Grazie

PowerShell ISE stuck in loading screen


Every time I'm away from the location where my mapped (to S:\) network drive is located (and thus inaccessible), the PowerShell ISE stalls in the "Loading..." screen.

The profile.ps1 never gets a chance to run because the PowerShell ISE never escapes from the Loading... screen.

The normal PowerShell prompt works fine, but I doesn't provide all the nice features of the PowerShell ISE, so I would like to find a way to get the PowerShell ISE to work when I'm away from the physical location where the mapped network drive works.

If I remember to unmap the network drive before I leave that location, everything is fine.  It's when I forget to unmap the drive prior to shutting down and moving to a different location that this problem rears its ugly head.

It's as if the PowerShell ISE is trying to access the underlying UNC \\whatever\something\ even though there is no hope of doing so if I'm physically away from the location where that UNC exists.

Is there some way to fix this issue that doesn't involve reinstalling Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit?

Window 10 Email / Calendar not syn between laptop and phone

I have Window 10 on Phone and Laptop but the Email and Calendar will not syn between these devices. Phone error code 0x80072ee7.      I use Outlook and it's the most up to date version. Any clues please ?

Set up your Microsoft account on your devices (specifically my decrepit but beloved 2007 Windows HP Pavilion Slimline)


Hello MS community,
Quick question (I hope).  I bought two Pavilion detachables last year and signed up for the Microsoft account to connect both of them.

So I decided to try it with my HP Slimline with Windows 2007.  When I log into my Microsoft account, under Devices, there is an option that states, "Set up your Microsoft account on your devices" with the stated promise "Whatever devices you have, getting your Microsoft account started is simple - setup takes a few easy steps."

  1. Select the device type you want to set up your account on: I choose PC
  2. Select the operating system (OS) the device runs on:  I choose Windows
  3. Make sure your device is running the latest version of Windows:  I checked and it shows Windows 7 Premium
  4. Sign in with your Microsoft account.  Select the Start button, then select Settings > Accounts > Email & app accounts.  Under Accounts used by other apps, select Add a Microsoft account.  

Follow the prompts to add your Microsoft account. You may need to verify your identity by entering a confirmation code.

Your local account will switch to your Microsoft account. The next time you sign in to Windows, use your Microsoft account name and password. Your apps and files will not be affected.

I don't get step 4.  Is it because I have Windows 7, not Windows 10?  I go to Start and type in Settings - a bajillion choices shows up.

Am I missing the obvious?  Or am I right about the Windows 7 vs. Windows 10 difference?

Thank you in advance for any feedback!

Identical queries: One is fast, the other slow


I have a issue with identical queries: One is slow and the other is fast. My problem was discussed in another forum (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/38ce261b-f128-4e6c-b359-9301f993abb1/identical-queries-one-is-fast-the-other-slow?forum=accessdev), but I did not get a real answer, just a way to circumvent the problem. The sloooow query could be made fast (I found out) e.g. by changing the name of one of the tables that are referenced by the query!

This is not very satisfactory because from now on, whenever I have a query that does not respond in a second I'll be suspicious that I again have met the problem and perhaps could drastically improve the query by making some random/unknown change.

For more information on the problem, follow the above link.

In the other forum I hoped that someone from Microsoft would have taken responsibility of the problem that I tend to call an error in Access - of course they have to be aware of the problem. Therefore, I try to reach out for Microsoft in this forum, too.

Best regards,


for the phone complaint


thithis is the picture

Hai, I am ajil my phone lock with password is not possible to activate

What to do? Can you give me your advise

So can you tell me about what I do via mail *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

윈도우10 파일탐색기에 D드라이브만 없음


d드라이브 넣고싶어요

-바로가기에 넣는거말고

Bestanden van Word en Excel openen


Hoe kan het dat ik Word of Excel bestanden die ik via de mail krijg. Voorheen gewoon kon openen en sinds een tijdje niet meer. Ik krijg de melding in beeld "... kan niet geopend worden omdat er een probleem is met de inhoud." Herstellen helpt ook niet. De afzenders nu maar gevraagd een oudere versie naar me te mailen. Erg vervelend. Zou update van Windows 10 er vorig jaar mee te maken kunnen hebben? Toen was mijn internet/ netwerk er ook af.


настройки TCP/IP для wi-fi-адаптера


Здравствуйте! Имеет ли какое-то значение параметр настройки Включить NetBios через TCP/IP в этом меню (см. снимок экрана)? Это каким-то образом улучшает работу интернет-соединения при использовании wi-fi-адаптера? Спасибо.






text runs off page and ingnores margin sitting


I am not sure I my dogs hit on my mac but now when I try to write a letter in word ( Mac Pro) my text run off the page. I have google suggestions, I have tried to change the margin, I have tried to slide the blue margin bar back and It will not move. Couple that with me not be total strong  in word just enough to follow good directions and basic stuff,,,,please help 

I can't turn on WIndows Defender

I uninstalled McAfee.  It doesn't appear in apps but there are three McAfee items in programs that I can't get rid of.  Windows Defender won't turn on because it says I have another AV program. 

adobe flash player

je n arrives plus a mettre en marche mon adober flash player windows defender doit l empecher que dois je faire ?? merci


В январе Майкрософт за обслуживание пакетом снял с моей карты оплату несколько раз. Почему. Хочу вернуть деньги что делать?


hola mi laptop parpadea solamente cuando pongo y quito el cargador o cuando esta sin cargador despues de una hora de uso mas o menos comienza a parpadear que puedo hacer gracias

Update for version 1607 never goes through and always stops at 76%



I have been trying to update to the Anniversary Update for a few days now, but have gotten stuck on 75% and 76% every time. I'll just make a list below of what I have tried first. I have however never gotten an error or error code explaining what goes wrong either, except a message from Windows when it is reverted back to the previous version telling me it "couldn't complete the download, click to try again". I also can't find any errors in the updatelog under Settings>Windows Update>Advanced>Show Updatelog.

What I have tried to make it work:

- After two failed attempts of the update stopping at 75%, giving it between 3 to 6 hours (maybe more) to finish, did I decide to try and go through the recovery process and reinstall windows 10, removing all the drivers, but this time did I keep all my personal files. However, it still got stuck on 75%.

- I then tried to unplug my secondary HDD, leaving me with only my primary HDD, and I also did a full recovery process this time, reinstalling Windows 10 and removing all my drivers and also all my personal files. Why should a completley fresh version of Windows with no installed softwares or addition drivers make the update not work? But this time it started stopping at 76%. I even left it on through the night, but no luck.

- After some more reaserch about what I can try to do, did I now try to unplug all my devices in my desktop. I even went ahead and unplugged my CD-ROM and removed my sound card. Leaving only the graphics card as an additional piece of hardware. I also used the

"Update Assistant for Windows 10" tool from microsoft instead of going through Windows Update this time. This software also reassured me that my computer indeed is capable of installing the update, with enough disk space, ram etc. When I started the update, did I immediately unplug all my other devices, my keyboard and mouse. It still reached 76% and stopped.

- I then tryed again, this time also removing the ethernet cable, leaving only the DVI cable from my graphics card, and the power cable connected. I also left it on for at least 8 hours during the night, but again woke up to my computer stuck on 76%.


Intel i7 960 3.20GHz


Nvidia Geforce GTX 970

Windows 10 Home 64-bit

So what should I do now? Is it just plain impossible to make it work?

It is however the most annoying thing I have ever experienced with anything computer related. If I were to quit now, and just don't download the update, will it have created a lot of new problems instead, as new issues has appeard in the fresh installation while trying to set up the stuff as it was. I will also feel like I have lost to a frickin update, which has instead of improving my Windows 10 experience, has rather ruined it completely.

Thanks to anyone for reading and/or giving a response.



我在使用word打开任何文件(该文件没有问题)时,每次开机后的第一次打开会弹出 很抱歉,word遇到错误,使其无法正常工作,因此需要关闭,是否希望我们立即修复。   点击立即修复 会关闭   点击关闭 则继续弹出问题窗口。

Lumia 650 Reparatur / einschicken - Registrierung nicht möglich



mein Lumia 650 hat einen Defekt:

Das Display geht alle paar Sek. vollständig aus und nach kurzer Zeit wieder an - Videos werden weiter ruckelfrei und mit Ton währendessen abgespielt. Neuste Updates, Rest hier und da wurden gemacht.

Jetzt soll man sein Gerät für die Reparatur registrieren. Ich kann aber nur "Surface, Band oder XBox" wählen. Es gibt keinen Reiter für Mobile Geräte.

Die Imei kann zwar eingegeben werden aber der Button zum fortfahren dann nicht aktiv.

Das Handy ist auch ganz normal in meinem Konto zu sehen.


Diesen Link habe ich bisher benutzt.


Я, хочу получить лицензию от Microsoft

Windows 7,8. or 10


Hey there, 

I'm a university student and I need a Windows from 7 to 10 is there a way to get it by a cheap price or free? 

And if there is a way please tell me.

Thanks in advance. 

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