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Brenda - Touchpad unstable when using Chrome and Volume Behaving Eratic


pls help me resolved the issue on my laptop it acts weird lately whenever i scroll down using chrome it fights back as if it always wanted to go on the top. when im using youtube the volume stays on 100% it will resist whenever i try to lessen its volume and when im opening the start up button i cannot simply select any items on it because it scrolls fast 

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

Current issues with search


I have been having issues with search on Windows in OneNote and thought it might be specific to OneNote only. After rebuilding my index many times I am unable to get Outlook 2016 to return items that I search for on the Outlook search dialogue box.

Clearly this would suggest that the problem is larger than OneNote. I wonder if it might be between the index and search dialogue. And if a range of applications are affected?

Are there current issues with search on the Creators edition of Windows 10 that might explain the behaviour above?


***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

produkt key

Ich habe eine zweite PC,es ist aber blockiert(Windows 8.1 64 bit).Beim fersuch,das System mit USB-stick wieder zu installieren.verlangt wie üblich Produkt key.Der ist aber niergendwo zu finden! Ich habe aber die ID Nr.von diese PC (QDS-BRCM 1079). Kann ich irgendwie mit hilfe von diese ID Nr.,der Produkt key finden? Vielen Dank im voraus!

uninstall Cyberlink

I cannot uninstall Cyberlink Suite Media Essentials from Windows 10.   When I attempt  this thru Apps & Features Uninstall, it instead Installs program!!!     Very frustrating.   Please give me step by step.   For instance I don't know how to stop program if it's running in background...I need details for these steps!!   thanks

Remote Server returned '550 5.1.8 Access denied, bad outbound sender'


I'm having the same issue with one of the users I support.

Can you contact me in private so I can provide you with the information to get the sender unblocked?


My pen isn't working. How can I tell if its the pen or batteries?


I've got a Surface 3. Had it for some years now. Of course it came with a pen which we've not used much at all. We've basically just kept it in the sleeve we got with the Surface.

I've been watching some training videos on OneNote and now realize that pen could easily be quite useful. However, now it doesn't seem to work. The only thing it does do is when I click on the button on the top, it brings up OneNote, but that's it. When I get the pointy end of the pen near the Surface's surface, nothing is reflected there. No indication of any proximity indicator. I've drawn and tried writing, nothing shows up. I've tried erasing, nothing happens.

So, like I said I suspect the issue is with the pen, but its curious that the button to invoke OneNote works, but nothing else does. Bottom line, is this an issue with the battery being low?

changing orientation


Hi All,

I would like to change the orientation of only a few pages (for tables and Appendices) within a larger Word document.

Any advice?



Transfer aktywacji z laptopa Asus na inny laptop Asus



Zakupilem w 2016 laptopa Asus dla syna jednak okazalo sie,ze byla na nim licencja Enterprice Trial, opisana jako 'Windows 10 Home Edition w wersji Enterprice Trial m90 dni', oczywiscie juz sie skonczyla.

I teraz pytanie: na innym /moim/laptopie/tez Asus/ posiadam legalnego Win 10 Pro z legalny, kluczem uzyskanym w drodze partycypacji w Windows Insider.

Poniewaz /z tego,co czytalem na forum licencja uzytkownika jest przenoszalna, licencja na firme /np.Asus/-nie jest.

Jednak tutaj mam tego samego dostawce - chcialbym przekazac synowi na jego laptop klucz Windowsa a u siebie postawic Linuxa/wystarczy do moich aplikacji poza tym to juz nienajnowszy komputer/.

Reasumujac: Jak przeniesc klucz Windows 10 z Windows Insider z jednego laptopa Asus na inny laptop Asus?

Oba sa moja wlasnoscia.

Font Types

I am looking for a Font Type that will help my grandchildren with their writing.  I have seen sheets of letters made purely out of dots that allow the children to see the letter and follow the dotted outline to improve their writing.  Can anybody help me with this.

Using MID, SEARCH, LEN, etc. functions to extract strings of different length, proceeded by particular strings


Hi there,

I've been looking through MID,SEARCH,LEN, etc. tutorials for a while now, but I haven't been able to work out how to use a combination of functions that will let me do what I want, so I'm hoping someone will be able to help out, please...

I have a huge list of items, similar to that shown in column A, below, and I'd like to extract the number of each item into columns B-H.

The problem is that the length of the number preceding the fruit varies, and it's important that I retain the whole length of the number in each case. If anyone could help me with this, I'd be very grateful! I'd only need to see a formula for one cell and I'm pretty sure(ish) I could adapt that for the rest.

20.5 apples, 0.45 pears, 0.34375 bananas, 0.05 satsumas, 0.15625 pineapples0.050.450.343750.50.15625
30.5 grapefruit, 0.45 apples, 0.3125 bananas, 0.05 tangerines, 0.1875 pears0.18750.31250.450.050.5
40.525 bananas, 0.425 apples, 0.525 satsumas0.5250.5250.425

By the way, before anyone asks why I'd need to know about such small fractions of fruit, I've just used these for this example.

Thanks in advance,


Layout Dvorak per l'italiano?


Ciao a tutti, sono Lorenzo.

Da qualche tempo ho scoperto l'esistenza di una alternativa alla tastiera QWERTY, sto parlando del layout Dvorak...

Layout creato dall'americano August Dvorak, progettato per una scrittura veloce e che provochi poco stress alle mani.

Citando Wikipedia"August Dvorak realizzò la sua tastiera studiando la lingua inglese e posizionando le lettere più utilizzate al centro della tastiera. Le lettere premute meno frequentemente sono state spostate all'esterno e le vocali sono state tutte spostate sulla home row (la riga centrale) a sinistra, così da consentire l'alternanza della mano sinistra con quella destra. In questo modo è stato possibile ridurre il movimento delle dita sulla tastiera, arrecando minor stress alle articolazioni e ai muscoli."

Man mano che mi interessavo a questo argomento ho scoperto che la tastiera QWERTY, è stata creata non per avere una scrittura veloce e fluida, che arrechi il minor sforzo possibile ad articolazioni e ai muscoli, ma bensì per non far incastrare tra di loro i martelletti delle macchine da scrivere... E visto che non abbiamo più martelletti dietro la tastiera, perché usare ancora questo layout?

Quindi, dopo aver scoperto tutto questo ho deciso di comprare su Amazon degli adesivi che permettono di vedere i tasti del layout normale della tastiera, quindi trasparenti, ma con sopra le lettere e i simboli del layout Americano Dvorak...

Arrivati gli adesivi, appiccicati sulla tastiera e impostato il layout su Windows 10, mi sono messo a scrivere un po' per vedere come andava...

Dopo una settimana di utilizzo ho notato due cose, una è che dopo poco tempo ci si rende conto che il layout Dvorak è davvero migliore, tranne che per la seconda cosa che ho notato, ossia le lettere accentate...
L'unico difetto della tastiera Dvorak è che è americana, quindi niente lettere accentate... (Infatti questo post l'ho scritto usando il layout QWERTY ITA, per via di Bensì e della è) E ho passato tutto oggi a cercare online un modo per scrivere le lettere accentate... Ma nulla, con questo layout non c'è verso...

Quindi, la domanda è:
È possibile avere su Windows una sorta di "layout Dvorak personalizzato"? Magari creato dalla Microsoft... Anche per far si che la tastiera Dvorak diventi uno standard in modo da avere anche un layout Dvorak italiano...
Visto che basterebbe sostituire tutti i tasti con i simboli del layout americano con i tasti delle lettere accentate del layout italiano...

Windows moving due to other user's windows moving


I have Windows 7 Professional at my work station, but I share my work station with another shift. When I login in the morning, I have to set my windows up the way I want them, across 3 monitors. I work the day with minimal issues, logout and go home, come in the next day and my windows are once again moved. I talked to the guy that comes in after me and he said it happens to him every day I work, so this has to be- me changing my window layout affects his window layout and vice versa.

Is there a setting I can set or change to stop this from happening? I use a macro program so just changing where I want my windows to be – to leaving them where they are when I log in is not that simple. I have over 180 macros set and a lot of them are mouse point specific.

It’s not as easy as asking him to not move the windows around either, as he uses the same program (although he doesn’t have near as many macros as I do).


Please advise-

Outlook 2007


Ich kann neuerdings keine Termine eintragen. Es kommt die Antwort: Nicht implementiert, speichern nicht möglich.

Ebenso lassen sich keine E-Mails mehr abrufen. Antwort ebenfalls: Nicht implementiert.

Skype Ads with audio

I usually have Skype running in the background on my PC, and just a few minutes ago I started hearing a robotic voice talking about .xyz domains or something like that. It only stopped when I closed Skype, so I assume it was an ad inside of Skype. As I said before, Skype was just in the background, so I could not have interacted with the ad in any way, it started up the audio track on its own. Please look into this, as this should not be happening. Security and Privacy might not be the right place, but considering the issue of malware this felt like this is the best place.

sida vid sida konfigurationen felaktig har Win10



Vi har varit i kontakt med varandra tidigare men jag har inte fått något svar som jag kan gå vidare med. Jag har fått flera svar om att ni behöver mer information. Jag kan alltså inte öppna några som helst skickade länkar, kan inte öppna program, nu börjar datorn också att sacka och hänga sig ofta. Jag har försökt med trouble shooter och även windows återställning och en del blev bättre. Då fick jag tillbaka mitt Skype konto, min mail funkar och jag kan också utan bekymmer besöka internet. När jag försöker öppna en länk som ni har skickat till mig så får jag upp följande felmeddelande: Jag kan inte klistra in print screen utan har fått kopiera det i OneNote och sedan dela länken: Print Screen 1/6

Jag vet inte om det fungerar för jag kan inte själv öppna den men det står så här: "Det går inte att öppna https://answers.microsoft.com/thread/a2753331-80db-4fdd-81d1-e49aed36eaee.

Försöker jag öppna Adobe eller en PDF fil  så står det så här: Det går inte att starta programmet eftersom sida vid sida konfiguration är felaktig. Kontrollera händelse logg. C:\Programfiles(x86)\Adobe\Adobe creative cloud\ACC\Creativecloud.se. Jag har försökt kolla händelseloggen men vet inte vad jag ska kolla efter.

Detta började efter en uppdatering och jag har försökt med återställning till tidigare datum och då blev det lite bättre men kan då fortfarande inte öppna ovanstående.

Då jag är beroende av min dator så är jag rädd för att göra något som får den att sluta helt att fungera så därför vill jag veta vad jag ska göra innan jag försöker. Jag har kört alla återställningar som jag har, felsökning och trouble schooter jag har kunnat hitta. Försöker jag uppdatera Win10 så går det inte den startar inte... Jag har rensat datorn på allt i stort sett mina bilder ligger i OneDrop och då kan jag väl hitta dom där om jag måste installera om allt? Jag har heller ingen Windows skiva så jag vet inte vad jag vågar göra... Har fått ett mail av er idag om jag har fått svar på min fråga men kan då inte gå via länken utan har öppnat en ny fråga...

Med vänlig hälsning

Lena Breler

Office 365

Ik heb Office365 en had ook nog een oud OneDrive +50 abonnement. Als ik deze laatste stopzet dan neem ik aan dat de data op mijn OneDrive gewoon beschikbaar blijft omdat ik mijn Onedrive is inbegrepen in mijn Office365 account.

Is it possible to change the domain name in Office 365?


Hi Team,

Could you please provide some insights on whether is it possible to change the domain name in Office 365 platform?

If yes how can we change the domain?

What impact will it have on existing SharePoint,OneDrive for Business & other services URL's we are using?

for ex: if we are having URL as https://spo.abc.com where 'abc' is domain name for customer. What will happen if domain is changed to 'xyz' so URL should be https://spo.xyz.com.

How this will impact to end users?

Really appreciate your support.

Kind Regards,

Akshay Deshpande

SharePoint Lover

Where is my snapshot option?


Just got a new laptop with Windows 10 Pro preinstalled. The integrated Skype doesn't seem to have the snapshot option. I can't find the multitude of options found in previous versions of Skype. Options seem to have been dummied down.

Can anyone tell me how to do snapshots in this version? Can't even find which version it is.


windows um güncellenmiyor


meraba arkadaşlar su anda windows 10 1607 14393 derlemesini kullanıyorum  windows 10 enterprise .

arkadaşim windows 10 pro kullanıyor ve ona Windows 10 1703 geldi bana neden gelmiyor acaba benim bilgisayarımlamı ilgili bir sorun.

windows yukseltme yardımcısını indirdiğimde bu çıkıyor hata veriyor lutfen yardımcı olun..

Asistencia tecnica

Hola: alguien podría decirme como contactar con el servicio técnico de Microsoft.                 Lo he intentado por varias vías y nunca             lo consigo!!
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