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what are Windows 10 start-up pictures?


I would like to find out what some of the pictures are on the Windows 10 sign-in screen. At one point, there were descriptions of at least some of them but I don't see any descriptions now.

Can I get the descriptions to appear again? If not, how do I find out what the pictures are?

Cortana search box changed to white color

login to my PC this morning and found the search box changed to white without doing any changes to it and i don't like the color ... how to fix it ?

Android Skype always show connecting and cannot send message out

My mobile phone is Samsung J5 Prime. I use the Android Skype App. Recently, I have some problem in using Skype.

1) The skype always show "it is connecting".

2) I cannot see if anyone is online or not.

3) When I send message, it always show "it is sending". ( At last the message is pending and cannot send out)

Could you help us to solve these problem as soon as possbile?

I know Skype will run a new version for Android Skype and I hope Skype is constantly making progress.



Since the last major update, my computer will not stay in sleep mode. I noticed in the morning that it was not sleeping. It can be put manually into sleep but after a few minutes it wakes up. I made no changes, so what did the update change and how do I figure out what is waking the computer.

fresh paint


mi lumia dejo de cargar hace unos días, me acerque al centro de ayuda al comprado donde mi garantia esta disponible y no se hicieron cargo, me dijeron que no podían enviar mi teléfono al servicio técnico. conseguí cargar la batería, funciono bien durante el dia, pasadas aproximadamente 4 hs de uso se apago y no volvió a encender, presiono el botón de encendido y no sucede nada.
Requiero ayuda Urgente.

Licencia Windows 10


En mi notebook tenía instalado windows 7 de fabrica. Hice el upgrade a Windows 10. 

El disco se rompio y lo cambie. La licencia que esta la maquina esta borrosa.

Como puedo hacer para obtener la licencia windows 10 que tenía instalada?

App Setting Up status



After I login to Portal, some apps are displaying Setting up... message. I'm waiting for it about 2 days. How I can solve it ? You can view the screenshot for details.


Actualización de windows 10 a la ultima versión


Hola, quiera saber quien me puede ayudar con esta duda que tengo. Bueno, e intentado actualizar mi windows 10 versión 10240 a la mas reciente 15063, primero lo intente con el asistente pero no funciona, nunca descarga todo y la unica vez que lo hizo se prujo un error y volvio a descargar. 

Ahora estoy intentando actualizar la herramienta de creación de medios de microsoft, ya tengo la imagen ISO pero la descargue utilizando la opcion "descargar para otro ordenador " y seleccione archivo ISO con la configuración recomendada para este equipo. Lo descargue y ya lo tengo. Mi pregunta es devi descargarlo utilizando la opcion "actualizar este quipo" o ya no importa si tengo la imagen ISO y en ese caso ¿ahora que devo hacer con la imagen ISO para actualizar mi pc? 

Access to Onedrive files

I've been getting the message: "Onedrive can't transfer files right now. Please try again later"  Is this just a temporary problem as it has lasted for a while now?

media creation tool

If I upgrade my windows to 10pro from apirated windows 8pro.Am I get thereal windows 10pro

mise à jour de Windows update

Depuis la dernière mise à jour de Windows (update) je suis donc en version 1703. Tout pourrait aller sauf un petit problème lié à l'écran de veille. Celui-ci se met normalement en route mais il est impossible d'en sortir. aucune action sur le clavier ou la souris permet d'en sortir. La seule solution consiste a appuyer sur la touche de mise en marche dont la fonction mise en veille a été choisi dans les paramètres d'alimentation.

После обновления Window 10 до версии 1703 DVD-ROM перестал видеть диски

После обновления Window 10 до версии 1703 DVD-ROM перестал видеть диски на ноутбуке ASUS N750JV. Подскажите в чем проблема? Тип привода HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GU71N! Заранее спасибо

EXCEL has suddenly started saying it's an unlicensed product . . .


How do I fix this please? 

Thanks in advance for any replies.

Microsoft Treasure Hunt Resetting Bug

Hey there, is there anything I can do about the resetting bug in the game? It has already done so two times when I've permanently bought hearts (5) and upgraded the inventory for the pickax, dynamite and the map quite a bit (up till 20). I'm about to give up on it but still really want to play it. I just have been playing it normally and something it just disconnects, and then once I log in again its back to square one. I've already ran the app check as recommends in the other forum replies but to no avail. I'm fully updated on Windows 10, and all the other feedback seems to be outdated. Can this be fixed, please? Thanks 

Access Date Input In Queries #dd/mm/yyyy# or #mm/dd/yyyy#?



It's for the first time that I am in mid of resolving a bunch of complex access queries in resolving which, I have found that the same involve dates being hard-coded.

Since February 2017 I have started generating the monthly reports but most probably inserting such dates in an incorrect format.

For the sake of finding out and resolving the said matter, when I checked a query like:

SELECT #31/12/2017# AS Expr1, #12/31/2017# AS Expr2, #1/12/2017# AS Expr3, #12/1/2017# AS Expr4;

the shocking result I found was:

31/12/2017, 31/12/2017, 12/1/2017, 1/12/2017

In other words the 12/31/2017 automatically switched to 31/12/2017 while the other two remained to be the same!


Can't find the Reactivate Skype Credit


Dear team,

My Skype credit is deactivated. I am not able to find the link to reactivate my credit. Any idea?


Intercambio español por ingles



Mi nombre es María y estoy estudiando ingles me gustaría contactar con personas para intercambiar mi español por su ingles.

No se muy muy bien como funciona esto así que si alguien me ayudara estaria muy agradecida.


estou com um pequeno problema

nao estou conseguindo estala movier maker no meu computador o que eu faço 

Синий экран смерти после выбора в биосе режима производительности "Оптимальный"


Постоянно вылетает синий экран смерти после того как включаю режим "оптимальный" в биосе. Он может появляться так и при обычной работе в браузере, так и при игре, а если выставить режим "обычный" то все работает нормально, без вылетов. Причем коды ошибок при каждом вылете всегда меняются. В чем пробема? Прирост фпс в играх этот режим дает значительный, а поиграть никак не получается из за этого синего экрана 

Подскажите, как мне решить эту проблему, мат плата asus p8 z77 vlx

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