Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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whatsapp kann nicht installiert werden

kann whats app nicht auf meinem Lumia 64o nicht installieren

voix de robot



je viens de changer d' ordinateur et j' ai installer Skype.

Et quand je lance un appel ou vidéo cela fait une voix de robot et je ne comprend pas la personne avec lequel je discute obligé d' écrire ou de passer sur mon téléphone.

Pourriez vous m' aider à rétablir ceux ci ?


windows updates

i am trying to update my laptop its say windows is not allowed to update,not sure wrong with it can you help .i am using hp Pavilion g4 windows 7



Det er stadig svært at nå herind til community. Har måttet ændre kode flere gange for at blive lukket ind.

Min Office-pakke udløber i august og jeg har fået mail om at jeg kan forlænge gratis med 1 måned.

Hvad sker der efterfølgende? Hvad er jeres erfaring? Hvad skal jeg vælge? Hvad vælger andre?

Hvilke muligheder er der for at bevare Word?

Tak for jeres svar.

K. Pedersen

new epson printer not installed yet ink cartridges not going in


I have a new epson printer not installed yet. i cannot get ink cartridges in

Laptops With OEM Windows version of Home Edition



In My Business I have 6 Laptops Which is having Valid Licences OEM Windows Home Edition Activated, Is it illegal to use Valid Windows Home Edition versions in my office?


Krishna M

using office outlook with emails saved from windows live mail


I exported my "windows live emails and contacts" from a windows 7 computer to folders on an external drive.

I will be getting a new windows 10 computer with office installed. I will be setting up my isp based pop3 email accounts in outlook. I'm assuming I can , if not please let me know!

So my main question is this: How do I get those saved emails and contacts into outlook? 

Is there an import function and will outlook recognize those files?

I already know that there is no import function built into windows 10 "mail" so that is why I hope I can continue my email practices  in Outlook.

Thank you in advance for any help!


various boot error messages

some days ago I noticed that my recovery partitions were way too many, so, I had the terrific idea to delete them, laptop wouldn't boot, so I restored mbr and efi partition (260mb), but after that I tried to create a new backup from acronis and noticed that it did it using sector-by-sector mode, which meant there was something wrong with my disc(s) and/or boot,

I run an acronis report and noticed these error messages: "File record corrupted" (disc) and "invalid partition table/error loading operating system/missing operating system" (mbr) and "bootmgr is compressed" (disc) the relevant acronis post is here: https://forum.acronis.com/forum/acronis-true-image-2017-forum/backup-size-different-windows-compared-boot-time

when trying to open recovery command prompt I got error message: "There is an invalid object in the Boot Configuration Data Store Error Code 0xc0000024"

I loaded from a windows 8 dvd, both from legacy and uefi, in the 1st case I got "requested system device cannot be found" from bootrec /rebuildbcd and in the 2nd, both scanos & rebuildbcd returned: "total identified windows installations 0" I also followed these steps from here (I found them in other sites as well): https://superuser.com/questions/460762/how-can-i-repair-the-windows-8-efi-bootloader but errors refuse to go away..

Can someone help?

Thanks in advance.

edit: I forgot to tell you that besides these error messages, windows boot fine each and every time, no issue whatsoever so far with them..

Drucker wird nicht erkannt


Der Drucker wird nach Windows 8.1 - Neuinstallation nicht als Drucker, sondern nur als sonstiges Gerät erkannt. Druckertreiber ist aktualisiert, trotzdem keine Änderung. Auch Entfernen des Gerätes hilft nicht weiter. Es bleibt bei der Einordnung als sonstiges Gerät.

Problema con Office home 365

Compre una licencia de office home 365, lo instale y funciono bien, pero pasado buen tiempo por error en un procedimiento desinstale el programa, y cuando lo quise instalar nuevamente utilizando la clave del producto, ya no me lo permitió, ya que dicha clave de producto había caducado por haber pasado un año. Todavía se podrá hacer algo para poder nuevamente instalar el programa sin tener que comprar otra licencia?

Windows 10: Cada ciertas horas se desactiva el WIFI, siendo imposible volverlo a activar a menos que se reinicie el equipo.


Buenas tardes,

Les comento mi problema. Hace un par de semanas me instalaron Windows 10 en mi ordenador, fue bien los primeros días pero un día sin tocar nada comenzó el problema por el que os escribo: cada ciertas horas la conexión wifi se desactiva (apareciendo en lugar de el característico icono de conexión wifi activa de la barra de tareas un icono de conexión con un aspa roja) para después no dejar conectarse. De hecho es que ni aparece en “Centro de Redes y recursos compartidos” ni en “Conexiones en Red”. Como me empezó a pasar mínimo dos veces al día, comencé a investigar en vuestros foros. Os comento todos los pasos que he hecho hasta ahora y que no me han solucionado el problema:

1) En “Opciones de energía”, he puesto indistintamente Alto rendimiento y Rendimiento Equilibrado, con la Suspensión selectiva de USB Deshabilitada, y el problema persiste.

2) He desactivado el Protocolo de internet versión 6 (TCP / IPv6), y he activado la opción Obtener dirección IP automáticamente y Obtener la dirección del servidor DNS automáticamente en el Protocolo de internet versión 4 (TCP / IPv4), sin resultados satisfactorios.

3) He metido los siguientes comandos en el CMD de Windows 10, sin obtener resultado:

netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /registerdns

4) He realizado las modificaciones pertinentes en HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi\{eb004a00-9b1a-11d4-9123-0050047759bc}\26, y el problema persiste.

5) He desactivado el Firewall de Windows y todo lo relacionado con ello, y nada.

6) He establecido DNS en el protocolo IPv4 ( y y nada.

7) he mirado a ver si el adaptador de red no estaba actualizado pero si lo está con la última versión.

8) He usado el Solucionador de Problemas de Windows 10 y tampoco soluciona nada.


Así que en estas estamos, desesperado sin saber qué hacer. He leído que es probable que esta clase problema lo origine la última actualización de Windows (Creator upgrade), pero ya no estoy seguro de nada. Un saludo, y gracias por vuestra atención.

PD: Les adjunto dos capturas con los problemas que menciono.

Cortana ancora non apre le app


Buonasera.. ormai da quasi un mese Cortana non apre più le app con il controllo vocale , ma cerca il testo dettato su internet... dato che questa funzionalità era utilissima per persone disabili come me, avrei il bisogno di sapere se e quando verrà rimesso in funzione il servizio.



Can't install Windows Device Recoveryr Tool on Windows 7


I have a strange issue trying to install WDRT to recover my Lumia 640LTE on Windows 7.

After several minutes without any change of the progress bar:

What is going wrong?

I've tried two PCs.

New Skype for android.


What happened to show my contacts online are not? Also what happened to setting my own status (busy, invisible etc). Have those two functionalities decided to not important, so deprecated?.


Microsoft phone A1B2C3 phrase doesn't work properly


Running Microsoft Phone Model: RM-1077

I'm guessing it's a Lumia phone... This is a company phone containing important information that I do not wish to loose via wipe.

About a month ago, I was prompted to put in the standard challenge phrase - A1B2C3. This has happened many times before and after hitting [done] I was presented with my PIN code screen and all worked fine.

Since last time, not so. When I put in the Challenge Phrase I am prompted to enter my PIN and when I do, the keyboard pops up and whatever I do next I am sent back to the Challenge Phrase screen. Thought this may be case sensitive (although it wasn't in the previous occurrences) and I've tried all variations of Upper case/Lower case of the challenge phrase. Of course, done soft resets, including actually removing the battery and letting it sit for a while, nothing works.

Haven't changed my PIN and it is still accepted after every Soft Reset or restart that I try.

I am able to receive calls, thankfully, but cannot get into the phone. The phone is configured with a company outlook profile and settings and I can see email notifications and calendar reminders, but cannot actually get into the phone. Anytime I swipe to open, I'm prompted with the challenge phrase.

I've had this issue several times in the past and it was solved quite easily with a soft reset or it just resolved itself.

Any ideas?

Cobrança Indevida Cartão de Crédito


Bom dia,

Desde março, 04/03; 04/04; 14/04 e 04/06 tem sido feita uma cobrança desconhecida/indevida no cartão de crédito do meu marido de 29,00 com o nome de Microsoft Xbox Office, não fizemos nenhuma compra ou assinatura de algo da microsoft. Gostaria de saber sobre o que se refere essa cobrança, como faço para cancelar e receber o estorno desses valores.

Espero receber uma resposta e solução o mais breve possível.

No aguardo. 

External hard drive


I have a generic external hard drive 500mb and since w10 update it is not showing in any shape or form in device manager or any other source. Nothing

Any suggestions

It has a power light and that comes on when connected

Money99 em Rede

Bom dia. Utilizo o sistema operacional Windows 7 64bits, e gostaria de instalar o MOney99 em rede através do meu servidor. Há como? Att.

Nokia Lumia 635


Bom dia,

Possuo um Nokia Lumia 635 e a tecla de bloqueio e desbloqueio (on/off) do celular estragou. Gostaria de saber como posso fazer para ativar a função de ativar o telefone com o toque duplo neste aparelho? Considerando que os Lumias de versões anteriores possuem esta função. Qual a saída que eu tenho?


SSMS dejo de funcionar al intentar crear un diagrama


tengo un gran problema y es que no puedo crear un diagrama de base de datos con el sql server management studio 17.1 al intentar hacerlo deja de funcionar el programa y se cierra. ayuda :/

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